Hunting High School

Chapter Sixteen R'lyeh

"But devouring is not so easy."

"Some things are easy to eat, but not easy to digest... It is very likely that what you eat will be the same as when you come out of the valley; or even worse, after eating, the food will start to make troubles in heaven, lighten it up It will damage your stomach, and if it is heavier, it will even damage your life."

Hearing these "maybes" from Mr. Zheng Qing, a monk with a hairy face and a bewitching mouth inexplicably appeared in Zheng Qing's mind, and then the picture changed, and the monkey was sitting around with several other monks with strange shapes, eating The hot pot is singing, and a cluster of juicy Flammulina velutipes is caught in the chopsticks.

The boy couldn't help but twitched his lips

The gentleman glanced at him suspiciously, confirmed that the young man in front of him was still normal, then shook his head, and continued to speak in a leisurely manner: "...In short, after Xiangliu ate cthulhu, he found that he couldn't 'digest' it. I As I said before, it is very good at seizing fleeting opportunities. But this time, the big formation that the school has set up in the black prison is its biggest opportunity. It can take the opportunity to 'molt its shell' and use external force to smash its stomach The indigestible cthulhu... This is a very clever means of military solution, which can not only cut off many troublesome Karmas, but also conforms to the profound meaning of the ancients to "reduce things and make them empty."

"Originally, the little fellows of Misty and Ulrich only planned to sneak into the black prison, look for an opportunity to grab two fruits and run away. They both have a chance to become legends, so they still have the courage to take risks. Xiangliu knows their plan Afterwards, they quietly added to the flames, and not only invited the three dark behemoths, but also invited the speaker of the dark parliament to act together."

"Then the war expanded uncontrollably."

"Wizards, demons, and foreign gods are actively or forced to get involved. The scale of the war has also risen from the ranks of great wizards and legends to the appearance of the ancients... This can be regarded as the largest war in recent decades .”

"Is the school successful?" The young wizard asked subconsciously.

The gentleman nodded, but sighed slightly: "It can be said to be a success, but it can also be considered a failure. Success lies in the fact that the school has achieved the minimum goal, and no monster at the critical point took away the Xuanhuang fruit, and no monster made progress in the process. Level success, and even severely beat the newly formed Dark Council... You have a lot of credit for this."

Zheng Qing forced a smile.

Under his feet, the dark shadow suddenly branched out with octopus-like tentacles, baring its teeth and claws, trying to prove to the two wizards in the room that it is the biggest contributor.

The young wizard quietly took a step aside, away from the window, and hid in the shadows of the room. The shadow under his feet suddenly disappeared.

The gentleman didn't take it seriously, and continued to analyze slowly: "...As for the failure, it was because the Sea Demon King Xiangliu successfully resolved his army with the help of this battle, and became the first ancient man who successfully advanced after the second war between wizards and demons. By."

Hearing this, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed through Zheng Qing's mind.

"You said before," the young wizard suddenly raised his head, his eyes sparkling: "The legend of the Siren King's breakthrough is because he doesn't want to be the source of the ancestor of the demon. Is it understandable that its appearance in the black prison violated the ancestor of the demon? At the same time, it devoured another Outer God in order to advance, which is equivalent to making enemies with the starry sky... Wizard, demon, Outer God, three forces, it offended two at the same time, then we..."

"What a keen little guy." A vague and hoarse voice suddenly echoed in the ward, which startled the young wizard. After careful identification, he couldn't hear anything.

He quickly glanced around and didn't see an outsider, but for some reason, he always felt that he was standing in front of a pair of huge eyes, and those eyes were staring at him.

"Sir?" Zheng Qing grabbed the corner of Mr.'s robe.

Mr. Wu tugged at the corner of his robe that was being held, but he didn't pull it. He couldn't help laughing, and with a wave of his hand, Zheng Qing suddenly felt dizzy, and indescribable colors rushed over from all directions.

When he regained consciousness, he was still standing in front of the hospital bed, and his husband was still sitting cross-legged on the hospital bed. But outside the hospital bed, the front, rear, left, right, up, down, and up and down became dead silence and darkness, and the place where he and his husband were was the only color in this dead silence and darkness.

No, not the only color.

When Zheng Qing realized this, a pair of huge eyes suddenly appeared in the darkness. Although this world can't tell the difference between high and low, the only impression that those eyes gave Zheng Qing was that they were 'upright'.

Just in an instant, those eyes appeared in front of the hospital bed.

Standing in front of those eyes, Zheng Qing felt as if he was standing in front of the vast sea, facing the boundless world. The waves roared, slapping on the jagged rocks, splashing snow-white waves.

The waves formed twisted white letters full of foam in the air, on the reef, and on the surface of the sea, repeating the strange word 'r&039;lyeh'. The name of 'La Laiye' resounded throughout.

Then Zheng Qing felt his hand being pulled, lowered his head, and he went back to the hospital bed, the husband was pulling the corner of own robe out of his hand.

The darkness and dead silence receded.

The roar of the waves and the whimper of the sea wind disappeared without a trace.

"This is..." The young wizard didn't dare to raise his head, he only dared to stare at the corner of the gentleman's robe, his voice was dry.

"Just as you guessed." Mr. tugged at the hem of the robe, shook it, and let it stretch a little, and at the same time replied calmly: "At the same time, offending the demon and the starry sky, even if it advances to become an ancient, it must find My new position. Before falling asleep, Lalyye—that is, Sea Demon King Xiangliu, this is its new name after advancing to the ancient—found me, hoping to give it some time, and I agreed."


"Military disbandment is a very dangerous path. There is only a thin line between success and failure. R'lyeh needs a little time to stabilize the current state. What it lacks is time."

"How could it..." Zheng Qing opened his mouth—how could the Siren King find Mr.? Doesn't it know that wizards and demons are sworn enemies? What will sir do with it? Can the ancient be completely sealed?

Before he could ask these nonsense words, the gentleman stretched out his hand and spread it in front of the young wizard.

In the palm of his hand, a light blue snake as thick as chopsticks was coiled into a ball, soundly asleep.

"This is the Siren King?!" Zheng Qing took a step back in fright, his voice distorted.

"This is a gift from it to you." Mister looked at the young wizard a little speechlessly, "I know you are my student, and I also know the troubles you are facing, so I gave you this little thing."


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