What a strong spirit, this spirit is already enough to rival my father... No! The fighting power is still rising.

Grandfather... Great-grandfather...

Ilmi kept calculating the combat power, and finally Tianming's combat power remained at the level of his great-great-grandfather Maha Zoldyck.

What a scary guy, is he the guy named Tianming who is very close to Killua?

Such a powerful being actually comes to take part in the Hunter Examination. What is this guy planning?

After staying for a moment, he continued to move towards the finish line. No matter what Tianming's purpose was, it had nothing to do with him. If any accident occurred, he would just take Killua away as soon as possible.

Tianming's mental energy burst caused chaos in the entire trap tower, and his condition was not very good at the moment.

The mental energy in his body was indeed very powerful. Even the domineering aura he had cultivated for many years was suppressed by the mental energy. However, this power was more difficult to control than the domineering aura. He tried to use the method of controlling the domineering aura but found that he could not control the mental energy in the same way.

At this moment, Hisoka, who was hiding in the dark, walked out from behind a stone pillar.

"It is something inherent in your body and can be considered a part of your spiritual will. You cannot simply control it by controlling your muscles. The more excited you are, the more violent it will become. You must first calm your own emotions before it can calm down as well."

Tianming followed what the other party said, took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Naturally, the mental energy in his body gradually calmed down from the state of a high-pressure water gun to that of an ordinary faucet.

Then he began to imagine wrapping the telepathic energy around his body. This is "entanglement", one of the four basic forms of telepathic ability, and it is also a sign that the telepathic user has truly awakened.

However, just when he had finally calmed down his mental energy, the domineering aura that had been suppressed by the mental energy suddenly ran wild, and this time it in turn suppressed the mental energy and fought wildly in Tianming's body.

Tianming was shocked!

He tried to suppress the two forces at the same time, but the result was very disappointing. The two forces were like water and fire. If they existed independently, they would become very docile, but if they existed at the same time, they would fight against each other and go out of control at the same time.

At this moment, his physical strength was rapidly drained by the consumption of the two. Among them, the speed at which his mental energy consumed physical strength was several times faster than that of his domineering aura. If he continued like this, he would definitely be exhausted and faint.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and controlled his domineering aura to suppress his mental aura. He had used domineering aura for decades and was familiar with it, but he was not very familiar with mental aura after all. Without understanding it, he decided to suppress it first and deal with it later.

The violent thoughts in the body gradually calmed down and finally disappeared completely, as if they had never appeared before, and the entire hall fell into calm again.

Having exhausted a huge amount of his energy, he walked to a stone pillar, leaned against it and gasped for breath. At this time, Hisoka walked up to him with a puzzled tone.

"How strange! The energy was so strong before that it even made my blood boil, how come it suddenly disappeared?"

After Tianming took a deep breath, he looked up at Xi Suo. Although there was some dust on Xi Suo's clothes at this time, they were in perfect condition overall, and his pants were also completely worn on his body. It seemed that the pants he had worn before were indeed a trick to create the illusion of being thin.

But he was not in the mood to talk to the other party now. He was thinking about how to solve the problem of the incompatibility between his mental energy and his domineering energy.

It seems impossible to possess both kinds of energy at the same time, so there are only three possible paths to take.

First, completely give up chanting and concentrate on cultivating domineering aura, but this path is very difficult. One's physical fitness is limited and domineering aura is very dependent on physical fitness. It is almost impossible to cultivate domineering aura to the level of the previous life.

Second, give up your arrogance and focus on cultivating your mind. According to the amount of mind energy you had released before, if you focus your mind solely on cultivating your mind, your achievements will definitely reach the top level in this world.

But to be honest, he didn't really want to give up his domineering aura. After all, he had practiced it for decades, and his domineering aura had been integrated into his subconscious mind just like his hands and feet. It was not easy for him to give it up now.

The third, and most difficult, way is to find a way to combine these two forces and create a new force that possesses the attributes of both domineering and mental energy.

This idea actually sounds a bit ridiculous. It is already strange that different supernatural powers from two worlds can appear in one world. Now they want to combine the two into one to create a third power. If someone can do this, he can probably start his own school.

When Tianming thought of this, his eyes instantly became firm. As the saying goes, "If you want to succeed, you must first go crazy and charge forward with your tiger B toward the sky."

I finally arrived in the Hunter world, and my Mind Energy has awakened, but it is kept in my body and I cannot use it for the time being. If I don't give it a try, would I be worthy of my top IQ of 139 points?

By the way, let me give you some scientific knowledge. The generally accepted definition of a "genius" is an IQ of over 140 points. My IQ in my previous life before Tianming was 139 points. It can be said that I am invincible below the geniuses, and I am one for one above the geniuses!

After preparing himself mentally, he raised his head and looked at Hisoka.

"Is this what you meant by helping me to open my mind?" Tian Ming asked with narrowed eyes.

Although this guy attacked me without saying anything, he did hold back when he made his last move. Plus, he later reminded me to control my mind energy, so I was sure that he really wanted to help me open my mind.

But he still felt very unhappy in his heart, as if he was being played like a fool by the other party.

Hisoka narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I told you that my mind-opening technique is unique. With your strength, you will only suffer some superficial injuries at best. If you can't even block this kind of attack, then even if you open your mind, your strength is just so-so. It would be better for you to die here."

Tian Ming took a deep breath after hearing this, then smiled brightly and said, "Yes! Thank you for your help just now, but there is something wrong with my mind energy, so I still need to wait for a while before I can fully open my mind energy."

He pointed ahead and continued, "The finish line is not far ahead. Let's finish this boring exam quickly."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked towards the finish line of the third test, as if he had really forgiven Hisoka for what he had just done to him.

Xi Suo laughed twice and was about to follow him when he saw Tian Ming's figure suddenly disappear in front of him.

Hisoka opened his eyes wide in surprise and instinctively tried to dodge sideways, but Tianming's attack was too fast, even if he used his fastest speed, he was still half a beat slower.


Tianming kicked Xisuo in the crotch. Xisuo never expected that Tianming would cause such an injury. He just lay on the ground with his eyes rolled up and his whole body twitching.

Tianming stood tall in front of Hisoka and said, "I've already calculated it. With your strength, that kind of attack will only leave superficial injuries at best. If you can't even withstand an attack of this magnitude, you might as well just die here. Hahaha~"

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