Hunting High School

Chapter 66: Sheep, Sheep And Sheep

After entering the thirteenth week, the temperature rises faster and faster. This hotness affects the atmosphere in the school, people's hearts are floating, and there is anxiety everywhere.

Since the school cafeteria no longer provided goat milk, the number of people applying to the school to "drink goat milk" has increased day by day, and the application snowflakes flew to the office of Professor Li Qihuang and the school hospital—even when Professor Li was in class, from time to time A few paper cranes flew into the classroom and circled vigorously around his head.

So the professor specially prepared a goat's milk substitute for those 'weaned' students.

It is a milk product with lemon yellow, which tastes and tastes very similar to real goat's milk.

Although some of the sheep's characteristics appeared on the students after drinking this goat's milk substitute-such as horns, sheep's hoofs or sheep's tail-but this only aroused more people's interest.

For students who have not used Transfiguration before, this experience is new and interesting. Many students who were not originally interested in drinking goat's milk will also try this alternative to see what grows on them.

Xiao Xiao grew a tuft of straight goatee beard, which made him look more mature.

In short, apart from the fact that all the students in the classroom have turned into 'sheep', the class before the end of the term is lackluster.

Most of the professors have finished the new courses and focused their energy on reviewing and consolidating the teaching content of the whole school year. Correspondingly, the homework they leave for students is also multiplying.

Especially the divination class and astronomy class on Tuesday.

Professor Yi in the Divination class asked the students to refine the line diagram originally in the unit of "day" into a "half day", which is equivalent to doubling the workload; and Professor Emma in the Astronomy class even arranged for everyone I wrote three "model essays" written by magic text, requiring everyone to be familiar with them to the extent that they can write silently.

"The First University will soon become a 'sheep and sheep university'."

After the philosophy of magic class on Wednesday afternoon, Zheng Qing looked at the students in the classroom walking around with their horns on their hands, and couldn't help complaining: "Doesn't anyone think this is weird?"

"Look aside, there is nothing normal in the magic world." Xin Fatty patted the young public finance student on the shoulder comfortingly: "Then you should think that this year's Halloween has been brought forward."

Looking at the thick horns bent on Fatty's forehead, as well as the notebook and quill pen hanging on the horns, Zheng Qing felt like throwing up, but he didn't know where to start.

He could only change the subject abruptly.

"The 'Quan Ke Lai' market is open tonight, so don't run around for a while, we should go after dinner and get ready." He reminded.

"Oh, that wet little party?" Fatty touched the horns on his head, with a look of confusion on his face: "I'm afraid I can't do it today... I haven't finished my homework on Tuesday."

"It's not like you." Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

"News is available at any time, but there is only one final exam." Fatty muttered, turning the notebook hanging on the horn behind his head, out of sight and out of mind - the presence of Nicholas made the entire astronomy class 08-1 There was an inexplicable sense of crisis. No one wanted to become a 'special' figure in the academy like him.

"If you feel bored, I can accompany you." Xiao Xiao interrupted suddenly.

"You?" Before Zheng Qing could answer, a malicious smile appeared on Fatty's face: "Where's Mr. Sima? Didn't you say to let her take you there?"

Zheng Qing clicked his mouth and chose to be quiet.

Xiao Xiao twirled his goatee and glanced at Fatty: "The school temporarily arranged tasks for Sima, and she has no time recently."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"What mission?"

"Shall I tell you?"

"You sure don't know either!"

"Heh, the stupid aggressive method... just pretend I don't know."

"You just don't know, just pretend to know!"

Listening to the naive and aggressive conversation between the two companions, Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing what expression to make. Just then, he felt someone tug on his robe behind him.

Looking back, it was Li Meng who was pulling him.

But Zheng Qing knew that it was Jiang Yu standing behind Li Meng who was looking for him.

"Squad leader is looking for you!" Li Meng raised her head proudly, and after the briefing, she turned around and ran to Jiang Yu's side, hugging her arm.

Zheng Qing noticed a tuft of fluffy lamb tails hanging behind the little witch, which made him secretly laugh.

Jiang Yu, as always, exudes an aura that makes it difficult to joke around.

She is one of the few students in her class who has not tried goat milk substitutes.

Zheng Qing drank it, but he didn't even grow any wool on his body - the young public finance student knew well that it should be the exception principle of the "forbidden curse" that was causing trouble again, but this kind of thing couldn't be explained to his companions , simply blurred the past.

"The matter of Quan Ke's coming is today, right?" Jiang Yu flicked her long hair from the side of her face behind her ears, and said straight away to confirm.

Zheng Qing immediately felt two meaningful gazes from the side.

He pretended not to notice, nodded slightly, and tried to say in a flat and casual tone: "Yes, today... it will start at about eight o'clock in the evening."

"Then we..." The witch looked at him beckoningly.

Zheng Qing took out his pocket watch, looked at the time pretendingly, and then quickly said the plan he had prepared: "The fair market is located on the bottom of the quiet river estuary, some distance from the school, we need to start at least half an hour earlier. 7:1 Now, I will bring Poseidon to wait for you at the gate of the school."

"What about the school's curfew?"

"I have confirmed with the school that the invitation letter from Quanke is a special case and is not within the scope of the curfew."

Jiang Yu nodded in satisfaction, and left with Li Mengshi on her arm.

In the distance, Zheng Qing could still hear Li Meng coquettishly to her cousin: "...I have finished my homework! You said you would take me to ride a dolphin... Sea turtles are also fine, I don't mind! I I have practiced the head soaking mantra for several days, and there will be no trouble!"

"You haven't memorized the essay assigned by Professor can't go!"

After that, Zheng Qing couldn't continue to listen.

Because Xin Fatty was grabbing his two shoulders, forcing Zheng Qing's body to his direction.

"Is this true?" Fatty's face was full of Eight Trigrams expressions, and his tone was distorted and excited: "You really got Squad Leader Jiang? Can you do me a favor and ask Li Meng out for me...Jiang Yu Look at her too much!"

"I think you are looking for death." Zheng Qing blushed, and with all his strength, he broke Fatty's paw off his shoulder, and said angrily, "She is still a child!"

"The kid with the long tail!" Fatty looked fascinated.

"Hey... hentai." The young public fee student took a step towards the retreated, opening the distance between himself and Fatty.

But thinking of what Fatty said before, Zheng Qing couldn't help explaining: "We are really just friends! She wants to buy a few bottles of fresh dragon's blood ink...and fresher than the ones brought by Quanke. ?"

Fatty sneered, showing contempt.

Zheng Qing sighed and turned to look at Dr. Xiao Da.

The doctor also had something to say.

"Is your invitation just now still valid?" Xiao Xiao asked, twisting his beard - he was asking about Zheng Qing's invitation to attend Quanke's visit before.

"It's effective, of course it's effective." Zheng Qing was eager to have more people to testify that the relationship between himself and Jiang Yu was innocent, so he hurriedly agreed: "The invitation letter allows you to bring a female companion, a pet, and several are completely You can serve as my follower."

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