Hunting High School

Chapter 244: Opening

"So, what we're going to deal with tonight are ghouls?"

Xin Fatty patiently listened to Zheng Qing's brief description of the 'meeting', and concluded with satisfaction: "The luck is not bad, although I didn't get Zug's lottery, but I didn't offend the Shantak birds. I haven't touched monsters like giant worms or guge titan..."

"Wrong." Xiao Xiao interrupted Fatty's summary.


Including Zheng Qing, everyone looked at the fortune teller of the hunting team in unison, not understanding what the word 'wrong' meant.

"The analogy is wrong." The doctor pushed his glasses, and explained patiently: "Macrophage worms belong to high rank magical creatures, Guge titan, ghouls, and zogs all belong to mid rank magical creatures, while Shantak birds belong to Belonging to low rank magical creatures... Theoretically, if we encounter Shantak birds, luck is the best...Zuge is next."

The analysis is so rigorous that others have nothing to say.

After a few seconds of silence, the atmosphere was broken by Mr. Vampire Werewolf.

"Where is Representative Su?"

Dylan didn't care about what happened to his captain, nor did he care about what monsters he encountered in a while, he only cared about whether his heroic appearance on the hunting ground could be seen by the senators of the parliament: "Will Senator Su come to cheer us on? "

Zheng Qing recalled Su Shijun's laziness sitting on the sofa, and wanted to tell Mr. Vampire Werewolf that she was probably just here to make soy sauce.

But considering the morale issue, the captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team had no choice but to nod against his will: "Yes, Councilor Su asked me to tell you that she will always pay attention to everyone's every performance..."


In the lounge, Su Damei, who was reading "Corpse Food Canon", silently rolled her eyes, reached out to pick up a strawberry from the fruit plate next to her, and stuffed it into her mouth.

Li Meng was full of pride and stood upright.

On the other side, Lin Guo looked at the pastry in his hand sadly, eager to go to the hunting ground to make contributions. Wizards of his age have far less understanding of beauties than real college students.


"Who will play in the first round?"

Zhang Jixin interrupted this topic that had little to do with hunting—the entire hunting team, perhaps only he and Zheng Qing maintained a certain degree of calm on this topic, but unlike Zheng Qing's reason for being calm, the red-faced wizard was able to maintain a certain level of calmness. The reason for restraint is that he is more fanatical about hunting.

Hearing his inquiry, Zheng Qing hesitated, looking around.

There are a total of seven official hunters in the forgiveness hunting team, but the standard hunting team participating in the hunting competition is a five-man system, which means that at least tonight, two people need to sit on the bench.

As far as the eye can see, except for Jiang Yu, everyone else looks eager to try. As the saying goes, the morale is the highest at the beginning of any game.

"Fatty stays with the squad leader, the others come on."

Zheng Qing thought about it briefly, and made a decisive decision: "Fatty is the eye of our secret weapon, don't waste too much energy at the beginning, your task tonight is to observe... the squad leader played the most comprehensive, and has always been in the most stable state, You can take over any position on the court at any time, so you two will be on the bench tonight."

The reasons he gave were very good and convincing. In addition, both Jiang Yu and Zhang Jixin nodded in approval immediately. After Xin Fatty hesitated, he could only accept the arrangement with a murmur.

"As for their positions."

Zheng Qing first pointed to Zhang Jixin: "Old rules, the Elder is the main hunter, the doctor is the right hunter, I am the left assistant hunter, the swordsman hunter, the gentleman hunter... The tactical arrangement is based on the Elder, and the doctor is responsible for checking for gaps... "

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The dull drumbeat echoed over the hunting ground, sweeping away the noise of the spectators, the tension of the hunting team, and the sense of depression under the cumulus clouds. Immediately, the high-pitched and sharp voice of the puppet resounded in all directions:

"The hunting team is in place!"


The audience in the Zhou stands shouted in unison: "Broken bamboo, continued bamboo, flying soil, chasing meat!"

The clear magic light rises from the stands and sweeps across the entire hunting ground. This is the power of the ancient pre-hunting prayers, which can give the most sincere blessings to every hunter on the field.

Zheng Qing took one last look at Jiang Yu, nodded slightly at her, then turned around, led the hunting team through the gate, and formally entered the hunting ground full of loess.


Unlike most hunting grounds I have seen before, the hunting ground for this trial is more like a huge Colosseum. There are no tall trees, lush bushes, rivers, hills and other complicated terrain in the field. There is only a huge, Flat, bare land.

There is about half an inch of loess on the ground. When you step on it, it seems that a huge octopus is sucked under your feet. It always makes people feel uneasy that they will be swallowed by quicksand in a second.

"Equipment check!"

"Report loss and failure items separately!"

"Environmental monitoring!"

"Constant determination!"

Zheng Qing proficiently issued various orders, while Zhang Jixin focused on the surrounding environment and began to simulate different tactical arrangements on the sand table.

"The environment is consistent with the outside world, and it is confirmed that the target world has not changed." Xiao Xiao held the crystal ball in one hand, and quickly calculated various constants in the hunting ground with the other hand: "It has been confirmed that the acceleration and gravity are consistent..."

"Spell effect determination..."

"Determination of the effect of the talisman..."

"Potion effect determination..."


"Excellent opening!"

In the stands, the puppets danced with dazzling movements, and the high-pitched voice echoed over the hunting ground:

"As soon as they entered the arena, the Forgiveness Hunting Team showed extraordinary professionalism...the orders were orderly...the hunting team's actions were orderly...this is a quality that many registered hunting teams do not have. It is indeed the hunting team that won the freshman championship last year and participated in the Battle of Hell!"

The answer to the puppet man was the three words "Su Shijun" neatly and uniformly above the hunting ground.


The puppet overwhelmed the fox fans with an overwhelming volume, and shouted: "We should also admit that the synonym of 'rule' is 'rigid'...wasting precious opening time on meaningless basic affairs Now, will it lead to a disappointment in the hunt tonight? We will wait and see..."

"...We can see that the start of the forgiveness is a very standard pentagram battle formation... This is a battle formation that will never go wrong in any environment, with very reliable defense and appropriate offense Sexuality, and very friendly to hunters, as long as you have more intelligence than ordinary gorillas, you can calmly control this battle formation..."

"Ghouls appear!"

"The first prey has appeared in front of the forgiveness hunting team tonight! It is a demonized mature ghoul with disturbing dog-like cheeks and sharp claws...but it only has one, the theory It will not do any harm to the forgiveness."

"For forgiveness, this is probably just an appetizing snack."

"Okay, we can clearly see that the apologetic hunter and hunter have left the battle formation, covering each other with a twisted offensive, and approaching the ghoul!"

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