Hunting High School

Chapter 269 Four Places

January 1, New Year's Day.

Night, five past nine.

Jiuyou colleges, schools, male dormitories, room 403.

The desk is full of snacks and snacks such as chicken popcorn, potato griddles, French fries, and puffs, as well as a variety of drinks including green bee and Amber light. In addition, there are also garlands and ribbons temporarily pulled out by the elves on the ceiling, occasionally mixed with a few colorful balloons with grimaces painted on them.

All the members of the Forgiveness Knights, including Shi Yuan little monk, who hadn't shown up for a long time, gathered in this not very spacious room, discussing something enthusiastically.

There is only one topic, and that is the Arcana list announced tonight.

Or more specifically, the effect of the new Arcana list on the Knights of Penitence.

"I have a very definite source," Xin Fatty, who worked as a reporter at the school newspaper and got first-hand information, became the moderator of tonight's meeting.

He was holding a small flowerpot in one hand, and the morning glory in the flowerpot was shaking its head wildly under the stars of his spittle.

With the other hand waving a rolled up school newspaper, he looked around complacently, and raised his voice a little: "There are a total of twenty-two people who have withdrawn from the 2008 edition of the Arcana list this year, and most of them are There are two Akanas, and twenty minor Akanas... In other words, there are also twenty-two new Akanas selected."

Everyone stared at Fatty quietly, with joy and excitement shining in their eyes.

Before the meeting started, everyone already knew some news, but it was not confirmed enough.

"Among them!" Fatty swung the arm of the school newspaper down vigorously, and shouted at the same time: "Our Knights of Exoneration have four of the twenty-two places!"


There was warm applause and cheers in the dormitory, and Zheng Qing's ears were buzzing.

There was a smile on his face, he kept nodding his head, and thanked his companions for their enthusiasm, but deep down in his heart, he didn't feel the slightest joy.

Like Fatty told him earlier, he doesn't feel like he deserves to be on the Grand Arcana roster either. Virtue does not match, it is inevitable that the bottom of my heart will be anxious and restless.

In the center of the dormitory, Xin Fatty threw the roll of newspaper in his right hand back to the desk, then changed the trumpet flower pot held in his left hand to his right hand, and announced loudly: "Sequence of Star Coins, servant, Linguo!"

The little wizard from the Alpha Academy screamed, raised his fist, and swung it vigorously in the air a few times. His face was full of pride and joy.

The elves presented a wreath to the little wizard in time, and at the same time stuffed their hands with various delicious snacks.

"Sword, Sequence Nine, Blue Bird!"

"Woo~" Dylan whistled, leaned half out of the coffin, and patted the blue bird on the shoulder: "It's no surprise at all!"

The handsome swordsman in blue robe nodded silently, but did not show much joy.

His face looked a little pale.

Since losing before the wild monsters in the last freshman match, the blue bird has become more and more taciturn. According to Dylan from the same academy as him, because of the crazy way of fighting, even the second-year or even senior students of Starry Sky Academy are unwilling to see Blue Bird in the no-limit ring.

"Scepter, Sequence Seven, Dr. Xiao!"

Xiao Xiaoce lay on the desk with his own notebook on his pillow, raised his arm and raised the quill in his hand to signal that he heard it.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

There was once again lively cheers and applause in the dormitory, and then quickly fell silent.

Everyone is listening for the last name.

Fatty took a breath, turned his arms like dancing, bowed exaggeratedly in Zheng Qing's direction, and read aloud: "And, the Arcana list, the Major Arcana sequence, code-named 'World'... Classmate Zheng Qing!!"


There was no more enthusiastic applause in the dormitory, but a long sigh full of satisfaction. It was a sigh that comes only after curiosity has been fully satisfied.

"Although I'm mentally prepared, I still feel a little scary when I hear the news." Xiao Xiao took off his glasses, wiped the lenses with a fine velvet cloth, and said to himself.

"Actually, I always thought that Brother Qing could win the position of Knight of Scepter," Zhang Jixin hugged Fat Cat Tuantuan, stroking the cat's fur with his thick fingers while muttering, "I remember a time when he left I like to play a Tarot card of the Knight of Wands everywhere..."

Zheng Qing was in a daze with his head down, but when he heard Zhang Jixin's words, his face suddenly became hot.

"Those talismans that Elena gave us Lord 'World' to suppress nightmares are not because he has any thoughts or preferences about the Knight of Wands." As a host, Xin Fatty just picked up Elder Zhang's words and answered His doubts did not let the atmosphere down at the same time:

"Let's gossip... Next, I invite the Master of the World in the 2009 Grand Arcana Sequence, the recipient of the Order of Merlin, the public-funded student of Jiuyou College, the leader of our forgiveness knights, and forgiveness Captain of the hunting team, student Zheng Qing made a speech and a speech!"

When everyone present heard the series of titles and nouns reported by Fatty, they couldn't help laughing, and at the same time clapped their hands more and more cheerfully.

Zheng Qing scratched his head, Fatty didn't tell himself that there was such a thing before.

He looked around, and the dormitory quickly fell silent. Everyone was staring at him, wanting to hear what he was about to say.

Zheng Qing stood up with a troubled look on his face.

"I don't know why." He spread his hands, and took the lead in answering the question that everyone cared about: "I know everyone is wondering why the wand put me in the Major Arcana... In fact, I am older than you." more curious."

"Let's talk about something else," Xiao Xiao laughed, interrupting Zheng Qing's defense, and said: "The specific reason, we only need to pay attention to the public opinion in the next few days, and we will definitely find something... Now, as a forgiveness knight Head of the regiment, you should talk about the impact on the association after the association has won four Arcana places this time, and the plan for the next step of development."

Zheng Qing touched his nose, expressing doubts about the doctor's statement.

What can those Eight Trigrams who are used to catching rumors know about things that are not clear to the parties involved?

But now is not the time to argue about such things.

What Xiao Xiao said just now is also very reasonable.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qing cleared his throat, and immediately said according to the previously written belly draft: "The announcement of the Arcana list this time is a great benefit to our association, and it will also benefit our hunting team's next application to become an official The registered hunters were also very helpful.”

"Therefore, first of all, I suggest giving each Akana a jade coin as an encouragement... In addition to the surplus left over from the previous store opening, the association's provident fund still has some surplus."

Hearing that he planned to reward himself with jade coins, boos immediately erupted in the dormitory, but this did not prevent everyone from raising their arms in unison, and passed the proposal.

A bright smile appeared on Zheng Qing's face, and he began to analyze other influences and plans with his fingers.

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