Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2443 The next step

Youdie came from afar, and when she came close, Lu Ye pressed the Panshan knife against her forehead, and stood there with arms open.

She probably wanted to give Lu Ye a hug.

She pouted, put away the grievance on her face, and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, I'm here, are you happy?"

Lu Ye put the knife back into the sheath: "You are not a young man anymore, don't pretend to be young in front of me."

He looked behind Youdie, Yayi and Kuzhi saluted him with fists, with respectful expressions.

What made him feel familiar was the aura of these two insects. After all, when they were in the outer world, these two had always been with Youdie, but they didn't expect to stay with you until today.

They are the direct subordinates of Youdie. The so-called direct subordinates are those who were born and grew up in Youdie's insect nest. Such direct subordinates are very loyal to Youdie, the insect mother, and it is not difficult to understand why they stay with you.

But Lu Ye didn't understand why they could stay with Youdie even if they had the ability to enter the inner world.

As if seeing Lu Ye's doubts, Youdie explained: "It was not until I truly merged into the inner world that I realized that we insect mothers have an advantage that no other race has - we can bring our own insect nests from the outer world, including all the creatures born from the insect nests."

Lu Ye immediately understood.

If this is the case, then it is not difficult to understand why Yayi and Kuzhi are with Youdie.

When Youdie entered the inner world, she did not have her own insect nest. Her insect nest was left in Banlan, but there would be no problem bringing her direct subordinates into the inner world.

Not bad, Yuanxi City is currently in short supply of manpower. Yuanxi even spent some Daoyu to go to the Hehe Realm to buy a few Rongdao slaves back, which shows her urgent need for manpower.

The addition of Youdie, a Hedao, can greatly increase the overall foundation of Yuanxi City. Of course, adding two more Rongdao will be icing on the cake.

After all, they are old friends, and they came to seek refuge because of him. Lu Ye relaxed his expression: "Did you have a smooth journey here?"

"Very smooth." Youdie smiled.

Behind her, Meiyi pursed her lips, obviously wanting to say something, but she didn't speak.

The journey here was indeed smooth. Youdie was a Hedao after all, and she was careful along the way without encountering too many twists and turns, but when they left the previous Hedao City, it was not so smooth.

The existence of the insect mother is of great value to a Hedao City, and no city lord is willing to give up easily, so some unpleasant things happened at that time, but Youdie was smart enough, otherwise she might really be forced to stay.

"Let's go, Brother Ye, take me to see your Hedao City." Youdie looked expectant.

"It's not my Hedao City."

"I know." Youdie nodded constantly, "But one day you will have your own Hedao City, and then I will be your right-hand man!"

She obviously looked very confident in Lu Ye.

After returning to Yuanxi City, Cuican, who had received a message from Lu Ye, lifted the external alert, and a group of four figures entered smoothly.

"Is this called Yuanxi City?" Youdie asked while observing the surroundings.

"The name of the city lord."

"Many Hedao cities are named after the city lord, and my previous one is also named after the city lord." Youdie nodded, "It seems that many places here are not perfect, and the popularity is not high."

"Yuanxi City was built not long ago." Lu Ye explained. At most, it has only been more than half a year since Yuanxi came here to rebuild Hedao City.

"Then it is actually ground-level?" Youdie was extremely surprised.

The Hedao City she stayed in before had been there for many years, but it was still only ground-level. She didn't know how long this Hedao City was built, but judging from the many imperfect arrangements here, it was obviously not that long.

She suddenly realized that she had underestimated the city lord of Yuanxi City. He built such a Hedao City from scratch in a short period of time. His own strength should not be underestimated.

She straightened her face: "Since I'm here, I should go visit the Lord of the City."

After all, she came to seek refuge, and she had to be aware of living under someone else's roof.

"Not now, the Lord of the City is not in the city..." Lu Ye was saying this, and suddenly Yuan Xi's breath came from the direction of the Central Hall.

She returned from the Hehe Realm.

Youdie also noticed it and turned her head to look.

After a while, Yuan Xi flew over from the direction of the Central Hall, and saw Youdie standing next to Lu Ye at a glance. After a quick look, she smiled and said: "You are the friend that the Grand Commander mentioned, right?"

Youdie was undoubtedly a tactful person, and she saluted quickly: "Mother Worm Youdie, meet Sister Yuanxi."

Lu Ye watched her from the side, and Youdie's little mouth was always like honey, no wonder she was so successful after entering the inner world.

But this time she must have made a mistake, Yuanxi liked others to call her Lord of the City the most.

"Since you are the friend of the Grand Commander, you are one of us from now on. You don't have to be polite, sister." Yuan Xi smiled amiably.

You Die spoke softly, as if she were a lady from a rich family: "I'll trouble you to take care of me in the future. I'm just like Brother Ye, we're both new here, and we don't know much about the inner world. If I do something wrong, you can punish me."

Yuan Xi raised her hand and pinched her smooth face: "You are so lovely, sister, I can't bear to punish you."

The touch on her face was still there, and You Die's expression froze, and she looked at Lu Ye in astonishment.

Lu Ye also looked like he had discovered a new world, and was hesitant.

Yuan Xi, however, seemed to have done nothing. He suddenly put his hands behind his back, and said solemnly: "Okay, sister Youdie is here, Grand Commander, we should start the next plan!"

Lu Ye already had some understanding of Yuan Xi's impetuous personality, and was not surprised to hear this. He immediately clasped his fists and said: "I am willing to follow you through fire and water."

Youdie on the side suddenly wanted to laugh.

Because when he was in the colorful world, Lu Ye was quite unruly. Even when he was captured by her, she was extremely uncomfortable because of the life chain.

After so many years together, she had never seen Lu Ye so respectful.

Sure enough, this man also knew how to judge the situation.

Yuan Xi called out again: "Youdie, listen to my orders!"

Youdie quickly straightened her attitude and clasped her fists and said: "Please give me your instructions, sir."

Yuan Xi said: "From now on, you will be the deputy city lord of Yuanxi City. I will open up some authority to you later. You have only one task. When I am not in the city, dispatch the people in the city to protect the city."

Youdie was shocked again.

She knew that with her identity as a worm mother, she would not be ignored if she came to seek refuge, but she never expected that Yuan Xi would have such a big courage to directly appoint her as the deputy city lord, and also open up some authority of Hedao City to her.

If the appointment of the deputy city lord is just a nominal position, then being able to obtain the authority of Hedao City is a real benefit.

Although she was also the deputy city lord in the previous Hedao City, after all, her cultivation was there, but it was just a nominal position, and she could not make any actual interference in any matters in the city, let alone the authority of Hedao City.

She didn't know for a moment whether the Yuanxi City Lord trusted herself or Lu Ye.

Because once she has some authority over Hedao City, if she has ill intentions, she may interfere with Yuanxi when Yuanxi is fighting outside.

In Hedao City, the appointment of such a deputy city lord who holds real power has always been extremely cautious. No one will be appointed unless he is a close relative or trustworthy.

"Okay, it's time to start the journey. Before that, I need you all to adjust yourself and keep yourself in the best condition at all times." Yuanxi reminded again.

Long before, Yuanxi intended to attack another Hedao City to verify Lu Ye's method of intercepting the fragments of Hedao Pearl. It was only because of Youdie that Yuanxi City stayed here.

Now that Youdie has arrived, the foundation of the city has greatly increased, and it is natural to set sail.

"Yes." Lu Ye and Youdie accepted the order.

"Sister Youdie, follow me." Yuanxi called out and took the lead to the city lord's mansion.

Youdie glanced at Lu Ye, her red lips moved, she said something silently, and left closely behind Yuanxi.

Lu Ye returned to the Grand Metropolitan Government Mansion. He didn't know how long it would take. Anyway, it was always right to practice hard when he had nothing to do.

Soon, Yuanxi City started to move. Under Yuanxi's control, the speed was getting faster and faster.

After another stick of incense, Youdie came over, looking like she was in a dream.

Because she had obtained some of the authority of Hedao City from Yuanxi, she was now the real deputy city lord of Yuanxi City.

It was only half an hour since she set foot here, and she jumped from the humbleness of living under someone else's roof to being high above.

"Brother Ye, our city lord...what's his background?" Youdie looked curious.

It's not that she wants to find out any secrets. In the future, everyone will be one of us, so of course the more she knows, the better.

"I don't know." Lu Ye shook his head.

He didn't understand Yuanxi's background yet, but he knew that he had a great background.

"Since she appointed you as the deputy city lord, you should do your job well and don't think about anything." Lu Ye warned her.

"How dare I..." Youdie stuck out her tongue, "She seems very strong."

The city lord of her previous Hedao City was also very strong, otherwise he couldn't support a ground-level Hedao City, but that kind of strength was what Youdie could feel.

But Yuanxi was different.

Today, Yuanxi stood in front of her, and she felt like she was facing a bottomless abyss. Not to mention that she didn't have any little thoughts, even if she did, they were gone.

Lu Ye felt that it was necessary to talk to Youdie more, so that she would be more honest in the future, otherwise if something really happened, he couldn't protect her: "Does Qin Feng, the owner of the Douchang battlefield, know?"

"I don't know." Youdie shook her head.

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