Hunting High School

Chapter 243: Lottery

Everyone likes Su Shijun very much.

Zheng Qing knows.

Many people came to Yuzu's hunting ground to see Su Shijun.

Zheng Qing also knows.

But in any case, treating the host's house as a guest, using Su Shijun's name instead of apologizing, is a little bit too much from any angle!

The young public funder was thinking wildly, and for a while, forgiveness was eliminated in the first round of selection, and then rotten eggs and banana peels rained down from the stands; for a while, he seemed to hear Andrew or Matthew laughing at forgiveness Fake spectators on the hunting grounds.

He tried his best to get rid of those noisy thoughts, trying to focus on the tactical arrangement later. But the harder he tried, the easier it was for him to lose his attention—for some reason, he easily saw a red banner waving in the stands, with the words "Susu, Susu, I Love you, love you love raccoon'.

Bad rhymes, bad words, bad puns.

The wizard commented like this from the bottom of his heart, just as he was distracted when someone tugged his sleeve suddenly. He turned his head and saw Jiang Yu winking at him.


"Pre-match arrangements." The witch quickly reminded in a small voice: "The hunting team captain needs to follow the staff to meet with the instructor and referee...including the schedule explanation, pre-match oath and so on."

And the thing about taking an oath?

Zheng Qing froze for a second, then followed Jiang Yu's direction and saw a staff member standing at the corner below the stands waving at him, and hurriedly followed.

Turning the corner, there is a small room.

Su Shijun was sitting on the sofa at one side of the room, holding a book in his hand, flipping through it casually, exuding a lazy atmosphere from the inside out. Li Meng and Lin Guo, two apologetic managers, stood on the left and right, Li Meng was holding a plate of strawberries, and Ling Guo was holding a plate of desserts.

Click, click.

The stiff walking sound interrupted the boy's sight, Zheng Qing followed the prestige and saw the puppet walking into the room in a hurry with its slender walking stick.

"Zheng Qing? The captain of the apologetic?"

The puppet took off its head and hugged it in its arms. While wiping the sweat stains on the front and back of the slender nose and the wooden head, it took out a flannel cloth from its pocket, and greeted in a pleasant tone: "Very good, very good hunting team, I remember you guys , the champion of last year's freshman competition... how do you feel about me hosting last year?"

Very bad, Zheng Qing thought of the scare he received at the beginning of last year, and complained from the bottom of his heart.


The young public finance student stared at the head in the puppet's arms, with a look of surprise and admiration on his face, and at the same time racked his brains to find the highlight of the puppet's hosting: "Especially the wonderful opening speech... and the unexpected big mouth. Impressive performance!"

"Ha! I knew it!"

The puppet gleefully put his finger on Own's head, and turned around: "It's like today's opening speech. I spent three months carefully polishing it. Isn't it wonderful?"


Su Shijun put away the book in his hand and stood up.

Zheng Qing suddenly felt that the whole room was much brighter in an instant. Li Meng's eyes lit up, and he stuffed the fruit plate in Lin Guo's arms, and at the same time hurriedly reached out to take the book in Su Shijun's hand—— Zheng Qing suspected that if she was like With a tail like that, Su Ya must have turned a big windmill behind him.

"Ah... oh!"

The puppet noticed the great wizard who got up, immediately suppressed his smile, fixed his head spinning with his fingertips, and then cleared his throat: "Okay, since everyone is here... then let me briefly introduce the rules of today's hunting competition. First, you need to put your hand in my hat—"

It tucked its head back around its neck and pulled its black top hat off - unlike last year, this year it didn't have an ugly wrinkled elf sitting on it, just circles like mosquito coils bare growth rings—with top hat up, stuffed into young public payers


Zheng Qing stretched his neck and looked in, his eyes were pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

"—there are many magical creatures unique to the dreamland in the hat. Whatever animal you draw out of it, you will meet what kind of opponent you will encounter later on the hunting ground."

As the puppet man said, he shook the top hat in his hand vigorously, as if he wanted to shake the 'choice' in the hat more evenly: "As for the winner... as I said at the beginning, the longer you stick to the hunting ground, Longer, the greater the chance of victory!"

It's not the first time Zheng Qing has heard this kind of statement, but he always feels that this kind of statement is too vague.

He turned to look at Su Shijun.

The witch nodded slightly, and said in a brisk tone: "As far as I know, they are all ordinary little guys, such as ghosts, Shantak birds, moon beasts... If you are lucky, you may draw out a Zug, so today The task of late forgiveness is to whack the mole; if you are unlucky and draw out a Guge titan, then you should have a hard time dealing with it."

The creature Su Shijun mentioned, Zheng Qing, has been encountered in the dreamland. Zuge is a group of furry mouse-like creatures, about a foot tall, timid, and afraid of cats; Guge titan is a few meters to a dozen meters tall. Subspecies titan, with multiple arms, ugly appearance and brutal temperament.

He couldn't understand that the school would put these two creatures together for a choice.

Moreover, the "little guy" in the mouth of the great wizard is not the slightest difference from the "little guy" in the eyes of ordinary wizards.


The puppet raised his hand and snapped his fingers, reminding the boy to hurry up: "As the old saying goes, luck is also part of strength. A hunting team with good luck will always be welcomed by everyone!"

There was a quick beat of drums on the ceiling overhead, which meant that the audience in the stands above the house was cheering and jumping for joy. They were probably happily discussing with their companions whether Su Shijun would show up tonight, or the theme of tonight's hunting competition. They didn't know that not far from their feet, the hunter representative was putting his hand into the top hat of the puppet figure with a pale face. middle.

The hat is very deep.

Zheng Qing feels as if his hands are dipping into icy water, or in another First Stage world, there is a very clear sense of 'traveling'. He moved his fingers and moved around, but his fingertips did not touch the wings of the Shantak or the arm of the Guge titan as he imagined.

Instead, they are smooth and moist, like chicken eggs.

"The creatures in the hat have been magically disguised, and they feel exactly the same to the touch." The puppet seemed to see through the boy's mind, grinning from the corner of his mouth to the ears: " if you plan to touch it for a while, it's just a waste of your own time."

Zheng Qing sighed, moved his fingertips slightly, and picked up the nearest 'chicken'.

When he took out the hat, he realized that it really looked like a chicken, the size of a fist, with a red shell, and it was covered with delicate and small runes.

"Then, under the witness of a third party, I will open this egg!" As he said, the puppet grabbed Own's nose, using his head as a hammer, and swung it.


The egg shattered, and inside the eggshell, a dark, furry ghoul began to bark its teeth and growl at Zheng Qing.

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