Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 213 Verification of identity (4k)

"I'm not a vampire? Oh my God, is this the way the Bathory family treats guests?"

"Who is right and who is wrong, can't you just go up and verify it? If I made a mistake, I will naturally apologize to you."

Bathory's eldest son Toss picked up his cane, and used the top of the cane inlaid with a huge emerald to press against Moon's chest and said:

"Are you too guilty to refuse like this?"

Moen shook his head with a smile:

"I just argued a few words for my rights, but I didn't expect you to think I was guilty? Well, where is the statue?"

"The statue is upstairs, please come with me."


Moen said without hesitation:

"Then please bring the statue downstairs, everyone is here, just in time for everyone to be a witness."

After Moon said this, he saw a noble behind Toss stepped forward and whispered a few words to Toss.

It seemed that there was some trouble in bringing the statue down.

And Toss's next answer and the change in the other party's expression also made Moon more certain of this.

Because Toss smiled and shook his head:

"No, our Bathory family is extremely fair, so please bring down the statue!"

The nobleman said anxiously:

"Sir, do you need to think about this again?"

"Don't think about it, do it immediately. My father is not here, this is my responsibility, you want to resist?"

Seeing that the words have come to this point, the nobleman can't continue.

He can only retreat immediately and take his courtiers to bring down the statue.

Moon also raised his eyebrows slightly and thought:'No way? This guy is not so crazy, right? '

As things here fermented, more and more spectators gathered here.

They were all hiding under the mask and looked at everything here with interest.

To be honest, they didn't find any problems with Moon.

There was no problem with the smell, behavior, and inspiration.

This should be just a fellow tribe that hasn't appeared for a long time.

So why did Master Toss do this?

While they were curious and playing, the statue upstairs was finally brought down by them.

According to the etiquette, the statue was covered with red brocade when it was moved.

However, some vampires with special methods frowned slightly.

Because they found out who the statue belonged to.

But most of them still didn't find out, one was that the method was wrong, and the other was that there was no need to pay attention to this place.

When the statue was brought behind Toss.

The crowd just became restless.

Toss, who was slightly bent over facing the statue, waved his hand, and the red brocade fell instantly.

The statue revealed was neither the spear representing the dark moon, nor the Grand Duke Bathory with a broken finger, nor even the eternal moon as some people thought.

It was a piece of white alabaster with a neat bevel cut out.

This was the reference to the pure white lady Aurora.

It is said that the pure white goddess who embraces gentleness designated the white alabaster stone she stepped on when she ascended to the gods as her holy object and reference.

Therefore, in areas like the Pure White Dynasty that believe in the goddess Aurora, people can often be seen cutting a huge white alabaster stone into a horizontal plane and worshipping it as a statue of the goddess.

However, this is the blood clan!

They don't believe in the Pure White Road at all!

Whether in the past or now!

Although many blood clans know what they are doing this time and who they are cooperating with.

But how can such a thing be put on the table openly?

Is Tos crazy?

And looking at the statue of Aurora being carried up, Moen was also surprised.

I was right. These guys actually carried up the statue of Aurora.

After a brief surprise, Moon pointed at Tos and asked loudly:

"Tos Bathory of the Bathory family, tell me, why did you bring up the statue of the pure white goddess?"

"We are the blood clan, the noble people of the moon, and this is the peak feast, our own gathering of the blood clan!"

Moen turned and looked at all the blood clans and said:

"I can't accept such behavior, I hope everyone will join me in resisting such actions."

"The alien god was actually invited to us, the pure people of the moon!"

Moen's actions resonated with many nobles.

Although many of them knew what they were going to do this time, the Bathory family's behavior was really too much.

At the edge of the crowd, the beautiful courtier who had been accompanying her master here also pushed away her master who was sucking blood from her neck for the first time.

She raised her handkerchief to wipe the blood from her neck, and then said to her master:

"Master, Lord Tos seems to have done something very outrageous."

Little Akado, who was dissatisfied with his courtier pushing him away, waved his hand and said:

"That guy is just trying to see who is a staunch ally, who is a fence-sitter, and who is a potential opponent."

"To be honest, it's a bit stupid. Not as good as his brother at all."

"My Nefilia, instead of paying attention to this, you might as well pay attention to the fact that your master is still hungry now!"

In response to her master's dissatisfaction, the beautiful courtier just frowned and said:

"You are the only heir of the Akado family. Do you really plan to stay here forever?"

"Why not? Aren't the other families also watching the joke?"

Seeing that his courtiers had no intention of letting him continue sucking blood, little Accardo helplessly called over the human women who were serving as attendants and desserts.

This was prepared by the Bathory family.

But seeing the trembling appearance of the other party, little Accardo smiled and waved his hand and said:

"Just give me a bottle of Lolo wine, miss."

This relieved the other party and immediately brought a bottle of Roro wine to pour for little Accardo.

The Vampires do need blood, but under normal circumstances the demand for it is far less terrifying than outsiders imagine.

Although a vampire can indeed drain an adult male's blood in a few seconds.

But if it only meets the basic needs, the portion is actually very, very small. The eldest son who created them strives to make it a perfect race and weapon.

Weapons that require a lot of investment to maintain are obviously not good choices.

So he had already eaten enough, but when he was full, he was full, and when he was well fed, he was well fed.

After shaking the Lolo wine in the red wine glass, little Accardo took a sip with great satisfaction.

"The dwarves' wine-making technology really makes me extremely satisfied. The only regret is that the elves, who also have superb wine-making technology, don't sell their wine to the outside world. They don't even drink much themselves. They are really a bunch of weird long-eared people."

The beautiful courtier frowned more and more and dissuaded:

"Master, as one of the great nobles, you should stand up and stop Mr. Toss' behavior! That is the icon of the Ability God!"

Little Accardo still insisted on his opinion:

"I'm not going to go over there until a few others step up."

"By the way, please help me send a bottle of good wine to Toss later to express my gratitude. Although it was not his intention, he did help me see the current situation clearly. As for the wine, you can decide for yourself."

To him, Toss's move was undoubtedly a stupid thing to do because he thought he was smart, but to him, it was helping.

The fact that his own courtier, an outsider affiliated with the Vampire Clan, couldn't stand it anymore was enough to show how outrageous Toss's actions were.

But that was it, none of the heirs of the other six families, the marquises who were still here, came forward.

So, why should I stand up and become the target of public criticism?

The Accardo family just wants to survive safely.

After thinking for a while, little Accardo asked again:

"By the way, who is that guy Toss having trouble with?"

He could feel the other party's anger and resistance when he held Nafilia.

And in this situation, it may be difficult for the other party to step down.

After realizing what her master thought, the beautiful courtier who changed her armor into an evening dress sighed and sat back in her master's arms.

And thus exposed those extremely long and white legs, which did not look like the legs of a knight, but rather like the legs of a young lady.

When she felt her master licking her neck again, she closed her eyes slightly and said:

"It's Count Tagula from Monte Cristo. Master Toss suspects that he is not a vampire. To be honest, it's a bit ridiculous. No matter how you look at it, he is a pure vampire, huh!"

Before she could finish speaking, the beautiful courtier let out an extremely charming snort.

His master bit back into his body.

It's a very addictive feeling.

Because it is not for food, but for love.

Little Accardo, on the other hand, was immersed in the delicious food of his courtiers.

But slowly, he frowned. For the first time, before he had had enough, he stopped and asked:

"Count Tagula of Monte Cristo? Monte Cristo and Tagula?"

This time, the beautiful courtier was a little disappointed, but she still responded to her master:

"Yes, Count Tagula of Monte Cristo, my lord."

After a moment, the beautiful courtier who realized something was also curious and asked:

"Master, did you find anything?"

Little Accardo shook his head and said:

"No, I just feel like I've heard it before, and it seems I need to pay attention to it, but, but, what exactly is it?"

After saying this, little Accardo kept repeating the words Monte Cristo and Tagula in various languages.

Where did you hear it?

As a child? wrong.

In the book? It doesn't seem right either.

Where is father? Still not right.

Where is it?

On the other side, Moen also discovered that even though there were indeed many vampires in the crowd who were dissatisfied with this, even now, no one had come forward.

The only person who expressed dissatisfaction was a Sequence Three Marquis who simply left the hall.

At the same time, he also saw the reaction of Toss in front of him as he looked around the crowd with great satisfaction.

This surprised Moen.

Does this guy really just want to see the crowd's reaction to judge the issue of team alignment that has long been insignificant? !

Is the heir to the Bathory family so stupid?

Moen was still thinking about whether this had a deeper purpose.

For example, the vampires did not actually want to release the blood moon and formed an alliance with Aurora. They really took refuge in Aurora.

For another example, Aurora may want to directly use the icon to appear and forcibly charm all the vampire nobles.

But he didn't expect that this guy was really playing such a low-level trick!

The Vampires here are all great nobles, and their coming here basically shows where they stand.

But now you are carrying the statue of the alien god directly, which will not only make those opponents who are no longer able to stand out openly hide more.

It will even make those who stand on his side feel insulted.

After all, the blood race also has their own persistence and pride. If they cannot object when the statue of the alien god is carried in front of them, it is almost like pointing at their noses and scolding them for being cowardly.

For the overall situation, there should be no problem before an accident occurs.

But for him, this will probably be a problem.

This is indeed similar to calling a deer a horse, but the one who called a deer a horse is Zhao Gao, who has great power in the government.

Now, Duke Bathory himself should re-examine whether his eldest son can be the heir.

Of course, it is also possible that he has already examined this issue.

Toss, who was extremely satisfied with the current situation, walked up to Moon and said proudly:

"Her Majesty Aurora is a staunch ally of our blood race. As the god of the alliance, it is not strange to worship her statue, right? Lord Count Tagula?"

When he said Count Tagula, he pronounced it very hard, as if he had seen that Moon's resistance was just because he did not expect all this.

He was not prepared to deal with the statue of Goddess Aurora.

So he raised his head and looked down at Moon and said:

"Why are you so resistant to prove your identity in front of the statue of Goddess Aurora?"

"Did you not expect that we invited Goddess Aurora?"

Moen said coldly:

"The appearance of the alien god is an insult to me as a pure moon dweller! It is also an insult to all of us!"

Some blood races lowered their heads in embarrassment.

This is indeed too insulting, but they dare not stand up.

They even dare not leave the hall.

The general trend has been formed. If the eight dukes do not object to something, they will not be able to object.

"I said, Her Majesty Aurora is our staunch ally, so this is not an insult. But you, if you don't prove your identity, I will kill you immediately!"

Because the atmosphere was not right, Toss finally realized that his actions might be a bit problematic.

He was in a hurry to get this over with.

After feeling the timidity of Ms. Lily holding his arm tightly, Moon took a deep look at Toss and said:

"I hope you and everyone know that I stand in front of the alien god just to prove that all your accusations against me are pure insults and slander!"

After that, Moon walked straight to the statue of Aurora.

And Toss raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes were sinister.

You are not dead now? !

But then, he widened his eyes.

Because Moon had cut his palm and dripped his blood into the silver basin in front of the statue.

As the blood spread in the silver basin.

The original moon, which was neither a blood moon nor a dark moon, was immediately reflected in it.

This is the proof of being a pure blood race.

At the same time, the holy image used to identify lies did not react!

And Moon, who was standing in front of the silver basin, raised his lips slightly.

In fact, for Moon, the appearance of Aurora's holy image was the best result!

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