Merlin himself does not have the ability to teleport. As the pinnacle of magicians in the world, his own magic attributes are more about light and his own nightmare illusions.

The ability to cross space distances, similar to teleportation, comes from a legendary demon cat, Merlin's pet Cathy Palug, which is usually used to travel at super high speed or create mystery in front of people.

Few people know Cathy Palug's ability. They just think she is a cute little animal that Merlin found from somewhere. Most of those who know are in high positions. Even those who have an average relationship with Merlin are too lazy to expose her little thoughts. This is also one of the reasons why Cathy Palug often despises Merlin. The personality of a certain half-nightmare naturally has some charlatan factors.

It's just that she simply feels that this is more suitable, just like Merlin often wears a gentle and friendly smile when she treats people. It's not that she is in a good mood or treats people politely, but that rational judgment can make her work progress more convenient.

Just like when encountering interesting things, she will laugh with others, when seeing others die, she will express her expression when passing by the funeral, and when seeing the mother and child separated, she will feel sorry.

Meilin's emotions are so indifferent, only appearing on the surface as sighs, very few, almost non-existent, but not completely non-existent. Those who can understand emotions are destined to have emotions.

The resonance of hearts, the response to emotional scenes, sometimes just actions, but not just actions, is it a surface reaction, or a response from the heart, Meilin has never thought about it carefully. She didn't have any before, but now seeing Igraine's actions made her feel a little more touched and interested in her heart. While keeping a little eye on it, she didn't realize that a certain consciousness left in this room

"This is not necessary."It came from Cang, before Meilin came in, when Igraine was about to give birth. It can be said that Cang had seen the whole scene from the beginning.

Separation of flesh and blood is cruel to any family, but for the British royal family born in this era, such separation is not necessarily a bad thing.

"It's fine now." In Cang's heart, the existence that he values is necessary and interesting. The rest are all small details that lead to a happy ending. As for other small things, they are not important.

Extra feelings are just a burden to oneself and trouble to him. Sometimes it's better to forget them. Although Cang has some feelings, he doesn't regret it.

He is not lacking in love, even if the kinship in his previous life was not much better, or maybe it was indifference to a certain extent. Sometimes thinking too clearly is not far from being ruthless.

"But, is his name really Arthur?" He quickly turned his attention away. He couldn't tell whether he liked or disliked the name, but there was a sense of rightness in it.

"Sure enough, King Uther’s son should be called Arthur."On the contrary, if it is a daughter, then I don’t know.

Cang didn’t know much about the legend of King Arthur. Without using astrology to calculate, he could only recall King Uther, Merlin, King Arthur, and Vivian, the fairy of the lake, according to the memory of the previous life.

Cang’s current identity is King Arthur, one of the few whose names can be remembered. The rest are extras whose names can’t even be remembered clearly. I think I should meet them in the future, but I’m too lazy to think about it.

Nowadays, the soul is fixed on the body. With the upper limit of the innate first-level barren energy, it is unrealistic to use astrology to speculate and see the future of others. And there is no way to create something out of nothing by simply thinking alone.

There is no memory that does not exist, no matter how hard you try to recall it. If you really have the free time, you might as well close it and take care of it. In order to survive, it is necessary to move the energy in one's body for a few more weeks, so as to increase one's strength in free time. Cang

, who fell into a doze, should be called Arthur at this time.

He had short golden fur and a delicate appearance.

He was wrapped in a light blue swaddling cloth, like a small pink ball, and naturally had a sense of tranquility.

His slightly closed lavender eyes made it difficult to see his entire appearance, but it was certain that he was absolutely very beautiful, making it impossible to look away.

The maid who was in charge of the delivery had remembered the moment just now, and sighed sincerely in her heart.

Arthur's color is undoubtedly one of the best in the world. Even though he is just a growing baby now, the impression he gives people and the cute appearance he shows are enough to cause many weird aunts to scream.

Even now Arthur didn't do anything, but babies are cuter when they do nothing. The sound of the soul-calling Sanskrit and the impact of the devil's voice are not pleasant.

While ensuring the health of the babies, they are cuter when they are asleep, and Arthur is such a quiet and cute child.

Just looking at him makes people's hands itch, not to mention Igraine, the mother, even the close maid sent by King Uther can't help but want to pinch Arthur's face.

If Arthur was not a prince, if she was not in the main hall of the palace, plus the one sitting at the top, and Merlin who just jumped into the hall from the space jump.

These two people at the moment, the British Royal Palace In front of the highest-ranking being, even the most arrogant duke and noble would not dare to be presumptuous, let alone such a small maid.

The natural pressure of status and position, the powerful aura that belongs to those with great strength, is not Merlin. Merlin still has a polite and gentle smile on her face. It is just King Uther who is sitting at the top.

He belongs to the highest-ranking dragon species. Even if he tries his best to conceal the edge of the red dragon, he still can't control it from being exposed. Not to mention the attendants in the palace who have a certain level of magic literacy, even ordinary people outside can see the clues.

In the last moments of life, the momentum revealed is just strong on the outside, King Uther knows this, and Merlin also understands this. Just as Igraine thought before, King Uther, there is no time left.

"Meilin, that child……"Now he didn't even dare to pick up the child. It wasn't because he didn't have the strength, but he didn't want to waste his energy on such trivial matters. He also had a strong expectation. The moment he asked this question, his cloudy eyes burst out like a mountain behind him. The instant heat emitted made the maid not far away pause. Arthur, who was in his arms, opened his eyes slightly, and then closed them in an instant.

"There is no need to pay attention."The eyes showed a lavender light, and the coldness flashed away. The indifferent face returned to calmness, as if it had never changed.

On the other side, Merlin, who faced King Uther's momentum, bowed to King Uther with a polite smile,"Prince Arthur's talent is naturally excellent."

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