At the same time, Gwen saw Peter and Helen leaving and quickly chased after them.

Although I don’t know what happened to the two of them, something unexpected happened that made them leave.


Gwen shot out spider silk from her wrist and chased after Peter in the direction where he disappeared.

Everything that happened tonight was beyond her comprehension.

First, Teacher Helen turned into a person who could use magic and control plants, and then a ferocious but cruel creature appeared inexplicably.

"I'm really confused. Why did I agree to Peter to leave?"

At this time, Gwen felt annoyed in her mind.

The rain in the sky became heavier and heavier, and the night sky became hazy.

Gwen used the spider silk to pass between the buildings, feeling extremely anxious.

With a "bang" sound, it landed on the rooftop. Gwen looked into the distance, but her sight was blocked and she couldn't see it clearly at all.

She thought she had been walking for more than ten minutes. When she took out her phone to check, she found that only four or five minutes had passed.

Exhaling a breath, Gwen continued to use the spider silk to travel.

As she moved away from the city, she found herself heading toward its outskirts.

Is it a state park?

The gravel road in front of her continued to lengthen, and Gwen became increasingly anxious.

Calling this gravel road a "road" is actually an optimistic term, because it is nothing more than a bumpy, bumpy, and gravelly path.

The road stretches like a straight ribbon through dense pine forests and thick thorns, seemingly endlessly.

Compared with the length of the road, her figure seemed extremely small, and her muscles became stiffer and stiffer as the spider silk shot out.

The branches of the big tree stretched over the road, forming a natural corridor.

Sparrows and starlings flew between the branches.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, with no signs of calming down yet.

"I should calm down, Peter said he was fine."

Gwen comforted herself internally.

She found that after going through so much, she could no longer imagine the consequences of losing Peter.

As he was rushing forward with a spider's thread, Gwen's cell phone suddenly vibrated slightly.

It fell to the ground with a "bang" and Gwen quickly took out her cell phone.

She thought it was a text message sent to her by Peter, but she didn't expect it was sent by Liz.

"What a shocking accident! Gwen, watch Kraven's live broadcast. I sent you and Peter a link before!"


Gwen opened the previous link in confusion, and as soon as she entered, she saw a scene of Kraven being lifted upside down by a monster.

What's this?

Werewolf or werewolf? !

Even the legendary werewolf doesn't have such a large size and oppressive feeling.


Gwen immediately realized that Kraven the Hunter seemed to be live broadcasting from the state park.

Teachers Peter and Helen also moved that way.

Worried about Peter, she put away her phone and immediately sped up to catch up with the two of them.

Liz was watching the live broadcast with her friends.

Although she desperately wanted to interview Vampire Princess, who is currently a hot topic on the Internet, she never had the chance.

Now I can only focus on Hunter Kraven and wonder if I can interview him.

That's why I watch each other's live broadcast at night.

"Liz, what do you think about vampires?"

Glory asked her.

"I care more about which lipstick I choose today."

Liz said listlessly: "Is it Night Black or Vampire Red? There are two villains occupying my mind now, fighting crazily."

Glory shrugged, "Let me analyze it for you."

"Hmm, I'm listening."

"Vampires are all cool, right? At least modern vampires are cool. They dress in black, move sexy and majestic. And their skin is very pale, especially the one named Vampire. She is not sexy. Earthlings.”

"By the way, she said she was an alien."

Glory glared at Liz with dissatisfaction and continued:

"Don't interrupt my analysis. My skin is also very white, but they all have a look, clean, elegant and sexy. These have nothing to do with me. However, with this kind of lipstick, Like Count Dracula’s brides, so as not to get themselves into trouble.”

The speaker picked up another black lipstick and said:

"As for the dark night, it is easy to think of the blackbird. The blackbird is a very cool-looking bird. They are used in many myths to symbolize death. People often say that the blackbird is the incarnation of the god of death, responsible for killing the dead. The soul is taken to the underworld.”

After a pause, she said: "Of course, one bad thing is that blackbirds are all black. I often confuse them with rustic crows, but I believe black represents death, so this color of lipstick Not good either.”

Liz asked her: "Spider-Man is also black. Do you want to believe that he represents death? He doesn't seem to be cruel enough to take away people's lives everywhere."

"Why not?"

Glory said: "The impression that Spider-Man gave me was mainly due to his unusual appearance with an aura of death. Don't you think he symbolizes death?"


Glory shook his head and said: "Although I also like Spider-Man, I am more interested in Spider-Woman. By the way, I have a question about Peter and Gwen."


"Why are they not there every time we try to find them?"

Liz tilted her head and said, "It seems that they are extremely busy. The same was true when the party was attacked last time. I didn't see Gwen the whole time."

She paused and said, "Could it be that Gwen is Spider-Man or Spider-Woman?"

Glory coughed and pretended not to hear.

Although she thought so, she would never voice her suspicion for the safety of her friends.

As the two were talking, the hunter Kraven was attacked.

The sudden attack made him fall to the ground without any ability to fight back.

And he was completely powerless to fight back!

After sending text messages to Gwen and Peter, Liz, like other netizens watching the live broadcast on the screen, fell into an unbelievable state.

Glory and others also looked at the monster on the screen in shock.

Is this a werewolf?

The black rough hair, wolf head, and dark and gray body look extremely shocking.

As a fan of mystery events and superheroes, Liz is no stranger to the legend of werewolves.

For nearly half a century, werewolves have undoubtedly become one of the hottest topics in Western mystery culture.

This monster usually looks the same as an ordinary person, but it will turn into a wolf on a full-moon night.

"Even a person with a pure heart, a person who does not forget to pray at night, will inevitably turn into a wolf on a full-moon night when the aconite blooms."

Liz said this sentence and continued to look at the screen.

Then she turned to Glory and said, "I now believe that black represents death! This black werewolf looks like death."

Kraven, who was watched by countless people, had already felt the approach of death.

He felt that his head was like an apple split in half by an axe.

When he came to his senses, he realized that it was the other party who dragged his head and hit it on the ground.

Kraven saw that he was suddenly broken into thousands of pieces and scattered.

At this time, the other party did not continue to kill him, but put him on the ground face up.

"That's right," Kraven panted, "You monster, do you want a fair duel?"

He wanted to say something else, but he could only spit out red blood bubbles from the corners of his mouth.

Kraven's lips were wet, as if they were glued together.

His ears seemed to react to the sound a little slower and a little distorted, as if they were stuffed into an oil barrel.

And every beat of his heart was like someone hitting the oil barrel with a hammer.

In the current situation, the other party was the knife and he was the fish.

He wanted to get up, but his hands were completely out of control.

They lay weakly on both sides of his body, spread out in a "one" shape, and his fingers were bent like dead bugs.

Kraven tilted his head and his cheek against the ground - of course, he didn't like this position.

The ground was cold, and he just wanted to lie there, close his eyes, curl up his body, and never get up again.

Maybe I'm going to die here.

Not far away, a leaf fell.

Maybe this is the last page.

Maybe this is not bad.

But suddenly, his eyes saw a black shadow appear in the forest.

At the same time, he could feel the sound of the trap being triggered.

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