Hunting High School

Chapter 67: Guest Lai Bay

Poseidon now spends most of his time in the Qingqiu mansion.

When Zheng Qing went to pick up this little guy, in the garden of No. 54 courtyard in the west area of ​​Beta Town, he saw Su Ya who was busy weeding the watermelon.

Sunshine, rain and magic nourish this small garden together. The watermelons in the garden are growing gratifyingly, not much smaller than a hobbit's house. She said it was weeding, but Zheng Qing felt that Su Ya was just looking for an excuse to play. She used colorful wool and flower petals to tailor a suit for every grass spirit she could catch.

The grass spirits lay in the hands of the little fox maid like dead bodies, letting her play with them.

"You're killing their nature," the young public fee student stood outside the fence, and kindly persuaded him: "The book says that grass spirits like to wear clothes made of cattail grass and tung leaves...not flower petals."

Su Ya immediately hid the 'little toy' in her hand behind her back, stood up, and looked at the visitor vigilantly: "Never mind your business...what are you doing here?"

Because she got up a little faster, her big tail accidentally fell out of the skirt, revealing a fluffy tail tip.

After noticing the wizard's gaze, the little fox girl screamed, threw the grass spirit towards Zheng Qing, and ran into the mansion at the same time, howling, "Wow!"

Zheng Qing felt black lines all over her head.

The thrown grass spirit slid a graceful arc in mid-air, and finally hit the young public fee student.

It stretched out its slender nails, dexterously caught the gap in the wizard's robe, and landed firmly on his shoulder. Before he could stand still, he took off the messy petal fluff on his body - he didn't look like he was dying more than ten seconds ago - and then ran along the seam of the wizard's robe Lost.


Zheng Qing followed Cao Jing for a long while, then turned around, just in time to see Xiao Xiao's inquiring eyes.

"I remember that the book said that grass spirits are asexual creatures, so I was a little curious." The young public fee student shrugged: "I just read it, and it is indeed different from us..."

This time, it was Xiao Xiao who looked at him a little strangely.


The gate of the front hall of Qingqiu Mansion made a loud sound, and then a white shadow flashed across the garden, jumped over the fence, and jumped into Zheng Qing's arms, knocking him back.

"Murder!" The wizard felt a tightness in his chest, saw a few pieces of cake crumbs on the corner of the little fox's mouth, and immediately shouted: "How many times have I told you to eat less cake and exercise more, why didn't you listen? Ladies should be skinny!"

Poseidon flicked his tail on the wizard's face, causing him to squint his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the cake crumbs at the corner of the little fox's mouth had been licked clean, leaving no trace. At the same time, it is trying to inhale, making its own waist look a little more slender.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Oh, self-deceiving fool.

Following the little fox at the door was Su Man, the head maid of Qingqiu Mansion. Su Ya hid behind her, showing her small head, and looked at Zheng Qing with gritted teeth.

"Miss already knows why you are here." The head maid was wearing a plain robe, folded her hands in front of her belly, and lowered her head slightly: "She told Dongdong to go early and return early, pay attention to safety... and don't eat mermaids to sell Live maggot cheese or blue cheese."

Zheng Qing nodded obediently.

The head maid bowed slightly again, and then quietly retreated with the little fox girl behind her.

The wizard turned to look at his companion, and complained, "Who would eat maggots?"

"Live maggot cheese, a mermaid delicacy with a very unique flavor. And the taste of maggots is much better than that of frog offal." The doctor patiently analyzed: "You don't like it, but it doesn't mean that foxes don't have this preference... By the way, do you have any? Think Qingqiu Mansion is very interested in your little fox?"

Zheng Qing's heart tightened, he slapped haha, and confused the topic.



The venue of Quankelai Fair is at the side of the estuary of the Silent River, in a small quiet bay.

The water bay does not have a name, but it was temporarily named "Kelai Bay" because it was going to hold a spring fair.

The bay is shallow and clear, and the shore is full of jagged reefs. There are no bushes, and no trace of magic can be hidden. Whether it is a guest on the shore or a businessman in the water, looking at such an environment will feel at ease.

The meeting place agreed by Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu was at the entrance of Kelai Bay.

It's still early.

Zheng Qing deliberately chose to come a little earlier. He planned to find out the process of entering and exiting the market before the witch arrived, so as not to show his timidity under the eyes of everyone.

This matter is not difficult, the boys only need to waste a little time, stand at the entrance of Kelai Bay and observe for a while, and then they will see wizards in cloaks and robes of various colors coming from all directions of Phuket Island, drilling into the end of the bay In the hollow of a rotten oak tree—some people, like Zheng Qing, came through the shortcut in the first square; but there were also many wizards who rode brooms, sat on magic carpets, and even rode giant eagles and flying horses. here.

They randomly dropped the vehicle on the open space outside the oak tree.

Brooms or magic carpets are fine. After all, they belong to alchemy products and lack self-awareness. After being thrown by the owner in the open space, they will just stay where they are. But those giant eagles and flying horses had fun after their masters got into the tree hole.

In just over ten minutes, Zheng Qing had already witnessed three animal fight accidents.

"Doesn't the school not care about it?" The wizard looked at the chaotic scene, a little uneasy.

"Why do you care? How do you manage it?" Xiao Xiao played with his goatee and asked back: "The school has already managed enough things, should it even care about animal fights?"

"Squeak!" Poseidon yelled twice in agreement.

Zheng Qing scratched its ears, let go of the topic, and took out the invitation letter that Professor Garcia gave him from the gray cloth bag. On the cover of the invitation letter, there was an oak mark inlaid with silver wires, which was almost exactly the same as the oak that the wizards got into the tree hole just now.

"It's here," he repeated as if to cheer himself up: "Yes, it's here."

The hole of the rotten oak tree doesn't look that big from the outside, but after getting into the hole, it's a whole other world. A pond with a radius of about 100 miles occupies most of the space in the tree hole. Above the pond, there is a heavy mist, and many fish-like spirits can be faintly seen floating and sinking in it.

"Would you like to use the bubble head spell? Sir!" An enthusiastic voice interrupted the guest's thinking.

Zheng Qing turned his head, and a big goldfish with puffy eyes was looking at him with its tail supporting its body. The fish's mouth opened and closed, and the enthusiasm of the aquarium rushed to his face: "Five coppers for one night, all children are innocent... Although there is no need for a head-soaking spell in the fair, the bulk goods stalls outside the fair are all in the water, and there is absolutely no way without a head-soaking spell. Would you like to use it, sir?"

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