Hunting High School

Five Hundred And Fourth Chapters Legends (Five)

Shi Hui needs to keep suppressing the erosion of the blood curse, and at the same time prevent Xiang Liu from finding her and perishing together.

Because of the loss of eight and a half heads, the Siren King became weaker than ever - he couldn't catch up or hit the witches in the distance, and the only remaining eyeball could neither increase the power of the blood curse nor reach the backlash of the spell. condition.

This sense of powerlessness simply drove the Sea Demon King mad, but it became calmer instead.

"how did you do it?"

The Siren King's voice was still hoarse, but it lost the original madness, and became calm and cold: "Being able to stop right at the last moment... Even top legends can't do it."

While asking, it still didn't give up chasing the five-color Lotus flower in the distance. The huge fireball streaked across the pitch-black Universe, causing ripples in the void on both sides.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The witch's laughter came from the lotus flower.

The Siren King seemed to be able to see her cheerful appearance.

"Just like you can't catch up with me at this moment."

Sitting in the lotus flower, Shi Hui showed great patience and explained: "This small universe is the battlefield I chose, and this is the home field of wizards... Well, the home field naturally has the home field advantage... If I want to , this chase can last forever."

"I didn't keep that spell from before. The power of that spell didn't disappear. It was just sent out. As for where it went... I guess it should be in the depths of the starry sky. After all, it was chasing Starlight went."

"I've finished answering your questions... Now it's my turn to ask questions."

In the void, the five-colored Lotus flower swayed slightly, as if waving at the huge Star that was chasing after it. The witch asked sincerely: "Since you can't kill me, and you can't let me kill you...then can you tell me?" What are you going to do this time? Maybe I can help you."

The 'help' that the witch said was naturally not really helping the Siren King.

She was just a little bit reluctant to see the big snake trying so hard to 'die'. If it doesn't affect much, she really doesn't mind helping out.

After all, she is competing with Ruoyu for the position of the principal of the first university. If she can kill a legendary monster in this battle of the black prison, then she will definitely be the next principal.

Mouthwatering just thinking about it.

The surface of the Star in the distance is uncertain, like the light of a pupil.

The Siren King is seriously thinking about the witch's proposal.

Indeed, the original plans not only failed, but weakened them to the extreme. If it left the black prison in such an extremely weak state today, it would probably be backlashed by those four ambitious subordinates before it returned to the Mariana Trench, and it would become their advanced resources.

Looking around, the road ahead is pitch-black, just like this small and silent universe, with no ray of life in sight.

Perhaps there is still a chance of success in telling the whole witch.

Just when it was struggling, it suddenly felt something and stopped its figure suddenly. Star lost its brilliance and completely turned into a huge eyeball, revealing blood-colored pupils and a dark, slender pupil.

The pupils turned slightly, as if looking at other worlds through the endless void.

Among the five-color Lotus flowers, Shi Hui, who was trying her best to resist the blood curse, immediately noticed the abnormal movement in the distance, was slightly taken aback, counted her fingers, and immediately screamed in her heart.

Because of suppressing the blood curse and avoiding Xiangliu's pursuit, her control over the entire small universe was reduced to the minimum, so that outside the small universe, the aura of the forbidden curse erupting on the black prison battlefield passed through the ball like a black hole. The portal passed in.

This gave Siren King a whole new choice.

But the huge eyeball in the distance blinked at her.

In the void, came a cold and hoarse thought from the Sea Demon King: "If the children outside were not making such a fuss, maybe I really need your help."

"Since the host is inconvenient now, as a guest, I can't continue to disturb... Next time we meet, I hope you still have the kindness you have today."

Before the words were finished, the huge eyeball had shrunk to the size of a castan, and the wafer star, shining brightly, rushed upwards at an extremely fast speed, like a slender lightning bolt, hitting a black hole in the void , aroused circles of ripples, and the eyeballs sank straight into the black hole and disappeared.

Shi Hui shouted anxiously, and the five-colored Lotus flower under her body flew around, rolling up thousands of red, blue, yellow, white, and black brilliance, like the water sleeves raised by a dancing girl, and scattered in all directions, trying to prevent the Sea Demon King from leaving The export of this world.

But it was too late after all.

The five-color brilliance blocked the black hole, but it didn't block the eyeball, it only curled a section of tail behind the Sea Demon King. The witch drove the five-colored Lotus flower to float down in front of the black hole. Looking at the writhing tail in front of her, which was full of bones and leftover traces of flesh and blood, she just raised her hand and slapped it with a blank expression on her face.

Xiang Liu's remnant body instantly disappeared.

The witch didn't stop, the five-color Lotus flower turned around and wrapped her up, turned into a stream of light, smashed through the black hole again, and chased after her with the trace of the Siren King.

The stars behind him are the shadows of the five-color brilliance dissipating in the void.

The aftermath is exhausted, the dimensional lines are restored, and the void heals the traces left by the battles of the great wizards. This small universe that has long since returned to ruins has once again fallen into darkness and silence. The Void tells the story of the fierce and unknown battle before.



When Shi Hui and Xiang Liu were fighting.

The head of the inner castle.

A silver creature with the head of a wolf and the body of a snake is coiled into a tower, piled up in a corner where no one is sleeping soundly. Inside the body of the snake, there are no viscera, but a long winding river with no end to end. There are no fish in the water, no greenery on both sides of the river, only jagged and strange rocks, and there are many mountains and mountains, with no defects.

This is also a Minor World.

Ruoyu, the vice president of the First University, and the chairman of the Dark Parliament have six fingers, and the battle field of the two great wizards is in this Minor World.

Compared with Shi Hui's unexpected duels.

The battle that Vice President Ruoyu faced was very much in line with the forecast of the fortune-telling team.

The speaker of the Dark Council didn't go crazy like the Siren King, nor did he intend to fight to the death with the senior vice president of First University for the future of the council.

So after a brief communication, the two decided to talk with each other to tell the difference.

If Liuzhi wins, he can take his people to leave safely; if Yuyu wins, although Liuzhi can still take the members of the Dark Council to leave, the forbidden spells they researched must stay in the school, and they still need to sign a contract. a new contract.

The terms are quite loose, and the speaker of the Dark Parliament has nothing to do with it.

In the long river, in the small boat.

On the bow deck, two old wizards were wearing cloaks, sitting opposite each other, with a chessboard, two boxes of chess pieces, and a pot of steaming strong tea in the middle.

Just listen to the blue waves rippling outside the ship's side, and the water splashes are lingering, and look at the black and white on the chessboard in front of you, and the moves are silent.

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