Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 248 Rome, crush the enemy! (4k)

The degeneration of the nobles, the indulgence of the common people, and the betrayal of the slaves all made Moon realize one thing.

That is, more than 90% of the people in the old continent are hopeless.

This is not a sudden change overnight, but the result of years of cultural accumulation.

In their cognition, slaves are to be trampled underfoot regardless of life and death, and people other than them can be sold and trampled into slaves.

It is only slightly better than the barbarians who eat raw meat and drink blood.

Perhaps not as good as the barbarians, because Moon still remembers that a barbarian clan leader said to him in surprise-why don’t you kill people to fill your stomach?

If it weren’t for hunger, the bloodthirsty and cannibalistic barbarians would not kill people.

So Moon made his own plan-recall the former Rome.

In this old continent, slaves have proved with their actual actions that they cannot be trusted.

Moon is not the original, he can’t distinguish everyone.

Today, Rome screened once.

But what about the next time?

Moon can’t screen so perfectly.

So the only ones that Moon could trust were the Honorary Army of Augustus, who had once been directly under his command.

Not the new army that was still alive and kept silent about his death.

When Augustus was assassinated, he had been in charge of Rome for seventy-three years.

The Honorary Army at that time was the first batch of new army that he couldn't even remember.

And at that time, Rome had not fought a war for more than thirty years.

After people realized what Augustus was going to do, Moon had not encountered any fierce events that required war.

The gods and kings were willing to give way and cooperate with him to mend this broken and ruined world.

After all, he proved that only he could do it all.

Only he, an irrelevant person from the desolate continent, could make various resources, including manpower, circulate and use effectively in the hostile area.

Only he, a mortal destined to have a short life, could make the immortal gods and emperors willing to recognize his authority.

However, when Rome was just beginning to be built, Augustus was trying to mend this broken world.

Wars are still frequent, but the intensity is far less than the Apocalypse War in which the eldest son participated.

Because everyone wants to fight for the last bit of resources and residues to ensure their own safety.

So Moon called back the honor soldiers who died in that period.

They are from the first batch, the second batch, and the third batch.

But no matter which batch of honor soldiers they are, they are all noble people who once followed Augustus to save the world and sacrificed their lives!

In the Old World, they are the only ones that Moon can trust!

This is not a flash in the pan like the King of Turin.

They are really back.

What kind of miracles are hidden in the memorial hall, Moon has always known it.

So after every battle, Moon will do his best to cremate the remains of the warriors and send them to the hall.

This is not only the highest tribute that Moon can give them, but also a trump card prepared to prevent the worst from happening.

Once someone needs to stand up to save the world but no one can trust them, they are the most solid support for Moon!

"Roman warriors and warriors of the world!"

At this moment, under the gaze of countless honorary soldiers, only Augustus' voice can still resound through the world.

The gods are silent, and the kings hold their breath.

This is Augustus and Augustus's Honorary Army. They are hailed as the strongest soldiers after the First Era.

Because there is no army that knows what they are doing like them.

It is not an empty name, we are really saving the world.

For this, we are willing to fight one after another, even if we are forever nameless.

The minions of the slave owners are almost collapsing and huddled together.

Whether they are emperors, nobles, generals, or soldiers, there is no difference at this moment.

They are almost scared crazy.

This should have been a crushing victory, and what was waiting for them should have been countless wealth and power!

Why did they wait for this in the end?

Forget Augustus, why is there Augustus's Honorary Army?

At Augustus's call, the Honor Army put down their spears.

The spears behind the shield wall were pointed directly at the Roman army in front of them, who were dressed the same as them.

"Our sacrifice is not in vain. Our world has survived to this day. Our Rome spans ancient and modern times, but our land has been defiled."

The emperors, who were already squeezed into the crowd and extremely embarrassed, fell into unprecedented fear in front of this sentence.

Now they can only watch the death and fear that are getting closer and closer.

They wanted to speak, but their throats could only keep making a hoarse sound, and they couldn't spit out a complete character.

"The people in front of you have the same clothes as us, the same names as us, and even the same blood as us."

The soldiers at the front had collapsed and threw away their weapons, and instead knelt on the ground and kowtowed for mercy.

They cried bitterly and kept bowing, but they didn't know they were wrong.

They were just horrified to find that they were really going to die.

But Augustus' voice continued.

Who else can be trusted if he can be trusted by the Roman emperors?

"We smashed the shackles of countless slaves, but they made our sons and their brothers wear them again!"

The shield wall came forward, and the guns approached.

This time, even the emperor lost all his authority. They were lifted up by the terrified soldiers, nobles, and elders, and then thrown out.

It fell heavily to the ground.

The crown also fell quietly at this moment.

They kept scolding the emperors' evil deeds, and they tried to put all the crimes on the emperors.

But the voice still did not stop.

"They are Rome, but not our Rome. They have tarnished the name of Rome!"

With a puff, the eagle flag that was also hung high collapsed from the flagpole in an instant.

That was not the eagle flag of the Holy Roman Republic, it was the power and crown of the slave owners.

The dignitaries also knelt down.

The holiness and orthodoxy of Rome have been completely denied.

Demigods, generals, governors, elders, no matter what kind of figures they were before, now put everything aside, the only thing they wanted was the most primitive desire - to survive.

Augustus could give them a way to live, but who would give the slaves and poor people under their feet a way to live?

So, Augustus issued the final verdict:

"We must rebuild Rome, so, Rome, crush the enemy!"

The shield wall that had long been unable to be suppressed pressed down like a tidal wave.

The wailing of the crowd that once resounded in the excavation site finally shifted to the people who should really wail and scream.

The emperor's head was smashed by a giant shield, the demigod was pierced through the body by a spear, and the dignitaries were trampled into the mud by combat boots.

The new Rome lost to the old Rome.

The new Rome recast the old Rome.

And in the distant sky.

The gods and kings all applauded at the same time.

This is Augustus' Rome!

And, as Augustus looked at them.

Even though everyone knew that Augustus, who was really just a mortal, could not see them.

But as long as Augustus looked in his direction, both gods and kings would pay tribute in their own ways.

They would not bow to the Lord of the World as they did in the past.

Of course, they would not recognize his rule.

But they were willing to thank Augustus for his past achievements.

Without Augustus and his Rome, there would probably be no prosperity today.

And Augustus also nodded slightly in return.


The Honor Army did not stop there.

They continued to spread in all directions.

They wanted to rebuild Rome, so everything old must be overthrown!

The first to suffer were the slaves who chose to betray, who were not faster than the Honor Army.

They were all caught up and killed one by one, begging for mercy, wailing, and resisting, all of which were useless.

It can even be said that such a quick death is a rare mercy.

Looking at the pile of corpses in front of him, who could hardly tell who was whose, Quintus couldn't help but touch his body to see if there were any horrifying wounds that he hadn't discovered.

After confirming that everything was fine, he said to Augustus:

"Sir, isn't this too easy for them? These damn guys have committed countless evil deeds! It's too easy to die!"

Moen glanced at the mud on the ground and said:

"It's true that they died too easily, but I can't let the warriors who are still willing to fight for others become demons."

Some people can turn a blind eye to all the sufferings of the wicked, but some people can't, or most people can't, because this is not for them to see or hear.

It's natural to be out of sight, but this is for them to do it with their own hands.

Maybe it sounds refreshing, and many people feel that they are willing to do it, but when it really starts, they will find the essential difference between them and the wicked.

Normal people don't like to chop another person into pieces with their own hands and listen to their wailing.

Quintus also realized this. At least if he was asked to torture one or two people, as long as he knew that this person had committed a heinous crime, he thought he could still do it.

But once there are more people, it will change from refreshing to disgusting, and then become another kind of torture.

Although he reacted, Quintus still bowed his head slightly and said:

"This is too unfair."

In response, Moon looked at the ground under his feet and said:

"Maybe it won't be like this."

"Sir, what do you mean?"

Moen did not continue to answer, but asked:

"Quintus, you are more familiar with Roman history than me, so I want to ask you, have you ever heard of a demon invasion in Rome?"

Quintus recalled carefully and said very affirmatively:

"Even in the Saints' Period, Rome rarely had demon invasions."

It really matches Moon's memory. The Old World is the place where Constantine goes the least.

This is interesting.

The place that should attract demons the most is actually the place where demons descend the least.

"Sir, have you discovered something?"

Moen shook his head and said:

"There is too little information now, so I won't say it."

Quintus felt helpless. Lord Augustus is good at everything, but he likes the Riddler too much.

Or are all adults like this?

Because they see too high and too far that they keep silent about what they see, and because mortals like him don't have their vision so it's difficult to understand?

The more Quintus thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

But at this time, Moon suddenly asked curiously:

"Quintus, you once said that among the many Augustus of Rome, only one was worthy of the name."

"So, who is that one?"

Quintus was stunned for a moment, and after a moment, he said awkwardly:

"Sir, no matter what happened before, please believe that at least I think there are two now."

This answer also made Moon stunned.

After a moment, he smiled:

"That's right, a dead man who has done nothing is indeed not as good as a hero who has made achievements in front of him."

"Sir, I, I, I."

Quintus didn't know what to say.

But Moon didn't care about this.

He felt honored that Spataco, a hero who lived in the present but saw the distance, could be said to be like him.

"I don't care about this, I'm just a little surprised that I was a little too sentimental before."

Quintus became more and more embarrassed, and could only ask:

"Sir, are you planning to conquer the entire Old World with your Honor Army?"

While saying this, he and the rest of the people kept looking at the Honor Army that was still left.

The clothes were the same, but they really felt the difference between this Roman army and the slave owner's army.

Even if they were looking at a naked slave, their eyes were gentle and even evasive.

That was the warmth for their descendants, and also the timidity for not leaving a good country.

"Yes, it was with their help that I was able to rebuild this continent, and it is possible now."

"But what about us? We are also warriors, and this is our world, so we should also fight."

For this question, Moon said without looking back:

"You need to shoulder the responsibility of rebuilding Rome, and you need to shoulder the responsibility of not leaving slavery."

This sentence made Quintus suddenly look at Moon and asked:

"Sir, what about you?"

After a moment of silence, Moon still did not look back and said:

"I am just a dead man, my friend."

"Don't worry, this time, they will also stay, and it will not be the same as before."

Augustus appeared to mend this broken world.

Augustus's return is also to correct the mistakes he left behind.

When the world is mended, Augustus should leave.

When the mistakes are corrected, Augustus should leave.

Quintus stood there in a daze.

Others did not hear this, they just kept looking at the Honor Army in front of them.

They had no idea that the person who brought them everything was destined to leave.

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