Hunting High School

Chapter 270 Public Disturbance

"Who Is 'The World'? whose world? Who will save the world! "

"The Beginning of the Wand's Fall" Incorporates eighteen-year-old young wizards into the Major Arcana sequence! "

"The Shady Behind the Selection of Arcana"

"In the face of doubt, the magic wand has always remained silent! "

Spokesperson of the First University Professor Joint Conference: No comment! "

"Spokesperson of the Great Wizarding Conference: Will not make any comments on the list issued by the tripartite organization"

"Speaker of Parliament under the Moon: Abandon Prejudice, Unite and Win-Win"

"Unveiling the Mysterious Owners of the 2009 Class of the Grand Arcana 'World'"

"Zheng Qing's New Title"

"Forced to fire, Professor Trudeau says he will fight to the end"



Xin Fatty put a thick stack of newspapers, magazines and reference information issued internally on the desk, and Zheng Jing, who had just been staring at the desk for a few minutes, jumped up in surprise.

"You have a convulsion," the young public fee student rubbed his eyes and yelled, "Didn't you see others sleeping? Do you have a sense of public morality..."

Because of being blacklisted by Mr. Octopus, Zheng Qing will not be able to go to the library to review his homework from now until the end of this semester. And because the list of "Arkana" released by the magic wand last night pushed the young public finance students to the forefront. Just a simple guess, Zheng Qing knows what he should do without the need for Dr. Xiao to burn a piece of tortoise shell.

Simply because today is already Friday, whether it is the alchemy in the morning or the practice class in the afternoon, there is no more content that Zheng Qing must go to class to complete.

So he asked Xiao Xiao to ask for leave for him, planning to stay in the dormitory for three days, avoid the limelight, out of sight and out of mind, and go directly to the examination room next week.

But he obviously overestimated his own self-control, and underestimated how unfriendly a warm dormitory in winter is to a wizard with a cat soul. It is hovering between half-drowsy and half-awake.

At noon, after class, Xin Fatty brought Zheng Qing lunch back. At the same time, he made a detour to the editorial office of the school newspaper to borrow a large stack of newspapers and magazines that he received in the morning to refresh Zheng Qing.

"I really don't know whether to praise you for your kindness or scold you for being careless." Fatty said to Zheng Qing in a sarcastic tone: "Maybe you should take the time to go for a walk around the campus...see what everyone says about you. All The bulletin boards are all covered by your message, it is very wise that you do not appear in public."

The bulletin board is a very common public facility in First University. Triangular cornices are made of wood or copper. The length and width are not customized, but a blank board is reserved for students to use.

Students often post various revelations and messages on the bulletin board to exchange information; the school also posts some notices and announcements on it from time to time.

On weekdays, the bulletin boards are always colorful, with all kinds of news coexisting. But today, all the bulletin boards Xin Fatty passed by were covered with big-character posters related to Zheng Qing, red paper and black ink, brightly, one by one.

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"I've always been very self-aware." Zheng Qing muttered, reaching out to pick up the stack of newspapers and magazines that Xin Fatty left on the table, and quickly flipping through the headlines and major news of different media.

Not surprisingly, the fact that he became the 'world' of this year's Major Arcana sequence caused an uproar in the wizarding world.

A first-year freshman who didn't make any outstanding contributions, didn't have profound Magic power, and wasn't the head of a large wizarding organization, was actually included in the Grand Arcana sequence by the "Arkana" list.

This is almost comparable to the appointment of a magician as an official lecturer at the First University.

It is true that after excavation, the media found that this young wizard has many titles, such as the first university's public student, such as the Merlin Medal at a young age, and the hunting team he formed in the just-concluded Campus Cup Hunting Freshman Competition It was even rumored that this young wizard could completely copy all the more than a thousand basic symbols.

But that's all.

Compared with other wizards in the major arcana sequence, all the achievements of Zheng Qing are like children's play.

Just like Su Shijun, another wizard who was included in this year's Grand Arcana list with Zheng Qing, no one would question her qualifications. The person in charge of a high-level laboratory in a university, etc., any one of these titles alone can beat more than 99% of the wizards in the wizarding world.

Don't suffer from few, but suffer from inequality, that's all.

"I understand the truth, but who is this Professor Trudeau?" Zheng Qing picked up a lace tabloid, shook it, and looked at Fatty Xin helplessly: "Why is he punching me so full of righteous indignation. "

What he was talking about was the report entitled "Forced to Fire, Professor Trudeau Said He Will Fight to the End". In the article, the professor named Trudeau strongly criticized the selection mechanism of the wand and questioned Zheng Qing's identity. At the same time, we call on schools and even people of insight in the wizarding world to unite and fight against the injustice of this world.

Correspondingly, this report is accompanied by a picture.

In the picture, a handsome wizard in a moon-white thick robe and with two shiny mustaches is angrily waving his fist at Zheng Qing. If it wasn't for a layer of newspapers, Zheng Qing must have been beaten by that wizard. Nose and face are swollen.

"It's the honorary member of the Wizarding Council, the director of the Anti-Curse Department of the First University," Xin Fatty reminded: "Didn't you really like the book "Days of Dances with Dragons" before? He is the author!"

"Oh, Professor Long!" Zheng Qing was stunned: "His original name is Trudeau, I always thought he was called Professor Long... But what does it have to do with me?"

"Because you replaced him." Fatty explained faintly: "Professor Trudeau was the 'world' of the 2006-2008 Grand Arcana sequence for three consecutive years, but you squeezed him out this year... ...If it were me, I would be too angry."

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth.

"No disaster." The young wizard complained in a low voice, "I didn't announce the list...I didn't apply for the status of the Great Arcana...Why do you bother me?"

"Didn't you provoke Soprano back then?" Fatty shrugged, referring to the old incident, and at the same time comforting: "Sometimes, everyone just needs a reason to lose their temper. As for you standing at the front, To bear the anger of others can only be considered unlucky for you."

"None of my business!" The young public finance student was irritable, and threw the newspaper in his hand on the table.

In the picture, Professor Trudeau's clean robe was quickly stained with oil dripping from the table. After angrily waving its fist a few times, it turned around and disappeared at the edge of the picture, leaving only an empty gray background.

I don't know if I borrowed cleaning agent from myself in other portraits.

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