It seems that Gilgamesh's temperament is just like this. The desire hidden under the arrogant attitude and the eyes that expect Arthur to accept the gift can't be concealed at all.

Even Saber, who is honest and close to steel, feels it, and what Arthur said, in the discussion of wine, it extends to a certain connection between the monarch and the subjects. The subjects pay tribute to the monarch and hand over the crystallization of their own wisdom to the king. What kind of existence can the king bring to the people.

Which golden king has a strong pride in his subjects.

This is what Saber saw. Unlike her understanding of Gilgamesh at the beginning, this golden king is not just arrogant.

It's just that she once had this kind of self-confidence, but at this time, after falling into the weird quagmire, it seems that she can no longer find it, or forget the feeling she once had.

Saber, without realizing it, has forgotten her subjects and only cares about pursuing the salvation called light alone. But what can she get in the end on such a road.

This honest lady rarely turned the corner, because Arthur and Gilgamesh's seemingly informal discussion about the word"king" was actually a serious one.

"Spicy but not mellow, like the sweetness of a lover's hand caressing the face. It can be seen that your subjects should like you very much."

Then Arthur's words fell, proving that Gilgamesh's pride was indeed worthy of the name, and he got Arthur's affirmation. It was a rare memory that had returned again after who knows how long, and Gilgamesh couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

"Because, this is the king."As always, he is not modest. In this respect, Gilgamesh is fundamentally different from Saber, but he is quite similar to Arthur.

On the side, seeing Arthur drinking happily, Iskandar, who was immediately aroused, immediately said,"Hey, brother, you are so happy drinking, the wine that the golden servant brought out this time must be quite good."

The question was asked with an appearance of being greedy, and soon got Arthur's answer.

"Of course." He affirmed without a doubt, just like he had recognized Gilgamesh just now,"Each king's wine is unique, but not everyone can enjoy it."

""Ha~" Gilgamesh immediately laughed, which was considered as an acknowledgement of Arthur's words. The two had been at loggerheads from the beginning, and seemed to be the two most likely to fight, but they got along well at this banquet.

Then, Iskandar, after hearing Arthur's explanation, immediately asked,"Then, may I ask, as the King of Conquerors, is Iskandar qualified to enjoy the King's Wine?"

Or was it an affirmation? Arthur did not answer, but just handed the question to Gilgamesh.

"That depends on what the person involved thinks."With obvious hints, in the interpretation of the kingly way, the reason why Arthur made a disturbance was not to deliberately find fault, nor was it because the wine of God did not suit his taste.

It was just because Gilgamesh was Gilgamesh, the king who once separated the gods from the humans with the ultimate godly cause, but ended up using the wine of God to show off his wealth.

This was not a king, but a lowly upstart, which was different from the achievements he had made in his life. It was almost an act of completely overturning the possibilities that had been fixed in his life. Arthur did not agree with this.

That is, Arthur's purpose, his words, were not to provoke, but to persuade as Gilgamesh thought. Gilgamesh understood the admonition, but the way of expressing acceptance of the advice was indeed Gilgamesh's style.

This was normal, because a king should always be like this, always having his own persistence in a certain place. Saber also had the same essence, but she forgot it and ended up like this.

At the banquet, whether she could understand it or not, she could only listen. She found that she could not intervene in the conversation between the three people at all. And the recognition of Arthur. Originally, in her cognition, he was just an unreliable playboy, but now, Saber found that he was a Now, Arthur still has many good points when he is serious.

At least he is smart enough. If he puts this energy into governing the country, he will definitely be more flexible than her.

Then, it turned into expectation, hoping that Arthur is the extension of her ideal King Arthur, and the possibility that she thought of in her heart became stronger and stronger.

When watching Gilgamesh pour the newly taken out king's wine for Iskandar, Gilgamesh's performance was not to admit how good Iskandar is, but to apologize for his mistake just now.

The king will never admit his mistakes. If he is wrong, then use another way. To remedy the situation in a formal way, this is what Gilgamesh did. The king is absolute in maintaining authority.

This is a fact that is easy to understand and see through. The fact that it has come to this point is actually that Gilgamesh has no way to deal with Arthur in his heart.

Even though he has the omniscient star that allows him to understand more, he cannot see through his own mind, but Arthur can. That kind of just right reminder made Gilgamesh unable to even get angry.

Only a faint helplessness lingered, the feeling as if he had returned to the Uruk era, which made him miss it. The so-called happy troubles, this is probably it.

"Saber, I don't think you will refuse."While Gilgamesh was pouring wine for Iskandar, it was Arthur's turn to take care of the other main guest attending the banquet.

Saber, who seemed to have placed herself outside the game, was also qualified to enjoy the King's Wine, because of Gilgamesh's acquiescence. While promising Iskandar, Saber was also allowed. As a small gift to witness the king's mistake, it was like a souvenir. Saber didn't understand what was going on, but it didn't prevent her from being curious about the King's Wine.

It was as if the king, his subjects, were connected together and condensed into a small bowl of wine. The perfect coordination from the wine vessel to the wine was something Saber had rarely noticed before.

"The interpretation of the kingly way is not only about fine wine, but also about the existence that can best store the gradual memories of the king and his subjects. This can be food, architecture, or even the simplest handicraft."

"You should have some too, Saber, don't tell me you've forgotten them all."

Those memories created by everyone together do not belong to oneself, but to everyone. Gilgamesh has them, and so does Saber.

"I will always remember it!"

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