Killua's right arm lost its combat power, so he put the yo-yo on his right hand on his left hand.

The next step was to decide the winner. The two of them released their mental energy to the limit and stared at each other intently.

The next moment, the two figures disappeared from the spot, and they passed each other in a flash.

The two men rushed out several meters back to back, and then stopped at the same time without taking the next step.

Nobunaga stood there calmly, holding the samurai sword in both hands. Apart from some minor injuries he had just suffered, he had no new injuries.

He stood up straight and put the samurai sword back into the scabbard, then turned around and walked leisurely towards Killua. The battle was over at this time and there was no need to draw swords.

As he moved, the thing blocked by Killua's body was revealed in front of him. It was an arm, or to be more precise, a white and tender left hand. There were yo-yo strings on the middle and index fingers, and it was obvious that they had just been cut off from Killua's shoulder.

Nobunaga walked in front of Killua, and Killua turned around at this time. Although his face was pale, there was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. He seemed not to care that he had been forced into a desperate situation.

He just smiled and said, "I didn't expect the effect of your ability is still there. I thought the effect would disappear after the mark was erased."

Nobunaga scratched his head and said lazily, "If it disappears so easily, then my ability is useless. The effect will last for half an hour after the mark is placed. If the name is written directly by hand, the effect will last for three hours."

Killua nodded when he heard this, then raised his injured right hand and returned the heart in his hand to Nobunaga's hand.

Nobunaga took his heart reluctantly, complaining, "That's why I hate brats like you. You can still use your right hand but you pretend it's broken. I hate you so much."

He did not try to lift up his clothes on his chest and stuff his heart back in. The blood vessels and muscles inside had been severed, and Maggie was not nearby, so he could not sew it back together. Instead of struggling in vain, he might as well find a cool place to lie down and wait for death.

He casually threw his heart aside, found a big tree with dense branches and leaves, lay down against the tree, and after closing his eyes, the world fell into complete darkness.

Looking at the dead Nobunaga, Killua breathed a sigh of relief. He was really scared just now.

His original plan was to use his super fast speed to dodge Nobunaga's slash, and then use the yo-yo in his hand to blow up the opponent's temple and kill him. However, he did not expect that the opponent's telepathy also marked his body, and the opponent's empty slash actually cut off his left arm. If he had not kept a backup plan and disguised his still movable right hand as if it were disabled so as to sneak attack and dig out the opponent's heart, this battle would have been really risky.

This time he was indeed the one who underestimated the enemy. After reading the information about the brigade before, he thought that Nobunaga was the weakest rookie in the brigade. He was obviously an enhancement-type arm strength and ranked only 9th. The four people behind him, Paknottan, Xiake, Kubi, and Xiaodi, were all non-combat members. Even Machi, who also played the role of "doctor", was ranked ahead of him.

Although arm strength cannot reflect a person's true strength, it at least represents a person's physical strength. It is a fact that people with strong strength have more advantages than those with weak strength in physical combat.

The poor physical skills of one of the combat members made Killua look down on Nobunaga before the battle began.

In fact, Killua guessed wrong about one thing. Nobunaga was not a strengthening type but a releasing type. However, it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s useless to know this because the opponent is dead.

He reached out and touched his forehead. If he had a needle stuck in his head in the past, he would definitely be more cautious. After the needle was gone, he did have the bad habit of underestimating the enemy.

Thinking of Ilmi's expressionless face, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It seemed that the other party had some positive effect on his abnormal desire for control.

After complaining a few words in his heart, he picked up his left hand from the ground, and then ran towards the direction where Xiaojie's mental energy came from.

He didn't know where Tianming was but he knew that he would definitely look for them. When he saw him, he would ask if he could reattach his hand. If not, he would think of other ways.

Not long after, he saw Xiaojie cleaning his wounds by a river. They both exclaimed at the same time when they met.

Gon was shocked by Killua's broken arm. The opponent's left hand was cut off at the shoulder. He really couldn't imagine why Killua would be injured so seriously with his speed.

Killua was surprised at Gon's current appearance. His previously long hair was burnt into a layer of short hair close to his scalp. He even saw that some of the hair was stuck together and tightly attached to the scalp, which was disgusting.

The clothes on his body were burned to tatters, and there was not a single piece of exposed skin that was intact, all of which were covered with burns. He knew that Xiaojie's opponent was very strong, but he did not expect that the other party would beat Xiaojie like this.

At this time Tianming also rushed over, and he took a breath when he saw the condition of the two. These two little guys were injured so badly but they remained calm as if nothing had happened. Their ability to withstand injuries is worthy of the two protagonists.

Tianming took out a bunch of bandages from his body without saying anything, and while he was getting ready, he asked the two men to quickly take off their clothes.

Gon and Killua took off their shirts without hesitation. Killua took it off with one hand, while Gon tore off his clothes directly. The clothes had melted and stuck to his body and he couldn't take them off without tearing them off.

He first bandaged Killua, only to hear Killua ask: "Can your Nen ability heal my broken arm?"

Tian Ming said helplessly as he wrapped the wound around his body, "I don't know either. I've never treated injuries like broken arms before. I can only wrap it around your body first as a last resort."

To be honest, he had no idea about Killua's injury. If people in the pirate world broke their arms, they would just throw them into the sea to feed the fish, and then install an iron hook or a mechanical arm on their arms to upgrade them into the "Winter Soldier", or do nothing like Red Hair and become "Yang Guo".

So he could only give the other party treatment with a try-it attitude. If it didn't work, then he had no choice but to let Xiaojie take him into the game to use the "Breath of the Archangel".

Killua nodded without saying anything, and soon Tianming wrapped his broken arm back to his body with a bandage.

This bandage was specially made by him at a factory. It was much tougher than ordinary medical bandages, and it had no problem holding Killua's broken arm and preventing it from falling off.

After the entire upper body was bandaged, he looked at Killua and said, "Try making a fist."

Killua nodded and tried cautiously. His left hand, which was wrapped in bandages so tightly that not even a fingernail could be seen, suddenly twitched a few times, and then simply clenched into a fist.

After seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The fact that he could move proved that the "Supreme Bandage" was effective for the broken arm. All they had to do next was wait quietly for the wound to heal.

After Killua's problem was solved, Gon's side became much easier. When he was wrapping the bandage, he deliberately included Gon's head in it, saying that "this way the treatment will be faster." But in fact, he didn't want to see the bald scalp that was burned. Every time he saw the scalp, it reminded him of a joke in his previous life.

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