Tap tap tap~

Ilmi, disguised as Gitalagu, walked out of the dark passage and saw a pair of black double doors in front of him.

This is the exit gate of the trap tower. As long as you walk out of here, you can complete the third hunter exam.

However, this door will only open when the time comes. Even if you arrive early before that, you will not be able to complete the test.

He glanced around and found that besides himself, there were two other people who had arrived earlier. These two people were Tianming and Xi Suo.

Tianming sat cross-legged in a corner with his eyes closed, meditating. Xi Suo leaned against a wall, fiddling with the cards in his hand as if nothing had happened, but I always felt that the way he stood seemed a little strange, as if he didn't dare to squeeze his legs together too tightly.

He and Xi Suo simply looked at each other. In fact, they had known each other for a long time. However, due to the presence of an outsider, Tian Ming, and the surveillance of the examiner, the two did not recognize each other but pretended that they had never known each other. So each of them found a corner and waited quietly for the door to open.

As time went by, many candidates arrived at the finish line one after another. Tianming also ended his meditation and slowly opened his eyes.

He looked up into the dark corridor and saw four teenagers and a middle-aged man walking out of the darkness with a heartless pace. They were the protagonist Xiaojie and others.

According to the original timeline, they would have lost dozens of hours in the bet with the prisoners, and then barely arrived at the scene just before the end of the third exam.

However, due to Tianming's previous outburst, Gon and Killua turned a disaster into a blessing. All the prisoner opponents fell unconscious, and they successfully passed the most difficult level and easily reached the finish line.

Xiaojie, who had just reached the finish line, looked up and saw Tianming. He ran over excitedly and said hello, "Tianming, you really have arrived a long time ago! What we felt in the tower just now...was that you?"

He almost said "Telekinesis", but changed his words when he remembered that Tianming mentioned that it was the hunter's secret.

Tianming nodded and said, "Indeed, I did it, but it was just an accident."

After hearing this, Leorio and Kurapika both gasped. Gon clenched his fists and looked very excited. Only Killua seemed much calmer. Although he was also very excited, he concealed it well.

After all, he is a member of the Zoldyck family and has received all kinds of harsh training since childhood. Even if he is excited, he cannot show it on the outside.

The conversation between the few people was also heard by other candidates. Although they didn't know what these people were talking about, they could probably guess that it was related to the terrifying aura just now.

Hanzo, Bakuer, Boudreau and the others were frightened by the terrifying aura. It was as if the devil from hell was waving at them. They couldn't imagine that the person who possessed that aura was actually an ordinary-looking human being.

At this moment, they looked at Tianming with great fear, believing in their hearts that this was a monster of the same level as Hisoka or even more terrifying, and prayed that this monster would never target them.

Xiaojie said excitedly: "Tianming you are awesome!"

"It's okay! By the way, why do you give people a strange feeling?"

He had sensed the strange aura from these people when he was meditating before.

Although the previous attempt to open his mind failed, it was not without effect. Tianming felt that his observation Haki was getting stronger and stronger, and it had even reached the edge of breaking through the limit and could be awakened at any time. Therefore, his perception was now extremely sharp, and he noticed the changes in the aura of these people at the first time.

Killua put his hands in his pockets and walked in front of Tianming with his chin held high.

"I have to say this thing is quite useful. Thank you for your advice before."

After saying this, he stretched out his right hand and raised his index finger. The mental energy first gathered on his right hand and then all condensed on his index finger.

Although Tianming could not use "Condensation", he could roughly feel the existence of telekinesis. When he found that Killua had opened his mind, he widened his eyes.

Although he had said before that Killua was only one step away from unlocking the power of Nen, and had told him some knowledge about the ability of Nen, he speculated that this kid would need at least a month of research before he could unlock the power of Nen.

Is this kid's talent really that high that he can actually recite with just a few words?

At this moment, Tianming felt a faint murderous aura. He turned to look at the source of the murderous aura and saw that Ilmi had retracted his gaze.

Tianming narrowed his eyes. Why did this guy suddenly become murderous towards him? Was it because of Killua's Nen?

What an ungrateful mad dog! Killua opened his own mind and I didn't open his sperm hole myself, so he is putting the blame on himself?

At this time, Tianming was also in a bad mood because of the failure of his meditation. If Yilmi dared to cause trouble for him, he would definitely beat him so badly that even his mother would not be able to recognize him, although his mother might not be able to recognize him now.

Just as Tianming was daydreaming, Gon and Kurapika also made the same posture as Killua, and instantly the telekinesis appeared at their fingertips. It was obvious that these two guys also activated their telekinesis abilities.

Oh my god! These guys treat their Nen ability as if it were onychomycosis, one can infect two others. A novice Nen user who just started Nen is using Nen on two other rookies. Aren't they afraid that their Nen energy will go out of control and they will become useless?

Then he turned to look at Leorio. Among the four protagonists, he was the only one who didn't show off to him. This was a bit out of character for him.

Leorio touched the back of his head and said awkwardly: "I tried it too, but I was too exhausted to do it. It was really dangerous! Hahaha~"

Haha, sir! He failed to open his mind but didn't die from exhaustion of vitality. How lucky is this guy?

Tianming quickly came to Leorio, grabbed his wrist and checked his physical condition.

Fortunately, the other party was just exhausted due to excessive physical exertion. After the third round of the hunter exam, the candidates should be given some time to rest. A good rest will not cause any irreversible damage to the body.

He reminded the other party that next time he must wait for the official hunters from the Hunter Association to be present before trying to open his mind. It was a blessing in disguise that he did not die from such a random attempt.

Leorio also agreed awkwardly. Several other companions had successfully opened their minds, but he was the only ordinary person, which made him feel a little embarrassed. However, after experiencing this failed attempt, he was confident that he would be able to open his mind under the supervision of a Nen user next time.

Several people waited here for another day and night, and finally in the early morning of the second day, the door of the trap tower slowly opened from the outside.

The dazzling sunlight shone in through the crack in the door, and three figures emerged in the sunlight. They were the examiner Liber and his two assistants.

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