Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2071 The price of hostility

Li Huo had the intention to retreat, but he didn't dare to act rashly because he couldn't figure out what Lu Ye's attitude was towards him.

Although he didn't feel any hostility, Lu Ye had just been so aggressive that he was obviously not easy to deal with. This kind of guy who was peaceful on the surface and used thunder attacks was actually the most difficult to get along with, and Li Huo knew this well.

I felt sorry for Ji Boyun and Jiu Xi. If Ji Boyun had agreed to the other party's proposal at first, he would not have been killed. But one of them coveted the method of controlling the Sun Flame Beast King, and the other coveted the attribute treasure, and ended up dying. Xiao Lian is now in a dilemma.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Fellow Daoist, this matter has nothing to do with me. Both Daoyou Ji and Jiu Si are dead, so let's end it here."

Lu Ye nodded: "It really has nothing to do with you, but..." He changed the subject and smiled half-heartedly, "If I hadn't taken action quickly enough, I would have been surrounded by the three of you, right?"

This is true. Ji Boyun greeted them when he started. Both Jiu Si and Li Huo were very moved by his proposal at that time. After all, they came here to practice with the help of the special environment here. If there is a better way, No one will miss it.

Lie Huo knew he was wrong and said in a deep voice: "What do you want, fellow Taoist? Why don't you just say it!"

Most of the barbarians have straightforward personalities, and Lu Ye knows that, and he doesn't like to mince words when speaking. He immediately nodded and said: "In that case, please stay here to help temper the essence of the scorching sun. Since you choose to come, If you practice this, you should have the means to temper this thing."

Liehuo was extremely stunned: "You want me to help you temper the essence of the scorching sun?"

Lu Ye narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "Any unprovoked hostility in this world requires a price. What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

Li Huo's expression was ugly and he was full of reluctance, but he agreed with what Lu Ye said. If he were in Lu Ye's position, he would definitely not give up. After all, he did show hostility towards Lu Ye before, but it was just because Lu Ye was too aggressive. Come on, it's not true.

His expression struggled for a few moments, then Lie Huo sighed dejectedly: "Okay, I'll help you temper the essence of the scorching sun, but there has to be a time limit, right?"

Lu Ye said: "How about the essence of a thousand scorching suns?"

He didn't know how efficient the fire was in tempering the essence of the scorching sun, but since he was in the late stage of Rizhao, the tempering speed shouldn't be too slow. A thousand steps probably wouldn't take too long.

Li Huo also calculated silently in his heart, his eyes twitched slightly, and finally agreed: "Yes!"

"Then it's settled." Lu Ye said happily.

Leaving Lie Huo behind is not because he lacks the essence of the scorching sun, but any late stage of Rizhao is not without origin. He killed Ji Boyun and Jiu Si here. If Lie Huo is allowed to leave, things here may be exposed. , there will definitely be some trouble by then.

He came here to practice and didn't want to be disturbed.

There were originally four monks standing on the huge red star, but now there are only two. Lu Ye collected the storage rings of Ji Boyun and Jiu Si, and after a brief investigation, he found that their net worth was quite good, which was considered a gain.

Li Huo was sitting nearby and began to temper the essence of the scorching sun in his own way. He had undoubtedly accepted his fate. He was also reasonable. If he had insisted on escaping before, Lu Ye would not have stopped him.

After thinking about it, Lu Ye took out the beast-attracting incense he had put away and lit it.

A strange aroma spreads, blown by the solar wind.

All the nearby Sun Flame Beasts gathered around the incense, breathing greedily, with expressions of bone-crushing ecstasy on their faces.

That day, the Flame Beast King occupied the best position.

As time passed, more Sun Flame Beasts were attracted by the beast-inducing incense, and the scale gradually expanded, and the number also increased a lot.

In the past, the Sun Flame Beast King would run out every now and then to look for his own kind and bring them back to help Lu Ye, but the efficiency was not very high. Now it was much more convenient to light the beast-attracting incense.

By the time the beast-inducing incense burned out, the Sun Flame Beast's size had more than tripled.

This should not be the Sun Flame Beast on the entire giant red star, but there should be only some fish that have slipped through the net.

With the Sun Flame Beast King suppressing them, Lu Ye didn't have to worry too much. All the Sun Flame Beasts spread out and concentrated on tempering the essence of the Sun Flame.

At first, Lu Ye needed to harvest from time to time, but after a few times he felt that this was too much trouble, so he called the Sun Flame Beast King over to give him some advice.

After a while, he no longer needed to harvest it himself. Those sun-flaming beasts would take the initiative to come to him and offer them to him as long as they had tempered the essence of the sun.

This is much easier.

Although some Sun Flame Beasts were lazy and escaped during this period, it was not a big problem. As long as you control the Sun Flame Beast King, you can control the entire Sun Flame Beast Group in disguise.

In addition to the efforts of the Sun Flame Beasts, Agni is also contributing its own Sun Essence.

Every three days, he would send an extremely pure scorching sun essence to Lu Ye, and then walk not far away to continue tempering.

Lu Ye found that he had overestimated the speed at which he could temper the essence of the flaming sun. In other words, Liehuo had very high requirements for the quality of the essence of the flaming sun that he had tempered. Otherwise, it would not have taken him three days to refine the essence of the flaming sun. Tempering together.

He could definitely temper several times a day...but in that case, the quality of the Sun Essence would definitely be very poor.

Unlike now, the quality of the Sun Essence tempered by the fierce fire is almost the same as that of the Sun Flame Beast King, and is even better.

Three days in a row, what he asked for was a thousand... Even if he tempered non-stop, it would take more than eight years, and it was difficult for Lie Huo to agree to it.

But if you really want to say it, more than eight years is really nothing to a person in the late Rizhao period.

Under this condition, the fire gourd's efficiency in cultivating strange fires increased dramatically. On average, three groups of strange fires could be produced almost every two days, all of which were swallowed up by the talent tree.

What Lu Ye had to do here was just to wait.

He was not idle.

While waiting, he could either refine spiritual jade to improve his cultivation level, or swallow the best divine refining pill and practice the soul-suppressing secret technique.

Although the soul-suppressing secret technique has been completed, the practice of this secret technique runs through the entire realm of Rizhao, so we cannot slack off.

Day after day, the strange fire continued to devour it, causing some changes to the talent tree, but Lu Ye didn't know when it would be able to transform. The difficulty of this transformation was countless times greater than the previous three times.

Without the help of attribute treasures like the Fire Gourd, this kind of thing would be almost impossible to achieve, because Lu Ye would not be able to find so many fire resources that are comparable to the Fire Gourd and the Strange Fire for the talent tree to devour.

On this day, Liehuo sent another stream of tempered essence of the scorching sun. Seeing Lu Ye using the fire gourd to absorb it, he hesitated to speak, endured and endured...

Although he agreed to Lu Ye's previous request because of a mistake, anyone who encounters this kind of thing will feel a little resentful in his heart. Therefore, he has never communicated with Lu Ye these days. He is like Lu Ye's subordinate. workers, quietly doing their jobs.

But he is also curious...

Seeing his appearance, Lu Ye couldn't help but smile: "If you have anything to ask, Fellow Taoist Liehuo, just ask. Now there are only you and me on this giant red star. I may not be able to stay too long. After I leave, You are the only one left, and there will be no one left to talk to."

Hearing what he said, Lie Huo thought so, and he was no longer restrained. He sat down in front of Lu Ye, looked at Huo Hu and said, "If you read it right, this is the treasure of the One Yuan Realm, right?"

When Jiu Si died, Liehuo had a suspicion in his mind. After observing it for so many days, he became more and more certain that this was the treasure.

"Tao friendly eyesight." Lu Ye nodded, "This object is the treasure of the One Yuan Realm."

"So fellow Taoist is from the One Yuan Realm?" Lie Huo looked at Lu Ye curiously. He had never heard of such a person in the One Yuan Realm before.

Lu Ye shook his head slowly and asked instead of answering: "How long have you been cultivating here, fellow Taoist?"

"It's been quite a long time." Liehuo did some calculations, "Almost more than twenty years."

It's no wonder. Judging from Li Huo's appearance, he obviously knew nothing about the changes in the outside world. He probably didn't expect that now, the Wanxiang Sea has already changed, and the Wanxiang Galaxy has also lost its control over the Wanxiang Sea.

If he knew this, he should be able to guess his identity. After all, it is not a secret that the fire gourd of the One Yuan Realm is in his hands.

This matter will not be publicized on Sanjie Island, and Jiuyan will not talk about it everywhere, but the news still spreads out, and it is obviously the news released by Yiyuanjie.

Li Huo said again: "The treasure gourd that fellow Taoist used to kill Ji Boyun in the first place is very similar to this treasure. Could it be that that treasure is also one of the treasures of the Creation Vine?"

Lu Ye smiled and said nothing, and Li Huo didn't ask any more questions when he saw this.

He is not dull-tempered. He didn't communicate with Lu Ye before, mainly because he was depressed. Now he has made a start. In the following days, the two of them will have some chats from time to time, which can be regarded as killing some boring time.

Lu Ye didn't mention Apollo's matter to him. He kept it to himself. He didn't attack Li Huo because of Apollo's face. If Lu Ye hadn't figured out his barbarian identity, Maybe it really needs to be eradicated.

"By the way, Taoist friend said before that he wouldn't stay here for too long. When will he leave?" After some time, Liehuo suddenly asked about this.

Lu Ye was immersed in his mind, checking the progress of the talent tree, and slowly shook his head: "I don't know."

When he leaves depends on the changes in the talent tree, but after swallowing so many strange fires, the talent tree has changed, but it has not reached the level of transformation, and it is difficult for Lu Ye to judge right now.

Lie Huo said: "When my fellow Taoist leaves, can you teach me how to control the Sun Flame Beast King? Don't worry, I will definitely pay you a reward that satisfies your fellow daoist!"

Over the past few days, he had watched with his own eyes the Sun Flame Beasts delivering the tempered Sun Essence to Lu Ye, which made him extremely envious. If he had such ability, why would he need to waste so much time here? Time has long since accomplished the magic. (End of chapter)

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