Hunting High School

Chapter 17 Into The Left Ear And Out Of The Right Ear

Zheng Qing is well aware of her troubles.

To put it simply, it is the contradiction between the growing power of forbidden spells in the body and its limited capacity. If the power of the forbidden curse escaping from the seeds of the forbidden curse is not properly guided, it will cause Zheng Qing a splitting headache and mental weakness at the slightest, and it will bring uncontrollable and disastrous consequences at worst.

For example, during a night patrol at Linzhong Lake, he shot and seriously injured Mike King Soprano of Alpha Academy.

For example, after leaving the dreamland, he accidentally smashed the school's guardian circle and the small white tower on the island in the middle of the lake.

Another example is the black prison battlefield, the red slender sky pillar he toppled, cut open the solid black prison inner fortress, and instantly pushed the originally slow-moving war to the most intense level.

Even without his husband's reminder, Zheng Qing has already realized his troubles. During the period of hospitalization, the boy had to poke his fingers every day, draw a few blood symbols, and use the wrapped symbols to contain the overflowing blood. The power of the forbidden spell——Originally, he planned to go to Sanyou Bookstore to ask after he was discharged from the hospital to see if there was any better solution for the husband.

Hearing Mr.'s words at this moment, Zheng Qing immediately forgot his confusion and the risk of the source of this gift, and asked excitedly:

"This little snake? How does it solve my troubles?"

The husband didn't explain, but just raised his hand and leaned forward, motioning Zheng Qing to touch the little green snake.

The young wizard cautiously stretched out a finger and rubbed the green snake's forehead. The fingertips felt smooth and slightly cool, as if touching the dewdrops on the grass blades in the early summer morning.

With one touch, the green snake suddenly stopped sleeping and opened its eyes, one dark blue and one blood red. The dark blue is like water, and the blood red is like jade, both of which are crystal clear without a trace of Killing intent, which is fascinating to watch.

Zheng Qing's eyes widened in surprise, because when he touched the green snake's forehead, the power of the forbidden curse accumulated in the depths of his soul was like a flood, flowing down his fingertips and rushing into the green snake's body.

It only took a moment for the cyan cyclone hovering over the heart lake to disappear. This was the power of the forbidden spell he had accumulated all night, and he originally planned to draw a blood talisman to draw it out at noon.

As the power of those forbidden spells dissipated, the faintly solid small tree in the depths of the soul spread out its branches freely, and shook the few green leaves on the branches comfortably.

Zheng Qing let out a long breath, feeling a long-lost and complete relief in spirit.

Then, he remembered the origin of this little snake.


As soon as the boy opened his mouth, the gentleman put away his raised hand. It's just that the green snake didn't withdraw from the master's palm, but rolled and swayed along with the trend, clung to Zheng Qing's fingertips, and climbed onto his wrist.

"R'lyeh's disarmament is not complete."

Before the boy opened his mouth, Mr. explained directly: "Whether Xiangliu or Cthulhu are top legends, they can touch the real existence of the world. The physical body has not been completely wiped out... You can understand this little snake as the obsession formed by Xiangliu and Cthulhu's last lingering spirit, if the obsession does not disappear, La'laye will never be able to be consummated."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing suddenly felt that the little blue snake crawling on his wrist was like a red-hot iron, which was terribly hot. He wanted to shake it to the ground, but he didn't dare, for fear that the movement would be too loud, disturbing the entangled obsession of the two legends, and be turned into ashes by one thought.

The young wizard could only raise his head and look at his husband pitifully.

Seeing this, the gentleman suddenly laughed: "It is not dangerous to you... You should know that a forbidden spell is a spell that restrains the 'world' according to a certain rule, and the power of legendary wizards lies in their ability to derive real magic. A true world. Your power of the forbidden spell has a very unique effect on obliterating the legendary obsession."

"Originally, R'lyeh wanted to ask me to take action, so that it can recover faster. But considering the balance of all parties, it is good for everyone to recover slowly... and the distance between me and this world is getting farther and farther away. You need some time to grow, too. So I suggest you do it that favor."

"Of course I believe sir." The vague and hoarse voice echoed in the ward again. This time, Zheng Qing didn't panic and became much calmer.

"He," the boy stopped, looked around, and looked behind Mr., as if he saw those huge eyes again, so he changed his mouth and said, "Didn't you fall asleep?"

The expected vague and hoarse voice did not sound.

Zheng Qing looked at Mr. in confusion.

"R'lyeh is indeed asleep."

The gentleman did not deny the boy's guess: "But for the ancients who have jumped out of the long river of time and fate, the past, present, and future are one, and there is no such thing as 'awake' and 'sleeping' in the traditional concept...just The less interference with reality, the simpler the convergence of the future timeline. So it will not easily appear in reality."

Zheng Qing pouted quietly.

It is completely acceptable for His Royal Highness Raliyah to directly say that the advanced ancient man looked down on him as a young man and was too lazy to talk to him.

"Then this little snake will be my bracelet?" Zheng Qing raised his hand, looked at the green snake hanging on his wrist, looked at its crystal clear eyes and scales that were clear in the sun, and felt slightly dissatisfied in his heart. OK.

He lowered his head and glanced at Own's shadow—even the black cat that has not completely mastered the power of the forbidden curse is strictly monitored by the "relevant department", so there is no reason why he can walk around wearing a "bracelet of forbidden curse".

What if the bracelet blows up during class?

Or worse, what if some dark wizard seduces it away with a beautiful little female snake?

"There are certain risks."

The gentleman nodded, raised his hand and pinched three magic formulas, which turned into three light golden fluorescent spots, one point fell on the forehead of the green snake, and two points fell on Zheng Qing's two earlobes, then he closed his hand and gave Zheng Qing a look with a smile.

Witnessing this scene, the young wizard was so blessed that he raised his hand and pinched the first hand formula according to Mr.'s previous demonstration.

The green snake on his wrist suddenly turned into a ray of light and shot into his left ear hole, a bit like water in his ear while taking a bath, and the surrounding sounds suddenly became blurred and distant.

He shook his head, it was fine, and his head felt like it was flooded.

This feeling of submersion lasted for a few seconds before slowly dissipating. Zheng Qing held his breath and looked inside. He saw a small green snake entrenched on the small sapling germinated from the seed of the forbidden spell above the heart lake. Bloodshot eyes. The power of the forbidden spell overflowing from the sapling had not yet dissipated, and it sank into the scales opened by the green snake that day.

Zheng Qing opened his eyes, with a bit of joy in his eyes, flipped his fingers, and pinched the second formula.


A stream of light shot out from his right ear hole, rose against the wind, and turned into a green snake about a foot long and short, entangled in the void, shaking his head, his eyes of different colors opened and closed, and starlight overflowed.

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