Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 249 The Strongest Dragon Species after the Age of Gods (2k4)

The Honor Army advanced very quickly, because they were not only the strongest army in the past.

They also brought out the legacy of the Age of Gods from the Memorial Temple.

Moen excavated the Memorial Temple not only to call back the only Honor Army that he could trust, and to screen who was more reliable among the people around him.

He wanted to get the weapons in the Memorial Temple sincerely.

Moreover, the death of the emperor and a large number of dignitaries also made many Roman cities have no one to organize resistance.

Even most of the defenders abandoned the city when they saw the airships fleeing from all directions.

The reason is simple. They joined the army to have a good life and to be the superior, but there is no reason to lose their lives for this.

They gathered so many people to fight against the impostor, but now the large army was directly defeated. What are they waiting for?

They came to make money and bully the untouchables, not to defend their country!

So this caused the strange scene that the Honor Army's advancement speed could not even keep up with the speed of Rome's fall.

To be honest, this situation even made Moon almost spit out the tea he had just drunk.

Throughout history, this was the first time he had heard of such an outrageous thing.

His captain on the front line was also extremely shocked and reported to Moon:

"Tell the great Augustus, tell him that we are really running very fast, but we really can't keep up with their surrender speed!"


Almost half of the emperors of Rome died in the excavation site where they thought they had a safe victory.

But the rule of Rome did not collapse.

Because the real rulers of the five empires were not the emperors, but the angels of the royal family!

For safety, they did not rush there.

In the extraordinary world, except for the existence of the king, the power or rule of many countries will basically be slowly transferred by the immortals to their descendants or confidants.

Anyway, all the power of this country comes from their own great power.

They don't need to worry about losing power like mortals.

As long as they are still alive, they are the true supreme power holders.

But if they are asked to govern the country all the time, then if they don't have a high enough level of awareness, there should be no masochist who likes to be tortured by endless political affairs.

It's good to hand it over to their own descendants or confidants. They will manage their own country well, and they just need to enjoy it.

Although angels and even gods often become monarchs, they will never manage everything themselves.

Even the existence of kings basically just won't abdicate, but the actual management is constantly delegated to others.

Of course, if a king says he wants to abdicate, it is estimated that others will be scared crazy on the spot.

At least before the Lionheart King, both the dynasty and the Orthodox Church tacitly agreed that there would be no pope as the first person under God if there was a king.

Because that would be suspected of coveting or even sharing the supreme royal power.

The dynasty would also not have such an outrageous position as the so-called regent.

So when the Lionheart King said that he would establish a pope to manage the Storm Church and the people on his behalf.

Almost all the cardinals were paralyzed with fear.

This sounds like some kind of novel way to kill people.

However, the Lionheart King sincerely wanted to establish the Pope.

And the Pope of the Storm Church can even command the Round Table directly under the Lionheart King.

So, after this precedent, even if the church has a king, the Pope may appear.

In terms of handing over the responsibility of governance, many kings and monarchs will say that they are imitating the Eternal King's use of people.

After all, everyone knows who the actual manager of the elves is.

Even everyone is surprised that the Shadow Sun has really carried that burden until today.

If this is not love, then they don't know what else it is.

In short, the Roman angels are still alive, so the remaining slave owners in Rome still have someone to rely on.

And it seems that they still have a good chance of winning.

After all, Augustus is said to be just a mortal.

The Honor Army did not see the real angel appear.

Today, in Capua, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, six Roman angels replaced the five Roman emperors.

They are the highest power representatives of the Old Continent.

It is also because of their requests that all the people who the emperors failed to invite have come.

They have messengers from various churches and dynasties. There are also messengers from various empires and forces.

There is even a giant dragon among them.

In the long silence or silent ridicule, the angels of Rome spoke:

"We are willing to give you two-thirds of Rome's annual income for a period of eight hundred, no, one thousand years!"

It is a huge contribution. Even after deducting the necessary maintenance, this is almost all they get.

And it will last for a thousand years.

But if this battle can bring eternal stability in the future, it is enough. They are immortals. They don't care about the torture that mortals and their descendants suffer for this.

As long as Rome is still theirs, it's fine.

But in this regard, there are still messengers who said:

"I think everyone knows what you have provoked and what you intend to let us deal with."

"Well, why do you think we are enemies with the great Augustus?"

The angels of Rome looked gloomy. Are they still not satisfied after such a big concession?

But now they were asking for help, so they could only bow their heads and say:

"Augustus' return is something we are all proud of, but Augustus has been away for too long, and he can no longer see the situation in Rome clearly."

"We need you to help us make the great Augustus recognize what he didn't recognize."

Unlike the emperors, the Roman angels did not deny Augustus's identity. First, they still had some face, and second, the gods and kings had already acknowledged Augustus' return.

"We also know that this is a very difficult thing, so, so, 1,500 years!"

The messengers all showed a satisfied look. Rome has existed for three eras, and his time guarantee can still be expected and trusted.

Anyway, just help them get through the difficulties in front of them.

But at this time, the only dragon species present snorted a huge breath to express his disdain and contempt.

"What a group of ridiculous guys."

His words made everyone serious. He was not the last ancient dragon.

But he was praised as the strongest dragon species after the Age of Gods.

There was an amazing record of a dragon defeating three angels of the same sequence head-on.

It is an extremely powerful existence among the already powerful dragon species.

"I was born at the end of the Age of Gods, and I know very well what the hell scene was like back then."

"The sky was polluted, the earth was burned, the mountains collapsed, the rivers dried up, no one collected the corpses of the dead to commemorate them, and no one cared to help the living who fell."

"Even the sun and the moon can't shine their light back to the world."

"In such an era, the gods and kings who are high above have no idea of ​​standing up. They just want to protect the only treasure they care about."

"It was Augustus, the tiny but great mortal, who stood up, cleaned and mended this world that was already on the verge of death."

"I, you, your ancestors, and your descendants have all benefited from him!"

"But you want me to join you to defeat Augustus?"

The dragon's vertical pupils looked at the people present with an extremely dangerous look, which made many people couldn't help but put their hands on their weapons.

To be honest, all of them combined might not be able to defeat this dragon.

Six Roman angels stood in front of the crowd, looking deeply at the strongest dragon species after the Age of Gods.

"So what do you mean?"

The dragon lowered his head and stared at the six Roman angels in front of him, his vertical pupils reflecting their figures.

His chest began to burn red and overheat, which was a sign that the dragon's breath was about to burst out.

"It costs more money!"

The dragon's breath did burst out of his chest, but it did not spray out, but kept dripping to the ground in the greed of the vertical pupils.

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