Hunting High School

Five Hundred And Third Chapters Legends (Four)

Although the feeling of cutting off Xiangliu's endless flesh and blood with each move is extremely fulfilling.

But adhering to the principle that the enemy can never give what they want, after a few rounds, Shi Hui immediately gave up using spells of mass destruction, and instead used restraint and psychedelic magic to deal with the Sea Demon King.

The colorless brilliance is divided into five colors again, red, blue, yellow, white and black, spread out like five fingers of a human being, rolling outward like a Galaxy Cluster spiral arm, tearing off the starlight in the sky, and the witch hides between the spiral arm and the starlight Between the false and the true.

This kind of circling made the seven-headed serpent hysterical. It closed the Ninth Stage door in front of it, stretched its body completely, and went berserk unscrupulously in this small universe that had disappeared.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Small Planets that had long since died were crushed by snake tails, pieces of calm universe time and space rippled in the roar, fourteen 'Stars' bloomed with boundless blood, like a supernova explosion, chasing witches everywhere, seeking decisive battle.

In this way, the witch became more and more certain that the Siren King was planning something, and she was even more unwilling to confront it head-on, let alone destroy its body at will. It was the big snake that sold out countless loopholes and stretched its neck into the witch's hand Underneath, she just turned her wrist lightly, rolling up the five-color brilliance, pretending not to see those flaws.

After several rounds, the Sea Demon King finally realized his opponent's "mercy".

"Are you really that little girl Shi Hui?"

Fourteen huge eyeballs blinked wildly in the void, looking for the witch's figure everywhere, and the voice was full of malice: "Aren't you jealous, and you will kill all demons without mercy? Why have you been soft with your hands today... Yes Seeing that this king is thick, big and long, does your whole body feel weak?"

Hearing these provocative and vulgar words, the witch gritted her silver teeth secretly, squeezed her palms, and clicked, a small Planet that was silent on the orbit in the distance was accidentally shattered into seventy or eighty pieces.

Xiang Liu was keenly aware of the abnormal little planet, and the two 'Stars' crossed a long distance in a breath, and suddenly landed near the little planet. After searching for nothing, they exploded immediately.

Snapped! Snapped!

"Shortcuts and changes, the end will come to an end!"

The hoarse incantation sound, accompanied by those bursting eyeballs, echoed in the small dead universe. The Sea Demon King chased after the witch's lingering breath, and decisively sacrificed another head, using Shi Hui's real name and breath as the Introduce, cast a blood curse-this is the magic that curses the enemy at the cost of life, and it is also the most famous means of the Siren King.

Compared with other legends, the Siren King's nine heads represent its nine lives, so in battle, it can use this kind of shameless method unscrupulously, at the cost of its own head, seriously injuring the legendary wizard who is hostile to it.

At the same time as he heard the spell, the power of the blood curse entangled him like tarsal maggots, and Shi Hui suddenly felt that the Cultivation Base was melting like snow under the scorching sun, and the magic power all over his body collapsed uncontrollably into different dimensions. And in the world she evolved, the sky is full of red clouds, the earth is overturned, rivers are flowing backwards, mountains are collapsing, and it is a scene of the end of the world.

She immediately realized that it was Xiang Liu who was forcing her to make the final choice.

Whether to continue to appease or try to resist.

The most direct and effective way to interrupt the spread of this curse is to defeat the Siren King and make it lose control of the curse.

But trying to resist is likely to fall into the trap of the Siren King. The two top legends are fighting with all their strength, there is no room for sloppyness, and a little carelessness can mean the difference between life and death. Shi Hui had no doubt that Xiang Liu would lose a few more heads in the duel—perhaps this was what it was looking forward to.

And continue to appease, let the curse continue to spread, the witch has reason to believe that when her magic power and Cultivation Base fall below a certain warning line, the Siren King will retreat and choose to kill herself.

For Xiang Liu, this is a win-win battle, whether it achieves its own goal, or it hunts down a legendary wizard of the alliance, it will never suffer.

But for Shi Hui, the choice is not only a dilemma, but also almost a total loss.

Dead country is okay, but death and ignorance is hard.

It is completely impossible for a legendary wizard to choose to die calmly without knowing what the Sea Demon King is up to. After much consideration, the witch made the final choice.

Beyond the starlight, between the darkness and the dead silence, thousands of five-color brilliance suddenly bloomed, like a huge blooming Lotus flower. The figure of the witch was outlined in the light and shadow of the Lotus flower, holding a writing brush in her hand, and quickly wrote a spell in the void:

"The snake rides the mist, and it turns into ashes!"

That light lotus is like a strong dam, temporarily slowing down the outbreak of the blood curse; and the magic power of the anti-curse is like the tide hitting the dam, rolling backwards, roaring, following the direction where the blood curse hit, straight Pounce on the long-awaited Siren King.

"Good time! Hahahaha!!"

"You really are still afraid of death!"

Xiang Liu was entrenched in the starlight, laughing unscrupulously, and tried his best to meet the witch's counterattack with all his strength: "Zhulong! Title! Yao! Nine! Heavy! Door!"

Because there is one less head, this defensive magic is slightly less powerful than before, and the head in the center has to waste more magic power while singing two words at the same time.


Nine tall and majestic gates emerged from the void again, row upon row, with the body of a snake as the road, First Stage followed by First Stage, blocking the incoming spell.

But let the snake ride the fog, it will eventually turn into a pile of loess.

Xiangliu's huge body, the towering gate of the Ninth Stage, and the flickering starry sky all decayed layer by layer amidst the sound of curses. The twelve huge 'Stars' that defined the starry sky also went out one by one.

The starlight slowly dissipated.

Darkness and dead silence have returned to this small universe.

Only the huge Lotus flower still stands at the end of the universe, confronting the endless starlight.

The Sea Demon King's wild laughter stopped abruptly after a long time.

It's not dead.

Because the huge curse force suddenly withdrew when it destroyed its last head, and dissipated, leaving only a huge 'Star' standing alone in a void and darkness, facing the blooming flower in the distance. Five-color Lotus flower.

"Good luck."

In Lotus flower, Shi Hui's calm voice came: "You can't die, and neither can I... This time, we are standing on the same starting line again."

In the void, the Star shone slightly, and then raised the endless brilliance of the whole body, turned into a stream of light, and threw it directly at the huge five-color Lotus flower, with the momentum of dying together.

But no matter how it tried its best, the distance between the two did not decrease at all.

"You lost eight and a half heads, so you think of dying together?" The witch's taunting voice kept coming from the lotus flower: "It can be seen that having more heads does not make people smarter."

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