Hunting High School

Chapter 228 Unexpected Reaction

Xin Fatty finally didn't have the courage to try to challenge the patience of Su Shijun fans.

The next day was Friday, early in the morning, he obediently received an invisibility amulet for two people from Zheng Qing, stuck it on his chest and back, and slipped into the classroom silently along the shade of trees and corners.

According to Zheng Qing's request, from now on, all wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team need to avoid showing their faces as much as possible to prevent the hunting team from being overly surrounded before the game and causing adverse effects.

As for the invisibility charms, they are provided by the hunting team for free, five per person per day. This means that Zheng Qing needs to spare more than half an hour every day to draw symbols.

In addition to the invisibility talisman, all the hunters of forgiveness also put on brand new red robes and belts, as well as beautiful cufflinks sponsored by Dylan. In the words of Mr. Vampire Werewolf, from today onwards, the Punishment Hunting Team also reversely represents the image of Councilor Su, and must be responsible for the image of Councilor Su.

In short, cleanliness, tidiness, and low-key are the minimum requirements during this period.

It would be even more perfect if Xin Fatty was expelled on the basis of this requirement. As a member of Creatures Under the Moon, although Dylan is not a fan of Su Shijun, he is also a fan of Su Shijun. Have concern above ordinary enthusiasm.

Facts have proved that the requirements of young public finance students are quite forward-looking.

The news that Su Shijun served as the instructor of the forgiveness hunting team quickly spread early in the morning with the extra numbers of "Beta Town Post" and "School Newspaper".

When Zheng Qing and his group came to the classroom and took off the invisibility amulets hanging on their bodies, they were greeted by enthusiastic and loud cheers from all the students in Tianwen 08-1.

"How did you do it?!"

"Really? Is it true that Su Shijun is the instructor of forgiveness?"

"It's been published in the newspapers, how could it be fake! Besides, is Qing brother the kind of sensationalist?...Qing brother, is the forgiveness hunting team still recruiting new ones?"

"A newspaper may have an error in its statement, but two authoritative newspapers are still chattering in front of you. Are you afraid that you are not the reincarnation of a gangster?... Brother Qing, does the Excuse Hunting Team need sponsorship? There are no strings attached! "

"Brother Qing! I have a cousin who works at the Beta Town Post, and she wants to talk to you about Senator Su...Of course, of course, the time is up to you! The Post is willing to provide generous benefits...Sponsorship!"

"Fatty! Have you met Senator Su? I heard that she has been in the laboratory recently... Have you seen her baby? It is Neptune! I heard that it has a beautiful fiery red fur and is born Has two tails!"

Zheng Qing was a little apprehensive as he listened to the chattering discussions around him, wishing to shut everyone's mouths up, and then re-hang the invisibility talisman on each teammate.

Thinking that such a day would last for a long time, he was in a bad mood.

"I haven't seen it yet. After all, Councilor Su is usually very busy."

The fat wizard sat on the seat reservedly, enjoying the gaze from all directions, and at the same time severely warned the classmate who tried to help his cousin interview Zheng Qing: "Any interviews about Councilor Su must be approved by the Qingqiu Mansion, scum...cough... ...Brother Qing can't make his own decisions!"

Zheng Qing rolled her eyes silently.

The Qingqiu Mansion never made such a request. He had reason to believe that Fatty was just a chicken thief who wanted to keep the most valuable interview materials for himself through information asymmetry.

Of course, if this excuse can stop those fanatical and curious questions, Zheng Qing doesn't mind pinching his nose and acquiescing to Xin Fatty's remarks.

"I'm also one of the pardoners!"

Li Meng stood on the own chair, waving her arms exaggeratedly as if giving a speech, and tried to prove to the surrounding witches: "Do you know Lin Guo? It's the boy from Alpha Academy who is good at alchemy. He is the manager who forgives sins." People, right, I'm vice, if you don't believe me, ask him..."

Zheng Qing never knew that the exonerated hunting team manager had a deputy position.

But he is very sure that if someone wants to go to Lingo to verify this matter, the little wizard will swallow his breath and admit it out of ten.

. After all, he has only one wizard of similar age, while the little witch has two and a half, and their backgrounds are stronger than the other, which is not something that a little wizard like him can provoke.

It was Jiang Yu who finally stopped classmate Li Meng's hype.

Unlike the boys, Jiang Yu does not need to carry an invisibility amulet with him when entering and leaving the classroom. A beautiful witch always has its own defensive barrier around it. Anyone who actively approaches will always undergo three or five "passive judgments". If the judgment is successful, they can approach with their faces covered. The First University is a university after all, and the wizards in the school are still very gentlemen, and they will never embarrass another beauty because of one beauty.

Even so, the number of wizards who summoned up the courage to disturb Jiang Yu increased several times today, causing her to enter the classroom much longer than expected—not only that, but as the news spread, more and more students got the trail from nowhere. It is believed that Su Shijun will appear in the classroom of Tianwen Class 08-1 today, so a large number of students began to gather at the door of the classroom, and Jiang Yu could hardly squeeze into the classroom.

Therefore, when the witch entered the door and saw Li Meng, who was standing on a chair and dancing, her temper suddenly became bad.

"Ge Zhitan Xi!"

She used the binding spell without hesitation, and the gnarled vines fell from the sky like the skinny claws of an old wizard, lifting the little witch by her collar and lifting her off the chair.

Then, she looked around angrily, and scolded softly: "Don't you know that class is about to start? Why are you all arguing together! Downton! Have you collected all your homework?"

That momentum, like a real professor.

Li Meng sat in his seat, stretched her neck to open the alchemy class handout, picked up a quill pen and pretended to sketch; Tang Dun smiled shyly, reluctantly gave up the opportunity to chat with Zhang Jixin, coughed twice, and began to yell Accept the homework for the last alchemy class.

The others also dispersed and returned to their seats one after another, which made Zheng Qing feel that the whole classroom was brightened up, and he looked at Jiang Yu gratefully.

It's just that the witch didn't have time to talk to him, and she didn't sit down. Instead, she blocked the door of the classroom and angrily reprimanded the idlers who gathered around the door of the classroom—most of them were first-year freshmen.

"And you!" She held the handouts and looked around: "Qingqiu Mansion is located in No. 54, West District of Beta Town, not in East 503 of the teaching building! If you want to see Su Shijun, go to the gate of Qingqiu Mansion... What are you doing here? ?”

"We just stand at the door of the classroom, and we don't get in the way!"

"Yes, this is our freedom!"

A few unidentified yells came from the crowd, slightly offsetting the witch's aura, and even the chaos that had just been suppressed in the classroom showed signs of revival.

The witch kept a straight face, wearing a badge representing the picket of the student union on her chest.

The freshmen blocking the door of the classroom immediately dispersed.


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