Hunting High School

Chapter 229: Friday Night

"...'The Forgiveness Hunting Team is a very good hunting team,' the new Lei Zhe of the famous student organization "Sacred Will" of the First University praised to this reporter, 'they are from the last Freshman Tournament The champion also achieved a lot in the winter hunting organized by the school last year... Of course, more importantly, as far as I know, the forgiveness hunting team participated in the war that broke out in the black prison at the end of last semester. Everyone in the team has a unique experience... I guess the forgiveness may have formed a fate with Representative Su in that war...'”

Xin Fatty held the school newspaper and read aloud to his peers the brand-new front-page article signed by his name. His face was flushed, and he looked like Zhang Jixin's brother.

"He asked your brother for an interview?" Zheng Qing whispered curiously in the red-faced wizard's ear, "I thought he was just talking to us."

Zhang Jixin curled his lips, and complained: "If there is a chance, he would like to include every famous wizard he knows in this report... such as senior sister Kerma, and wandering wizards."

The young public finance student sighed with admiration.

In this matter, the fat wizard was very dedicated.

Speaking of dedication, the wizard raised his head and looked around. As far as he could see, there was a hazy scene. It is nine o'clock on Friday night, which is the first ten days of the Gregorian calendar, but it is also the last ten days of the lunar calendar, so the moon in the night sky is in a state of being round but not round, like a glowing potato.

The Forgiveness Hunting Team and their instructor will meet for the first time tonight. However, these young wizards waited at the edge of the hunting ground for half an hour, but the high-profile member of parliament was still nowhere to be seen.

It is in stark contrast to Xin Fatty's dedication.

Except for Zheng Qing, no one at the scene seemed to be annoyed by Su Shijun's late arrival. On the contrary, everyone showed great tolerance and patience.

Including Li Meng, who is the most noisy on weekdays.

"Mr. Su must have been delayed by more important matters, so don't disturb others casually!" When Zheng Qing tried to ask everyone if they wanted to be reminded, the little witch was the first to jump out and express strong objection: "Or, Do you want to collect a few extra paper cranes from Mr. Su in private and hide them in your drawer?"

This is a bit embarrassing.

Sensing the suspicious and vigilant gazes around him, the captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team put his palms together and hastily gave up that terrible plan.

"It's really surprising that you didn't arrange for her to study by herself today, but let her come with you." Zheng Qing turned to the other side and joked with Jiang Yu with a smile.

The witch silently glanced at him: "What's surprising about this, Mengmeng has always been a fan of Senator Su, even if she is locked in a black prison tonight, she will find a way to escape... In contrast, you can make Su Shijun's appearance in this kind of competition is even more surprising."

This sounds a bit wrong.

The boy thought about it for a moment, and said in a low voice: "I didn't think about collecting more paper cranes in private."

"Do you need it?" The girl raised her eyebrows, as if she wanted to say something more, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just added, "I'll go and see how the training supplies are prepared," and left.

Zheng Qing was about to catch up, but was tripped by another voice.

"Captain! Do you think my bow tie is a little crooked?"

Classmate Dylan quietly floated in front of Zheng Qing, blocking the boy's sight, and muttering to himself: "...just now the blue bird asked me to hug the sable for him, that little thing's tail is on my neck It's been twisting...and since then I've had the bow tie feel crooked and have never adjusted well."

While speaking, he was still lifting his chin, flicking the cloth belt around his neck little by little.

Zheng Qing glanced at Mr. Vampire Werewolf's pale, bloodless face. He always felt that he had applied a catty of powder on his face. He was a little impatient, but still sighed patiently: "I look pretty straight. ...It's almost enough...At night, no one will care how many minutes and seconds the rope tied around your neck is off. How did you tie it before?"

"Before staying

Sheri, there is a full-length mirror to help. "Dylan glanced at his captain dissatisfied: "If you don't want to help, just don't know anything about manners!" "

After all, the corner of the robe flashed, and the whole person drifted silently to the direction where Jiang Yu was.

The young payer was tongue-tied, wondering why a bow tie that wasn't quite askew had anything to do with manners. He intends to go with Mr. Vampire Werewolf, but is held back by someone again.

"What's the matter!" Zheng Qing looked a little annoyed at the fat wizard standing in front of him.

"You haven't commented on how well my report is written." The fat wizard rattled the newspaper in his hand, not aware of the wizard's anxiety at all, and seemed full of anger: "The editorial department told me this afternoon, this This newspaper has published twice today... I want to use this report to win this year's 'Golden Quill', do you think it is reliable?"

The 'Golden Quill' is an award that journalists in the wizarding world are very concerned about, and it is aimed at the author of the most influential report article of the year.

Whether it's 'the whole wizarding world' or 'the most influential', Zheng Qing feels that this article about the fat wizard is still a little bit far away-compared with the article he wrote last year about the wizards of the North District According to the survey report, with the promotion of Korma to the great wizard and the birth of the wizard in the North District, the influence is more extensive.

"I'm not your senior sister Linda, what's the use of asking me such a thing?" The young public finance student stomped his feet anxiously, and commented unceremoniously: "Ten thousand steps back... Your article is passable. It’s a good word, it’s great for soft writing or promotion, but I think it’s too bad to use it to hold a golden quill.”

These words immediately dimmed the brilliance on the fat wizard's face.

On the contrary, Zheng Qing couldn't bear it anymore, and added a few words patiently: "Have you read the "Beta Town Post" published together with the school newspaper? Although there is no positive black apology in it, it mentioned last year's freshman Sai Yu The 'noise' at the scene after sin won the championship, and the questioning of why a student hunting team appeared in such a dangerous place in the Hell Field... This kind of voice against authority should be appreciated by the golden quill... I still have something to do, I also heard these words from the doctor, you can talk to him in detail."

As he said that, the wizard pushed the fat wizard, trying to get him to find Xiao Xiao.

At this moment, a blue bird pierced through the night, fluttered its wings and landed on his shoulder, reminding him in a pleasant voice: "Sorry, there was a little accident in the laboratory... it may be later In a few minutes... right away."

The voice belongs to Su Shijun.

It is very clear in the quiet night.

The young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team looked at their captain together, almost showing envious expressions. Even if I can't see Su Shijun himself tonight, it is not a waste of time to hear her apologetic words.

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