Confident and proud, Saber at this moment truly showed her own radiant attitude, and was no longer the little girl who was only trapped by her own stubbornness as she was when we first met.

"Now you look a little like a king." Arthur said with a smile. This was a rare moment, even the first time since they first met, that Arthur recognized Saber.

"From now on, I will no longer call you Miss Gentle in my heart"


But Arthur's praise made Saber silent. She was so angry that she almost swung the sword of victory and chopped it down at Arthur. After taking several deep breaths, Saber finally put it down.

"Foreigner! Who are you?"Finally, she asked the question. It had troubled Saber since she first met Arthur, and it also aroused Iskandar's curiosity.

"Yes, brother, everyone here knows your identity, but we are the only ones who don't know who you are. That's too unfair, it's not fair."

Iskander began to shake his head again, and at the same time he began to guess Arthur's identity thoughtfully.

"I see that you can describe the truth of a king so accurately. Are you also a famous king? No, no, no, you could be a teacher of a king."It is obvious what the speculation and the topic are about. When Iskandar finished speaking, even Gilgamesh, who pretended to be indifferent, showed his expectation.

"Well, come to think of it, I don't know the identity of Foreigner either."Then, Ilya, who was not far away, called out quickly after hearing the exchange of Iskandar, the big mouth.

She was showing a childish interest. Although before this, she often heard Ying calling Brother Arthur on the left and Brother Arthur on the right, but it could not prove Arthur's identity.

After all, in the Western world, the name Arthur is as common as the vegetable market in Dongcheng, and is the same as the common names of Siegfried, Peter, Tom, etc. If you shout it on the street, at least three or four people will turn around and look. So much so that Ilya, who would never think in this direction, quickly joined in to express his curiosity after hearing what Iskandar said.

As for Ying, she didn't say much. She believed in Arthur's ability and that he could handle anything perfectly. It was naturally not her turn to worry about such a trivial matter now.

"So, brother, even your little Master doesn't know your real name. I think that's too mysterious."Iskander, who got another assist, smiled even more happily.

Arthur saw and thought about the urgency for information, but he didn't show too much confusion. Even in the face of so many, even becoming the focus of everyone's attention, for Arthur, there was not much pressure.

As for the identity of this powerful Servant from a special agency, not only the Servants present, but also the Masters standing behind them were quite curious.

"Just to make it clear, my identity is quite easy to guess, but even if you know it, you still can't find my weakness."

Such a statement is not to make the rats shrink, but the candor of truly accomplishing great things, and it is the magnanimity that people who only hide in the dark and play tricks do not have. Iskander felt it.

From Arthur's words that did not seem very strong, he saw similar characteristics to himself,"Sure enough, little brother, you are also a king."

"It used to be." Arthur's answer, a short sentence, said it all.

"So, now?" Iskandar's eyes were filled with questions, as if he knew the truth. This time, he was completely wrong.

"Now, I am on the road to becoming a king."It is not because he has died that he feels that the identity of a king is meaningless, but he is still growing.

"After retiring from the throne, he came out again. This is Arthur's experience. It makes people very puzzled and even confused, but Arthur has no intention of explaining it.

"My name is Arthur Pendragon."This simple sentence revealed his identity. The moment the words fell, the people present were either speechless, or incredulous, or had other more complicated expressions, and so on.

"I didn't expect it."Iskander's words broke the silence, and then the sight that was inadvertently directed at Saber made Saber feel a little dazzling.

This is a comparison between the two"Arthurs". Compared with Arthur's excellence, even terror, although Saber is powerful, she seems to be a little bit inferior, so it is normal for others to doubt the identity of"Arthur" at this time.

In this regard, Saber did not say anything, but silently materialized her own treasure and stabbed it into the floor of the atrium beside her, proving her identity in the most direct way.

"……"Maintaining silence, Iskandar, who seemed a little embarrassed, laughed dryly twice, turned around, and said nothing more.

"Foreigner, you just said that you are still growing?"It was Saber's turn to speak. This person who had not said a word in the whole banquet and seemed to be a little transparent finally took the initiative. Saber was not a person who was afraid of things. When faced with something that was necessary and interesting, Saber was no longer polite and directly expressed her doubts, which received Arthur's nod.

"After all, I am only eight years old now." He said this in a calm manner, shocking everyone present.

"……"×3 This is thinking about myself,���Saber, Iskandar, and Gilgamesh were not suppressed in the battle with a child under ten years old.

It is not said that the king must be aloof. Now Gilgamesh's expression on his face is almost unbearable.

""Miscellaneous cultivation." He just whispered it, using alcohol to cover up his already devastated face, and Saber and Iskandar, who were watching Gilgamesh's actions, followed suit.

"Eight years old~" Then, Weber looked at Arthur's figure, then looked at his own height which was like a bean sprout, and silently pushed himself into the dark and drew circles.

"So, I hate people with strong limbs the most~"

He left his wife and daughter long before Arthur finished speaking and walked to the other side.

Kiritsugu lit a cigarette with a cold expression that made it hard to tell what he was thinking, but from the trembling cigarette in his hand, it could be seen that he was not calm.

Sakura, who looked calm as if she had understood everything, was enjoying the changes in the faces of everyone present and showed a vicious smile.

"Oh, eight years old, that's great, just about the same age as Elijah." And Irisviel was happy about this, this lady's focus seemed a little strange.

Then, it was Elijah's turn...

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