Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2442: The Arrival of the Ghost Butterfly

Based on Lu Ye's current cultivation level, if he wants to definitely get Xingyuan coins, he must kill Hedao.

But in this world, it is not that simple to kill Hedao.

Maybe... next time Yuan Xi goes to attack Hedao City, he can pick up the slack? Anyway, Youdie is already on her way here. If nothing goes wrong, when she arrives at Yuanxi City, the heavy responsibility of defending the city can be handed over to her, and she can wait for the opportunity.

Thinking of this, Lu Ye was actually looking forward to You Die's arrival. It was true that things were unpredictable.

With nothing to do, I left Dadu Tongfu and soon found Yuan Xi setting up a large formation at a certain location.

"Have you recovered?" Yuan Xi asked casually while busy.

"It's nothing serious." Lu Ye stood aside and blatantly stole from him.

I especially remember that when he was fighting in Kyushu in his early years, he did a lot of things that were unbelievable to others with his extraordinary knowledge of formations, and he even left the reputation of the Destruction Leaf in the Lingxi battlefield.

But later on, as my cultivation level got higher and higher, I lost my energy and neglected to practice in the formation path.

But after all, the foundation is still there, especially his attainments in the way of spiritual patterns are getting better and better day by day, which is closely related to the formation way. Therefore, even if he has not practiced the formation way for so many years, he is actually better than most monks of the same level.

Yuan Xi's attainments in formations were extremely high. Lu Ye had already learned this, otherwise it would have been impossible to arrange the entire Hedao City formation on his own.

This kind of stealing from others may not bring many practical benefits to Lu Ye, but it can give him a lot of inspiration, which may be used somewhere in the future.

"Hey, your cultivation level..." Yuan Xi suddenly turned his head, a conspicuous golden light flashed in his beautiful eyes, "Has it improved?"

Lu Ye suddenly felt that his whole person was being seen through, and he was secretly horrified. Yuan Xi's eyesight was indeed vicious. He didn't use any Taoist power at all, but she could actually see it. I don't know if it was her own ability or not. Special eye skills.

"Slightly gained." Lu Ye nodded.

"It seems that you gained a lot from the previous battle." Yuan Xi was pleased.

She obviously mistakenly thought that Lu Ye had already accumulated enough, and the battle with Que Yue was just a catalyst. However, she did not expect that it was precisely because of the battle with Que Yue that he had enough Dao fish to support his promotion.

"Sir, I have something to ask you." Lu Ye made a gesture.

"Say." Yuan Xi's movements were busy and his Tao power fluctuated.

"The ones you gave are said to be Dao Yu, but the ones recorded in the fighting battlefield are Dao Yu. These are just two different names, right?"

"Of course!" Yuan Xi smiled slightly, "It's just two different names. Because it looks like a fish, some people call it Daoyu, while some people call it Daoyu. Anyway, they sound different. No difference."

"How was Daoyu born?" Lu Ye was most curious about this matter.

There are spiritual jade in the starry sky. The birth of spiritual jade is very simple. Places with strong spiritual energy in the starry sky will have the opportunity to breed them. Therefore, when the monks first left the realm and wandered into the starry sky, they collected spiritual jade aimlessly. Unless they were lucky, It is especially good to encounter places where spiritual jade is densely packed, otherwise the harvest will not be too great.

The more frequently visited places are, the smaller the chance of finding spiritual jade, because once they are conceived, they are basically collected and taken away. Therefore, collecting spiritual jade is very particular, and often requires going to some inaccessible or dangerous places.

How was the fish born?

Could it be the same as in the starry sky? But Lu Ye didn't seem to have heard of anyone collecting Dao fish in the inner world. Of course, this might also be related to the fact that he had been in the inner world for too short a time and not visited enough places.

"Have you seen Daochi?" Yuan Xi asked.

"I've seen it before," Lu Ye replied.

"Dao fish are generally bred in Dao ponds." Yuan Xi explained, "There are many treasure places in the inner world. The aura of the star abyss in these treasure places may be stronger than other places, so it is possible for Dao ponds to be born, and Dao ponds It’s the source of Tao fish.”

Lu Ye understood, but soon realized something was wrong: "But if this is the case, the number of Dao fish should not be too many, but why are there so many Dao fish circulating in the Hehe Realm?"

Dao fish is a kind of cultivation resource. Monks often get it and refine it, so it must be in a state of continuous consumption.

Relying solely on the cultivation of Dao ponds born in those so-called treasure lands simply cannot meet the needs of the monks in the inner world, not to mention that there will be so many Dao fish circulating in the Hehe Realm.

Just from his previous battle, the overall profit from the battle field was millions of fish, which was obviously unreasonable.

"Because Dao Pond is not only born naturally, idiot." Yuan Xi looked at him from outside: "The first condition for the birth of Dao Pond is that the aura of Xingyuan is strong enough, or the power of Dao is strong enough. Think about it, in the inner world Apart from some natural treasures, where else could a Dao Pond appear?"

She made the reminder so obvious, how could Lu Ye not think of it: "Hedao City?"

Yuan Xi snapped his fingers: "Yes, it's Hedao City! A high-level Hedao City can artificially create a Dao pool, so that a steady stream of Dao fish can be bred for use by Hedao City."

Lu Ye's eyes shone: "What level does Hedao City need to build a Dao Pool?"

"At least it has to be Heaven Grade, and this is the most basic. Even if a Dao Pool is built, the output of Dao Fish will not be too many. The higher the grade, the greater the output of Dao Fish. Therefore, some cultivators in those top-level Hedao Cities actually have no shortage of cultivation resources. The Hedao Cities they are in are of high enough grade, and their cultivation efficiency is very good. Even if they don't use Dao Fish, their cultivation efficiency is much better than that of ordinary cultivators. If they are supplemented with Dao Fish, it will be even faster."

"Heaven Grade... Then we are not far away." Lu Ye looked dreamy.

The Earth Grade is only one grade away from the Heaven Grade. If you work hard, you can achieve it soon.

"It's really not too far." Yuan Xi looked at Lu Ye with a smile.

Because of Lu Ye, it's not too far, if his previous method of intercepting the fragments of the Hedao Pearl can still work.

Otherwise, if you only rely on the normal speed to improve the grade of the Hedao City, the time and energy you need to spend will at least increase several times.

Yuan Xi has been filling in the details of the protective formation. She doesn't seem to be rich, after all, she didn't have many Dao fish before, but she is definitely wealthy, because she has all the materials for setting up these protective formations.

Of course, this could also be the spoils of the previous attack on Liuguang. Lu Ye didn't know what was in Liuguang's treasure house, and Yuan Xi handled it all at that time.

Lu Ye sometimes came to help her, and sometimes practiced hard. Because there was a Cuican and a few slaves in the city, it was no longer as deserted as before, and at least it had some popularity.

One day, Lu Ye was practicing hard, and suddenly a soft voice came to his ear: "My lord, there is a situation."

It was Cuican who spoke. Because of her powerful spiritual attainments, Yuan Xi entrusted her with the task of monitoring the movements around Hedao City. As for Yuan Xi's previous request for her to serve him, it was simply an excuse. She was a Hedao strongman and didn't need any service.

"Speak!" Lu Ye slowly opened his eyes.

After waiting for three months, there was no sign of Liao waking up, which made Lu Ye very irritated, because he was not sure whether Liao's promotion would be smooth.

The only good news was that there was no change in Panshan Knife, which meant that there was no big problem with Liao, otherwise Panshan Knife would have a direct manifestation.

But even though he knew this in his heart, Lu Ye still couldn't help worrying.

In this state of mind, he was always holding back a ball of fire, wanting to fight a few games with others. If Wumingke was not no longer suitable to show up frequently in the battlefield, he would definitely go to Hehejie.

Now he was hoping that some blind guy would come and cause trouble.

"There is a Hedao approaching our Yuanxi City." Cuican replied, "It should be nearby in another cup of tea."

"Hedao..." Lu Ye raised his eyebrows, and the first person he thought of was Youdie.

Although Youdie didn't say how long it would take to get here, no matter where she was in the inner world, if she had the star map in her hand, three months should be about the same.

"Only one?" Lu Ye asked.

If there is only one, it is most likely Youdie.

"Three, one is Hedao, and the other two are Rongdao."

That shouldn't be Youdie...

"Where is the city lord?" Lu Ye asked.

If there is a Hedao attack, Cuican should not report it directly to him, but go to Yuanxi.

"The city lord entered the Hehe world before and has not returned yet."

Lu Ye understood and stood up: "I'll go and see."

As the general commander of Yuanxi City's defense, it is also necessary to nip the danger that may threaten Yuanxi City in the bud before it comes.

And Lu Ye wants to know, with his current strength, will he be as embarrassed as before when facing a Hedao? If he can kill it, he will get a Xingyuan coin.

With the incident of Liao, his attitude towards collecting Xingyuan coins is much more enthusiastic than before.

Of course, even if he can't win, it doesn't matter. He can quickly retreat to Hedao City, join forces with Cuican and others, and rely on the protective formation left by Yuan Xi to support the defense. Then he can send someone to Hehejie to send a message to Yuan Xi back.

A moment later, Lu Ye rushed out of the Grand Metropolitan Mansion and headed straight ahead, with a fierce momentum.

He was wrapped in murderous intent and decided to fight the other party first no matter why he passed by here. But when he sensed the breath over there, he couldn't help but frowned.

Because the breath of Hedao... was obviously Youdie's.

She finally came.

But if it was Youdie, why were there two Rongdao following him? Could it be that when Youdie left her Hedao City, she also poached someone else's wall?

What made Lu Ye feel even more strange was that the breath of these two Rongdao was inexplicably familiar to him, as if he had met them somewhere before.

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