I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 117 You will be torn to pieces!

"Sonic gun! It can take lives quietly, just like a ghost."

Craven raised the gun in his hand and said to the audience:

"It doesn't make gunshots or explosions like a gun, so it can attack without the attacker being prepared. This imperceptible attack method makes sonic weapons an extremely deadly weapon."

Craven proudly said to the audience watching the live broadcast: "I once used it to hunt rhinos!"

"This kind of weapon can be used against Spider-Man. To be precise, I used it to deal with Spider-Man, but this time it is used here, which is overkill."

He made a regretful expression, but quickly said: "But don't worry, I have studied the two Spider-Man, and I know their behavioral habits. After I finish the live broadcast here, I will continue the live broadcast for everyone. I am How to hunt two humanoid spiders."

Walking forward on the fallen leaves in the forest, he continued to boast to the drone: "As long as the prey marked by me, no one can escape."

“I have checked my ticket and set my alarm, and Fortune has dipped her finger in black ashes and marked her prey’s forehead, and no one has painted his door with lamb’s blood.”

(Anointed with the blood of the lamb: From the Bible, the Jews killed a sheep and smeared the blood on the door, and death would pass through the door smeared with the blood of the sheep.)

As he continued to brag, his popularity on the Internet became higher and higher, and more people flocked to the live broadcast room.

Although he has been bragging about his past glorious deeds, Kraven is not so relaxed on the surface.

He has been in contact with the team through the headset to confirm whether the traps set around him have been triggered.

Meanwhile, movie theaters.

The black female manager Gina watched the live broadcast on the big screen, and then glanced at the wine bottle in front of her.

More than half of the wine inside has been used up.

She whistled low and slow, then raised the bottle and took a sip, two sips, three sips.

With each bite, the throat moves up and down like a piston.

She was already a little drunk, and her tongue was no longer so flexible when speaking.

She raised her eyebrows when she saw Fletcher walking in after making a phone call.

"The smell of whiskey was in my nose and this guy kept raping my eyes."

Gina looked at Craven and said to her, "You know what? This guy reminds me of my ex-husband."

Fletcher leaned back on the chair and said, "Isn't he already dead?"

"Yes, he can't die anymore. He is a loyal fan of Kraven the Hunter, the one with the club badge."

After Gina took a sip of whiskey, she said to Fletcher: "I chopped him up and threw him in the trash can."

Fletcher said nothing, watching Craven's actions on the big screen, and quietly listened to Gina's somewhat unclear words.

After a few minutes.

"Done?" Fletcher asked.

Gina asked with a puzzled look on her face: "What?"

"This is not a story, it's clearly just the end of the story."

"I feel good."

"I think," Fletcher said, "There are a lot of stories to tell here. You couldn't just chop up your husband and throw it into the garbage disposal on a whim? Just because he is a fan of Kraven the Hunter. ”

"What's weird?"

Gina said disapprovingly, "But no bones were thrown in, just meat."

"Your husband."

"Yes, my husband."

Fletcher said nothing, and the two fell into silence again.

Only Kraven's voice came from the big screen.

"I just don't think you would do it for no reason."

"Okay," Fletcher said, staring at the screen. "Just throw your husband into the garbage disposal on a whim."

"Do you want to say that he is pitiful? Then let me tell you, he deserves it."

"I don't think so, but no matter what, your story is just the beginning, not the end."

Gina's occupation is a theater manager, an ordinary white-collar worker.

No one would have thought that she would be a murderer with a straight face in private.

"We have an arranged marriage. It is my mother's wish and my grandma's wish to marry him."

Gina said to her: "And in our place, marriage means marrying a chicken and following the chicken, marrying a dog and following the dog. Women have no right to choose. For men, we are just a crutch, a stool that can be stepped on. Or, a vacuum cleaner with a breast.”

Fletcher drank the red wine in the glass and nodded: "Good insight."

"My husband is a vulgar man who knows nothing about elegance and cannot prioritize things."

“He is like a terrible cancer. All good things—organized, neat, and perfect—will instantly disintegrate, overturn, become dirty, and cease to exist as soon as his hands touch them.”

Gina's eyes flashed with resentment, "That night, we were having dinner together, and because of a trivial matter, he threw the pasta on the carpet. Not only that, he grabbed my wrist, and I was still holding it. That noodle hand.”

"She punched me!"

Fletcher listened quietly to the other party's story and nodded slowly, "Understood. His idol is Craven, so this is not surprising. Maybe this is a way for him to show his masculinity."

"Then I picked up the typewriter in the living room and hit him on the head, and then I dragged him into the kitchen."

Fletcher felt no discomfort as Gina recounted her murder.

After listening to Gina telling her murder story, Fletcher put down the red wine glass in his hand.

"I like to watch 'reality show'-style massacres, and you become the butcher yourself. In a sense, we are the same kind of people, both cruel people."

There was no emotion in Fletcher's tone, "So is this why you betrayed the human camp and joined the vampire camp?"

Gina shook her head, "No, but it's almost the same. Maybe I awakened something through this killing."

"These are things I didn't realize before. I have to thank him for making me who I am today."

Gina said to Fletcher: "What I realized is that human beings are a process of killing each other. Life is like a hunt all the time. Even though I don't like fighting with people, there is still a lot of food for the monks."

Half a year ago, Gina was transformed into a vampire by Fletcher.

Gina is the general manager of Qian'en Cinema. She can not only support Fletcher in the film industry, but also the person behind the film company.

Moreover, she personally recruited extras for Fletcher, made the scenes of these extras being chased by monsters into a "reality show" movie, and then played it for Fletcher alone in the theater.

The "reality show" of Kraven the Hunter on the big screen in front of them was extremely ridiculous in the eyes of the two of them.

Because the two of them have watched this reality show countless times, which is more exciting and bloody.

And it's the kind of reality show where you can get a box lunch if you are not careful in one shot.

Fletcher picked up the glass and took another sip, "So you will agree to my plan to destroy New York?"

"Yes, because we are the same kind of people, you know? When you said I wanted to be one of you, I was very excited. After all, in this bastard world, I have to actively hunt!"

Gina said and looked at Kraven on the screen, "Our hunter should be here now, right?"

Craven seemed to have noticed something. Facing the unknown dark direction, he suddenly raised the sonic gun in his hand.

The dark attack hit his collarbone like a hammer.

The pain is explosive.

The sudden attack turned Kraven face up.

He quickly turned over, holding the barrel of the gun in his hand, and fired a shot in the direction of the attack.


The deafening sound echoed through the forest.

At this time, Craven felt pain in almost every place on his ribs, stomach, and neck.

He felt like his whole body was being torn apart and the pain was unbearable.

The blood finally flowed back to his hands. He wiped the blood from his shoulders and quickly stood up.

But the black shadow hit his body immediately and threw him out hard.

It hit the ground with a "bang" sound, splashing countless wet fallen leaves.

Craven struggled to get up and quickly hid his body behind a big tree.

With a "boom" sound, he endured the pain and fired a quick shot.

"It seems you haven't figured it out yet—"

Kraven roared: "The price of angering the hunter!"

Just when he was about to fire the second shot, a tall black figure rushed over instantly, grabbed Kraven's hair, and knocked him to the side of the tree.

Craven's world buzzed like a damn bell.

He couldn't even feel the pain anymore, just a dull numbness.

His body seemed to have become a sandbag, and someone was beating him with cement bricks.

A thought flashed through his mind: the pain had finally passed, but he found that this was completely an illusion.

Before Kraven could figure out what was going on, the tall black figure bent down and grabbed his numb feet.

Craven was hung upside down in the air and finally saw the other party's appearance clearly.

This is a werewolf with blood-red eyes and a height of over two meters.

With a violent aura all over his body, the werewolf looked like a ferocious beast and seemed to have the eyes of a vampire. The aura exuding from his body shocked him completely.

He could feel the trembling feeling that he would be torn apart by the other party at any time.

I recommend the apocalyptic novel Seedling written by a friend. If you like it, feel free to do it!

"Rebirth in the apocalypse, I can swallow all things and evolve crazily!" 》

(Rebirth at the end of the world + infinite evolution + violence)

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