Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2072 Fire

During this period of time, Li Huo got along with Lu Ye and found that he was actually a very talkative person, so he naturally came up with the idea of ​​controlling the Sun Flame Beast King.

If this happens, it will definitely bring huge benefits to him.

Lu Ye smiled and shook his head: "I can't do anything about this matter."

When Liehuo heard this, he felt sorry in his heart, but he said no more. He thought that Lu Ye's ability to control the Sun Flame Beast King was due to his ability to control beasts. This ability could not be learned by someone else.

But in fact, Lu Ye relied on the power of the beast king to control the Rizhao Beast King. The wounds on the beast king have never healed. The Sun Flame Beast King is actually very cunning. Without the power of the beast, it would have escaped immediately. How could it have happened? Let Lu Ye do whatever he wants.

time flies……

Lu Ye originally thought that in a unique environment like the Giant Red Star, it would not take too long to achieve what he wanted, but even if he had the entire herd of Sun Flame beasts as helpers and the help of Liehuo, the whole process would still take a long time. It took three years to really see hope!

It is conceivable that if it were not for the herd of Sun Flame beasts, the fire gourd alone would have been unable to stop the scorching heat and nourishing strange fire in this place for decades, or at least hundreds of years.

He had almost consumed all the jade crystals and top-quality refining pills he had obtained from the Wanxiang Kelp. In exchange, his own cultivation and soul-suppressing secrets had improved to some extent.

One day three years after arriving at the giant red star, Lu Ye, who was sitting cross-legged on the surface of the giant red star, looked calm, neither sad nor happy.

Even so, Li Huo on the side saw some clues. He looked at Lu Ye curiously: "What good thing happened to fellow Taoist?"

Lu Ye nodded slightly: "I have some insights!"

In front of him, the sun beasts lined up one after another, bringing the tempered essence of the sun to be swallowed by the fire gourd.

A strange fire was slowly born.

After a little while, the strange fire was finally complete. Lu Ye immediately activated the power of the talent tree, and the invisible roots penetrated into the fire gourd, swallowing up the strange fire in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, Lu Ye felt a slight shock in his body, as if something strange had happened.

The burning talent tree in the body suddenly erupted with bright fire, like a new sun, and then the light quickly converged and gathered at the location of the Source Spirit Aperture.

At this moment, Lu Ye felt that the connection between himself and the talent tree was extremely weak, but his expression was happy and exciting.

Looking inside, the talent tree can no longer be seen, only a small fire burning in the source spirit aperture, like a kind of fire!

Calm down and feel the wonderful changes taking place in the fire. It is indescribable, mysterious and mysterious...

After several transformations of the talent tree, this process gave Lu Ye the most novel feeling. He immediately knew that he was right. The cost of this transformation was not comparable to the previous ones. The talent tree would probably be huge. has changed.

Now he doesn't know exactly what this change is, and what new powers will be born from the talent tree. He can only wait until the fire is broken and the talent tree is revealed again before investigating.

And this takes a while...

But no matter what, his purpose of coming here was finally achieved. The long wait was fulfilled at this moment. Lu Ye felt happy and let out a gentle breath.

Liehuo on the side couldn't understand why.

Lu Ye is not in a hurry to leave the giant red star. It is rare to have such an opportunity to easily obtain the essence of the scorching sun. Naturally, he needs to reserve more. In the future, whether it is the fuel reserve of the talent tree or the fire gourd to cultivate the strange fire, he will need it. .

He stayed on the Giant Red Star for another month and collected a large amount of the essence of the sun as a backup, all of which were stored in the Little Flower World.

This amount of scorching sun essence is enough for the fire gourd to breed dozens of strange fires, which is enough for use in a short period of time.

Moreover, the giant red star is right here, so it is not troublesome to come from the Wanxiang Sea, and it will not be troublesome to make a trip if necessary in the future.

"Fellow Lihuo." Lu Ye turned to look at Liehuo next to him, "I'm leaving."

Liehuo was a little shocked: "Leaving now? Then our previous agreement..."

"Fellow Taoist, it's done." Lu Ye nodded. In three years, Liehuo definitely couldn't temper a thousand rays of scorching sun essence.

Liehuo sighed: "I'm really the only one left."

As early as almost three years ago, Lu Ye said that he would not stay here for long, but Li Huo did not expect that Lu Ye would leave without any warning.

And after spending these days together, he didn't even know what Lu Ye was doing. All the essence of the scorching sun had been swallowed up by the fire gourd. Logically speaking, even if the fire gourd was a treasure, it wouldn't be so edible. .

Lu Ye stood up, pulled out the Panshan Sword, and was slightly shocked.

Under the magma, the Sun Flame Beast King, who had worked diligently for Lu Ye for several years, suddenly felt something, and then swept towards the depths of the giant red star without looking back.

The strange power wrapped around its wound disappeared! It has been waiting for this moment to arrive. Where is the hesitation?

Without its suppression, the Sun Flame beasts gathered here quickly dispersed.

Lu Ye was aware of it. Although he had already guessed that this would be the situation, he still felt speechless.

"I wish fellow Taoist you will gain something as soon as possible. When you achieve great success, you can go to the Three Realms Island in the Wanxiang Sea to find me." Lu Ye looked at Li Huo, immediately jumped away, and quickly flew towards the outside of the giant red star.

"Three Realms Island?" Liehuo stood there thoughtfully. He had never heard of this spiritual island, and when did the spiritual island on the other side of the Wanxiang Sea allow Rizhao to stay?

He didn't bother to think too much. Lu Ye got what he wanted and left, but he still had to keep working hard.

After leaving the giant red star, Lu Ye returned along the original path. Along the way, he would meet monks who came here to practice or temper the essence of the scorching sun from time to time. The farther away, the lower the monks' cultivation level.

He paid special attention to the place he passed before, but did not see Fei Zhuang and Hongyan.

In this place, the further outside, the greater the mobility of the monks. Either they have gained something and left, or they have had an accident while fighting with others. In three years, anything can happen.

On the contrary, there is a person as strong as the sun who stays on the giant red star for more than 20 years.

Originally, Lu Ye planned to give Feizhuang and Hongyan some thank-you gifts, just to thank them for their guidance before. Since they didn't meet them, that was it.

Flying towards the insect path, by the time Lu Ye returned to Three Realms Island, it was already more than half a month later.

Upon noticing his return, Tang Jun and He Baichuan rushed over immediately, preparing to report on the situation of Wanxiang Sea in recent years.

In the past few years since Lu Ye was away, Wanxianghai has undergone many novel changes.

In the palace, Lu Ye looked at Tang Jun in surprise: "Lao Tang, have you really been promoted?"

Tang Jun chuckled: "What's the difficulty in Yueyao's later stage? I just don't want to. If I were willing, I would have been promoted to Rizhao long ago. How could it be your turn to be the best?"

Lao Tang has indeed been promoted to the late Yueyao stage. This can be seen from the mana fluctuations he specially displayed. Moreover, after being promoted, Lao Tang's mental outlook has improved a lot and he looks younger than before.

He Baichuan stood aside and said: "Yes, yes, you are extremely talented. In the late Yueyao period, you only failed three or five times, so what's the big deal?"

"Three or five times?" Lu Ye was stunned.

Lao Tang waved his hand: "The past is like smoke, so don't mention it!"

It can be seen that it is not easy for Lao Tang to be promoted in the later period of Yao Yao this month. When Lu Ye came back last time, he heard that Lao Tang was in retreat, but it failed. He must have tried several times in the past few years and finally got promoted.

"Good thing!" Lu Ye was delighted. Among the monks from the three realms, apart from the Jiuzhou realm, Lu Ye and Lao Tang had the deepest relationship among the monks from the other two realms. After all, the young and old lived here and lived together for a while. .

"This is not the only good thing." He Baichuan chuckled, "In the past few years, there have been hundreds of new Yueyao people on this island, including Senior Brother Qiuwu, Elder Yuxi of the Mermaid Tribe, and Junior Sister Hua Ci. , now in retreat to attack Rizhao!"

"Oh?" Lu Ye's eyes lit up, "Senior Brother Qiu Wu and Elder Yuxi are just that, Hua Ci is also attacking Rizhao?"

Qiu Wu is the original leader of the Yuluo Realm. Although this realm leader is only in name, his cultivation level is indeed the highest in the entire Yuluo Realm. Luan Xiaoe was able to be promoted to Rizhao earlier because he was entrusted to practice in the Wanxiang Sea. Fortunately, I got guidance from others.

Luan Xiao'e can be promoted to Rizhao, and Qiu Wu has already had this potential.

Elder Yuxi is the second elder of the mermaid tribe, and his cultivation level is only lower than that of Yan Miao.

The two of them attacked Rizhao. Lu Ye was not surprised, but Hua Ci was also in retreat.

This should have something to do with Xiaogua.

Xiaogua is the treasure of the starry sky, and Xiaogua is Hua Ci’s natal pet. There is a treasure of the starry sky as his natal pet. No matter how amazing Hua Ci’s performance is, it cannot be overstated.

Tang Jun said: "Not only the main island, but the overall foundation of the major spiritual islands in the entire Vientiane Sea has been greatly improved. The shackles that many monks have been trapped in for many years have become loose. Yueyao Rizhao's promotion is much simpler than before. "

Lu Ye knew in his heart that this should be related to the coming of the great trend. Looking at it now, the closer to the coming of the great trend, the more obvious the changes in the starry sky become.

And this change is reflected in the monks, that is, practice has become simpler.

"There are also spiritual islands!" He Baichuan added, "More and more desert islands have been revitalized, and many spiritual islands have improved from their original levels. In recent years, two more top-level spiritual islands have been added to the sea in Vientiane. .”

The biggest difference between the top spiritual island and the superior spiritual island is that it has its own spiritual jade vein, which is a great blessing for any force.

"Where's Sifang Island? What's going on there?" Lu Ye asked. He remembered hearing He Baichuan say last time that Sifang Island also had some good changes.

He Baichuan said: "Sifang Island is still a top-level spiritual island, but there are already signs of qualitative change. According to the information from Sifang Island, there are signs of the birth of the spiritual jade vein, and I am afraid it will become a top-level spiritual island in the future! "(End of chapter)

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