Merlin's words were not polite. Even though she was always polite, she would not choose this moment to lie. If Arthur's talent was really not good, Merlin would probably say it with a regretful tone.

"Sorry, Prince Arthur's talent is not enough to complete the planned plan."It was also polite, but it still meant that it was not possible at all. It was just a few points short of being defeated, so it didn't matter whether it was said or not.

Since it was a failure, there was not much difference between a narrow defeat and a crushing defeat. They were kings, not pure warriors.

The so-called glory of a warrior was to get the respect of the opponent in a thorough battle and end with a smile. That was the concept that warriors and generals should have. As kings, they only needed victory.

The process was not important, whether it was poison or backstabbing after admitting defeat, as long as they were the winners in the end, as long as they could get the final victory, nothing else mattered.

"Although it is a bit unexpected, Prince Arthur's talent is the best I have ever seen."Merlin added, still speaking gently, that is, he is even stronger than King Uther.

This is undoubtedly good news. For King Uther, who is now old and almost at the end of his life, getting an excellent heir is the most important thing.

""Good!" This was a sudden surprise. King Uther, who was struck by the surprise that Merlin mentioned, did not show his usual joy and did not move as much as possible to save energy.

Or maybe he had already ignored it. In his excitement, he clapped his hands and left a clear handprint on the armrest of the pure golden throne under his seat, which spread to the entire hall with loud cheers.

Then, Merlin in the center of the hall took out paper and pen to record King Uther's daily notes.

Some of them were written by ordinary civil servants so that everyone could know, while confidential matters like these would be selectively opened after the new king ascended the throne.

The specific description was that Prince Arthur was born in the first month of the year, and the king was overjoyed. Arthur did not care, even though he was startled by the magic storm that erupted from Uther's joy just now, and he started practicing. He turned around but had no intention of expressing his opinion.

Or even if he did, it would be useless, except to make himself look even more strange. Even though almost 80% of the people in the hall seemed to have mysterious beings, Arthur was the most special one.

Thanks to his age, doing adult things when he was young is undoubtedly more eye-catching than doing the same things when he was an adult, but it is not necessary.

Things that require effort can be discussed, but Arthur will never do things that are thankless.

But he did not move, but attracted the attention of a small animal, Cathy Palug, who was staying at Merlin's feet just now and turned around a few times in the hall. He took small steps and came to Arthur's side.

Sitting next to the maid who was holding him, he looked well-behaved and raised his front paws to Arthur.

""Fufu~Fufu~Fufufuwu~" Hello, can you talk? My name is Cathy Palug.

She showed a more intimate attitude than Merlin. As a creation of the planet, she was a monster woven by Gaia. When she first saw Arthur, she felt something strange.

The ability of comparison seemed to have lost its effect. The trait of being absolutely stronger than humans in front of Arthur was not triggered. When calculating the strength, she just used the strength of the maid in front of her as a reference.

Arthur's strength, when calculating the elemental force flowing in the star spirit body, was only a very light part. The deep layer of humans was pure nothingness, which could not be compared.

Due to his own proficiency in the ability, the pure 0 and the extremely tiny 0.**There is a difference. Although the baby's power is small, it does not mean that it does not exist. Arthur represents the non-existent zero.

The nothingness that finally appears in the void is also a contradictory concept produced by the fuzziness of the root of the world. Some relatively special species can find some clues, but most of them are still ignorant.

"It's really rare that Cathy Palug would take the initiative to get close to humans."Even Merlin, who has the highest level of clairvoyance, can only see a few things. It's probably just a vague concept given by the origin of the world. As a hybrid of human and concept dragon, Arthur has a rare talent in the world, etc., and there will be no change even if you look at it a few times.

Including the essence of Arthur's power, which belongs to the flow of primordial star energy. The breath of the flow of star power makes Cathy Palug feel very familiar, but Arthur ignored her.

"……"Or maybe he ignored it, but just silently moved his eyes away from where Cathy Palug was, as if he was too lazy to talk to you, which made Cathy Palug puff up his face immediately.

"……"Annoying guy, just as annoying as Merlin.

Silently accusing, she looked at Arthur with an unfriendly look and called out,"Fuwu~" I'm not going to pay attention to you.

Fufu held her head high and walked towards Merlin with elegant steps, just like a child throwing a tantrum. She only occasionally looked back and saw that Arthur didn't pay attention to her, then she shrugged her head.

"Fuwu~" With a dejected look, she walked to Meilin's side and quickly attracted her attention.

"What's wrong? Did you fail to make friends? After all, Arthur is still a baby. It's normal for him not to understand the charm of Cathy Palug."She looked comforting, and it was obvious that Merlin didn't know anything. Her ignorant performance made Cathy Palug spread her hands and looked at Merlin deeply.

"Fufu, Fuwu~" As expected, Meilin is an idiot.


The despised Merlin, the distracted people in the lower seats, and King Uther, who was sitting at the upper seat, looked towards the eastern part of Britain, where the Anglo-Saxons were stationed.

"Perhaps, it is time to do something.

"With his current body in tatters, even if the Anglo-Saxons stopped invading Britain in the past year and he was able to recover, it is true that he is powerless to turn the tide.

In this situation, he may be able to survive for a few more years, but it is impossible to survive for more than ten years.

He should either survive with his body in tatters or fight a heroic battle in the end to leave a foundation for those who come after him to move forward more easily.

There is no need to think too much about this, because King Uther is a king, even if he is a king approaching old age, he still has such determination.

"Merlin."In just a moment, King Uther made the decision, with a resolute look in his eyes, even the fear of death could not cover it up. With just one sentence, he attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

"The man's eyes exude death." Arthur pondered, there are many things he didn't understand, but one thing he was sure of was that only a person who was ready to die heroically would show such a look.

He didn't desire miracles, nor did he have any hope for survival, but only hoped to use his death to open up a path to life. Arthur saw it, and Merlin understood it even better.

King Uther was determined to leave. After learning about Arthur's excellence, his existence was redundant. With all the arrangements already made, it was almost the same whether he was there or not. If he could use his remaining energy in the end, it would probably be this.

"Farewell, my king."Merlin was ready to react. She showed respect to the king in front of her, a former friend. According to her own calculations, she chose the most appropriate attitude, which immediately caused King Uther to chuckle. It was a rare relaxed attitude that he had not shown since he forced Vortigern to retreat. It was a relief, and there were some different colors, as if he was sighing at the performance of this old friend.

"As expected, you haven't changed." In the end, that's what happened.

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