In a forest several kilometers away from where Xiaojie and Feitan were fighting, two figures that were difficult to capture with the naked eye quickly crossed each other. The dense forest was shaken by the sound of the two people's fight, and the leaves fell everywhere.

The two figures were Killua and Nobunaga. Because the battery was destroyed before, Killua did not dare to use his mind ability at will, so he could only use basic physical skills to fight Nobunaga.

He was seen holding a metal yo-yo in each hand. These were special weapons he had made when he was in the Sky Arena. He felt that this type of yo-yo had a long attack range and was very flexible to use. It was very convenient to use as a weapon, so he spent a lot of money to make this special yo-yo.

Facing his yo-yo attacks that were like raindrops, Nobunaga kept using his long sword to block them and seemed to be at ease.

Neither of them used their full strength at this moment. It was obvious that they both wanted to test the other's strength first, so both of them fought very restrainedly.

After another round of exchanges, the two men distanced themselves from each other.

Nobunaga adjusted himself and then exclaimed: "What a powerful kid! You look only twelve or thirteen years old. When I was your age, I would have been knocked down by one punch from you."

Hearing this, Killua laughed and said with a little pride: "Of course, but uncle, your strength is not bad. It's not easy for an old man who has half a foot in the coffin to still have such skills."

Nobunaga's forehead was throbbing with veins when he heard this. He pointed at his nose and gritted his teeth and said, "I'm only 28 years old this year, not even 30. How can I have one foot in the coffin? Your coffins are on pre-sale in advance!"

Killua pretended to be very shocked when he heard that, and said in a slightly exaggerated tone: "You are only 28 years old? I think people would believe you if you said you were 58 years old."

Nobunaga was a little annoyed by Killua's teasing. Seeing this, Killua became a little more serious and said in a serious tone: "I believe you should have a clear understanding of the current situation. I don't need to say how terrifying Tianming's strength is. I guess he has already solved his opponent and is rushing towards us. By then, you will definitely not be able to escape.

In my opinion, you should surrender right now. The gang has offered a very high reward for hunting down the members of the brigade, but the reward doesn't matter whether they are dead or alive, which means we can capture them alive.

As long as we hand you over to the gang in exchange for money, we won't care about what happens next. Whether you find a way to escape from prison by yourself or wait for others to rescue you is none of our business. Why don't you just cooperate and raise your hands to surrender, otherwise when Tianming comes, he won't give you a chance to surrender."

Nobunaga did not answer when he heard this, but sheathed his sword and made a "sword-drawing and slashing" gesture, while opening the "circle" and ready to strike.

His actions have already given Killua the answer. It is indeed not that easy to persuade the members of the brigade to surrender. In this case, the only option is to kill them.

Suddenly, a strong blue electric current lit up his body, and it was obvious that he had activated his telepathic ability "Super Speed" and was ready to fight seriously.

After his Nen ability was activated, his speed became several times faster than before. In an instant, he arrived in front of Nobunaga, his figure like a ghost.

Nobunaga's pupils contracted violently. He used "circle" to clearly sense that Killua's yo-yo entered his perception range, and then headed straight for his face.

However, being able to sense something doesn't mean being able to dodge it. The yo-yo kept getting bigger in front of him and finally hit him directly in the face.


Nobunaga was knocked flying backwards, and before he could stand up, countless yo-yos hit him from all directions, making him sway from side to side in a miserable state.

Nobunaga admitted that he had underestimated his enemy. Although he had seen Killua's speed before, it was inconvenient for the opponent to move while carrying someone on his back. In addition, he had to coordinate with Gon's attack, which further slowed down his offensive rhythm.

However, now Killua is the only one left and he can fully exert his speed. It's a pity that Killua is not very proficient in the use of "Circle", otherwise the torrential attack just now would have directly declared the end of the battle.

Just when Killua had the upper hand and thought victory was within reach, Nobunaga suddenly did something in the blind spot of his vision, and when he moved his sight over, the opponent had already stopped.

I saw that the opponent's left hand was tightly grasping the scabbard of the long sword at his waist, and his right hand was on the hilt. His aura suddenly became fierce and dangerous.

Killua's alarm bells instantly rang. Although the opponent's movements were incredibly slow, he could still feel the extremely dangerous aura emanating from him.

He quickly pulled back to create some distance between himself and the other party, while at the same time opening his own "circle" and entering alert status.

Killua's "circle" can only extend 40 to 50 centimeters outside the body. Although the effect is average, it is better than nothing.

He stared at Nobunaga who was accumulating strength. The two were dozens of meters apart at this time. At this distance, even if the opponent had any long-range attack methods, he would be able to detect and avoid them in the first time.

However, for some reason he still felt uneasy. Even though they were so far away and he had made sufficient preparations, the sense of crisis in his heart did not disappear but became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Nobunaga moved. He drew his sword and slashed at the air.

This sword was unremarkable in Killua's eyes. When the sword was swung, it was not even aimed at Killua and no sword energy was emitted. It was a completely ineffective attack.

Just when Killua was full of doubts, the space suddenly fluctuated within his perception range, and a slash appeared out of thin air, slashing across from Killua's right shoulder ten centimeters away.

He would never have thought that Nobunaga's attack would appear in this form. Fortunately, he was in a state of full alert. After noticing the opponent's attack, he dodged to the side at the fastest speed in his life, while his right arm was tensed and entered the "iron block" state.


The tip of the knife scratched Killua's right arm, cutting the skin and causing blood to flow out of the wound.

Killua covered his right arm and retreated repeatedly. If he hadn't reacted quickly and used the iron block, the opponent's knife would have even cut his right arm and entire chest in half.

Until now he still couldn't figure out why the opponent's slashing attack appeared out of thin air. Logically speaking, this kind of mental ability must mark other people, otherwise this mental ability that appears out of thin air and slashes would not be able to lock on himself.

Killua quickly searched his body, and after lifting up his shirt, he found a strange mark carved in blood on his abdomen.

Nobunaga sheathed his sword, then stood up and said to Killua, "Your reaction is really fast. I thought you would notice it after a few more moves, but I didn't expect you to notice it so quickly."

As he spoke, he took out a blood-stained seal from his pocket, tossed it in his hand a few times and complained, "Speaking of which, my ability to read is really useless. I need to use my own blood to write the enemy's name on his body before I can activate it. Without this seal, it can't be used in actual combat."

Killua smiled and used his own blood to wipe off the mark with Nobunaga's name on his abdomen, and then praised Nobunaga: "It's already very good. I almost died in your hands just now."

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