Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 212: Peak Feast, additional update by the leader (6k)

The vampires like to hold parties, just like human nobles.

However, no one can tell whether it is the vampires who learned from humans or the vampires who learned from humans.

Anyway, both sides say that they stole the skills from the other side.

However, some dwarves believe that they stole the skills from the elves, but the elves don’t seem to like to hold parties.

But this is not important. What is important is that it is a party for the nobles.

Therefore, this party called the Peak Feast within the vampires has a very strict review mechanism.

At that time, the eight dukes will be present.

This is a distinguished figure equivalent to the twelve golden flower lords.

Although no one thinks that the vampire dukes who are often replaced are really comparable to the golden flower lords who follow the Eternal King.

But at least in name, the two are equal.

And those who can serve as a foil for such a person are at least earl-level nobles.

In order to sneak into this peak feast.

Moen also made preparations early.

He didn’t bring too many people, just two.

Although Balin said that he could follow on stilts to protect himself.

But after thinking about it, Morn still felt that this was not only too funny but also more dangerous.

So Morn refused it sternly.

But before leaving, Morn left a letter to Balin.

And the two people Morn brought were carefully selected by Morn from the only two candidates.

To be honest, if this thing did not have a requirement for the number of followers, Morn wanted to come by himself, which would be the safest thing!

But there was no way, I don’t know which idiot added a number requirement to the Peak Feast.

Morn thought about it carefully, ah, it was still himself!

To be honest, it was really stupid

With the help of the dwarves, Morn and the other two successfully arrived at the mobile fortress of the Bathory family.

Morn looked up at the huge castle in front of him.

After so many years, there was no change, it was still the same as in memory.

It perfectly matched Morn’s imagination of the vampire castle.

The spire of the castle pierced the sky, casting a long shadow in the moonlight. The walls were covered with moss and vines, adding a sense of desolation out of thin air.

Morn, who was revisiting the old place, had no reaction.

The two behind Moon felt their calves go weak.

Especially Lester. If he hadn't been taking drugs, he would have collapsed to the ground just like when he heard the news.

But even though he had taken several bottles of super tranquilizers, Moon could still feel the slight tremor in his body.

In comparison, the current head of their Heather family was much better.

Ms. Lily just looked at the vampires in front and behind her with a dead heart.

For the first time, Ms. Lily couldn't help but grab Moon's arm.

It was also at this moment that she felt like she had lost all her strength with the support, and only by leaning on him could she barely support herself.

But in the eyes of others, this scene was very ambiguous and intimate.

It also made many vampires look at Moon and Ms. Lily in disbelief.

Of course, they were more looking at Ms. Lily's extremely obvious slender and pointed ears.

Such long ears not only prove that this is an elf, but also prove that this is a high elf!

Born with power and life beyond the cognition of mortals.

It is also the lifelong pursuit of almost all vampires!

Under normal circumstances, vampires cannot bring an elf with them.

Elves are not only xenophobic but also too powerful.

In the history of vampires, there have been several times when great nobles attacked elves, trying to capture a permanent blood bag for themselves and their families.

But the result of each time was that the other party's castle and family were permanently removed from the list.

Over time, no vampires would think of this again.

Food is always less important than life.

Therefore, Moen with the elf is really conspicuous.

And from this point of view, this elf did not even sign any contract with the other party.

This elf is likely to be the other party's courtier or family!

Such a discovery made many vampires guess where this great noble came from.

But they have guessed all the famous families, and they can't find the right person.

Lily leaned on Moon and asked in a low voice:

"You didn't tell me to accompany you here! My God, they looked at me as hungry as if they were looking at a piece of moving meat!"

Moen held her hand lightly and said:

"Don't worry, you are my courtier now, as long as you listen to my arrangements, nothing will happen."

"That's not it, I'm asking why you brought me to such a dangerous place, wow, was the demigod just past?"

"He made me feel cold all over!"

"Yes, that was a marquis, he should be sequence three. Looking at the emblem on his body, he should be from the Olsen family, and he is very advanced among the marquises."

Ms. Lily's teeth trembled a little when she heard it.

"So why did you bring me here?!"

This is not being surrounded, this is simply a roasted whole sheep jumping into a wolf's den!

Every vampire here wants to eat her, eat her alive!

"The Peak Feast requires at least two followers, and you two are the only ones I can choose."

"Didn't you refuse?"

"That's because you told me that you could help me solve my identity problem forever!"

"I did solve it. After drinking the holy water of rest, no one noticed your problem. The fact that you came here safely is the biggest proof."

Ms. Lily was speechless.

Although she had never thought that this trip would be so dangerous before coming, she did agree to the deal with Moon.

Ms. Lily gritted her teeth and said:

"I knew that pie in the sky would not fall!"

Moen patted her hands and said:

"But elves may fall from the tree."

"Didn't you say you would forget about it?"

"We both pretended not to see it and forgot about it."

"You guy!"

After teasing Ms. Lily for a while, Moon felt that his mood was getting better and better.

The headache brought by this lingering woman was returned to him!

Moen thought clearly that since his wealth could not be avoided, his life would probably be like this.

It was just right to try Ms. Lily.

With the corners of his mouth slightly raised, Moon said to Lester behind him:

"Lester, we are going in, so are you ready?"

Lester said with a sad face:

"Sir, I am not ready, I want to go back!"

Moen also said seriously:

"Lester, if you turn around now, you will really die."

"Pull up all your energy and follow me to complete this trip. This is your only way out."

Lester, whose calf was almost cramping, asked with a dead look:

"Is this really the only way?"

"Yes, you must want to see for yourself what they want to do to you, right?"

"Don't worry, don't worry about being recognized. The vampires wear masks at the ball. In addition, the dwarves and I have done secrets for you!"

After opening his mouth, Lester, who seemed to have accepted his fate, finally gritted his teeth and cheered up.

He raised his head, straightened his chest, and took firm steps towards the door in front of him with a firm look.

As he walked, his sight involuntarily became shorter.

Looking at Lester who almost kneeled down after only one or two steps.

Moen sighed and pulled him up before he really knelt down and said:

"Mr. Lester, if you go in and still kneel down like this timidly after taking two steps, I can't save you."

Lester nodded hurriedly, then took out a bottle of tranquilizer that he disguised as blood and poured it into his stomach.

At this point, he nodded and said:

"It's okay, no problem!"

"That's good, let's go!"

Lester, whose brain was almost gone due to taking drugs, finally didn't know what fear was and moved forward.

Looking at the heroic and high-spirited Lester.

Ms. Lily couldn't help but say:

"Lester Heather, I know him. On my twelfth birthday, his grandfather brought him to see me. But I really didn't expect that he would be here."

"How much do you know about him?"

"Not much. Although we are from the same family, he is just a distant relative and I am not familiar with him, but."


Ms. Lily recalled:

"But I remember that there was a problem in the area under his charge. When my secretary was about to take the accounting team to investigate, his father came to me in person to confess his crime."

"He said that he encountered a very shocking thing, so he was depressed, but he won't be depressed in the future. His father will handle everything personally."

"How long did it take?"

"One year."

In response, Moen smiled and said:

"Ah, at that time, he was still being tortured in the blood clan's dungeon. It was good that he collapsed after resisting for four years."

Ms. Lily, who had also been in prison for five years, agreed deeply.

I almost collapsed without suffering, so it was natural for him to be tortured directly.

"But did he drink the holy water of rest?"

Looking at Lester's back, Moon smiled as a matter of course:

"Of course."

Ms. Lily asked in a bit of surprise:

"When did it happen? Why didn't I see it?"

In order to show her trust, she drank the holy water of rest and watched Moon do it with her own eyes.

But she didn't see Lester at the time.

Shouldn't this kind of thing that hurts yourself be dealt with at the same time?

"It's not something you have to see, dear lady."

That's indeed the truth, so Ms. Lily nodded and asked:

"How do you plan to get in?"

She knew very well whether Moon was a vampire, so how did this man plan to get into the gathering of blood clans, where at least they were counts?

Not to mention that he was not a blood clan, the identity issue was a big problem.

The blood clan had a strict hierarchy, and each family and corresponding members were clearly registered.

Even most blood clans would directly remember these lists.

Moen just smiled and took her forward.

As for her question, Moon did not answer.

As they walked, Moon asked:

"Have you recovered? Do you need me to continue lending you my shoulder?"

"Of course I have no problem. I'm not as useless as that guy Lester."

"Then why don't you let me go?"

Ms. Lily rolled her eyes at him and said:

"Are you pretending not to know, or do you really not know? I'm your female companion, how can I not hold your hand?"

"No, you are my courtier. If the courtier is so close to me, the other blood clans will think that you should still be my dependent or even my first embrace object!"

Ms. Lily fell into silence. As a foreign elf, she knew what the first embrace object meant.

After a moment, she gave up and said:

"I have come all this way. Do you think I can let go now?"


"Then why are you asking?!"

Ms. Lily was stunned.

Moen smiled and said:

"Because it is fun."


Ms. Lily suddenly wanted to bite Moen's neck.

So that he would know how powerful he was.

After walking to the etiquette officer, the etiquette officer and the etiquette officer looked at Moen in a daze.

In the blood clan, whoever comes is basically not required to report the name of the guest.

Because the etiquette officer who records the guests and the etiquette officer who sings the names of the guests can recognize the guest at a glance.

As mentioned earlier, in the system of the blood clan, all nobles will be registered, and only those blood clans who have no family recognition and no blood will be nameless.

They could not have seen all the nobles with their own eyes, but they had seen and remembered all the nobles' family emblems and the names and general descriptions of their family members.

In order to show their ancient civilization, the blood clan refused to use the convenient way of recognizing people such as rubbing shadows.

And now, they didn't recognize a blood clan member who came to the peak feast with elves?

After a brief astonishment, the etiquette officer immediately stood up and asked:

"Respected sir, have you encountered any accidents?"

They didn't think anyone would come to make trouble, especially the sir in front of them, whose behavior was indeed extremely elegant.

The head and neck maintained a very suitable angle, ensuring his demeanor while not making others feel arrogant.

The pace and posture were also grasped at an extremely tricky range. At first, they didn't see the problem, but just felt that it seemed a bit awkward. After a while, they found that this sir deliberately adjusted his pace and posture to better set off the female companion beside him.

Deliberately sacrificing one's own movements and elegance to set off the lady accompanying is a very good proof of cultivation.

And it is even more rare to be able to perfectly set off the other person.

Many nobles will make themselves and their female companions look like adults because of imitating others.

Because the object of their practice can be a person, but the occasions where they walk cannot always be the same.

Indoors, outdoors, in the moonlight, in the sun, with or without people around, these environmental factors change slightly, and the results after the initial training will become very different.

If you want everything to be perfect, it requires extremely high cultivation!

In addition, when this adult approached, they also smelled the scent of red leaf grass with a faint scent of lilies.

This must be that this adult personally mixed lilies and red leaf grass in a perfect ratio and then embellished himself well.

This is a skill that many nobles in the duke's family find difficult to master.

It is completely different from the guy who was obviously just an attendant but was gifted with red leaf grass because of the banquet.

The red leaf grass was really wasted on that guy, it would be better to feed it to pigs than to give it to him!

"What trouble did you encounter? No, there is no trouble. As for why you two didn't recognize me."

Moen took off his hat and smiled:

"Maybe it's because my family hasn't been active for a long time."

"So who are you?"

"Tagula Tagula."

Moen said the name lightly.

"Tagula family? My lord, I, I, wait a minute!"

The etiquette officer suddenly remembered something and hurriedly moved an extremely heavy book from behind.

Because the blood clan is well maintained, there is no dust on it.

But people can see its antiquity at a glance.

This is one of the prides of the Bathory family-the list of nobles that has been passed down for two whole eras!

Of course, the one here by the etiquette officer is just a copy, but even if it is a copy, it was copied thousands of years ago.

As the etiquette officer turned the pages of the list, he finally found the name he had vaguely seen.

"Count Tagulla from Monte Cristo? Your family hasn't appeared for an era!"

"My family has unfortunately encountered many things, but fortunately I am still alive, and the respected Bathory family still remembers me and my family!"

Because the blood clan is a clan that acts as a family unit.

So it is common for a family to suddenly hide somewhere for thousands of years without appearing.

This is normal for the blood clan, but it is indeed very rare to have a family that has been hidden for an era.

"Can I go in?"

"Of course, sir!"

As Moon nodded in greeting.

The ceremonial officer also shouted Moon's name:

"Count Tagulla Tagulla from Monte Cristo is visiting!"

A count couldn't cause any trouble here, but the two names of Monte Cristo and Tagulla, which were almost unrecognizable, attracted the attention of many nobles.

And when they saw Ms. Lily, who had been leaning on Moon, all the blood clans who saw it exclaimed.

How could someone bring an elf? !

After a while, even some vampires, who were great nobles, couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

As the saying goes, what you can't get is the best.

And elves, this is the eternal dream of all blood races.

As for dragons of the same level as elves, well, how to say it, as long as you give enough gold coins and gems, the dragons are willing to accidentally scratch the dragon scales and bleed a little.

This made Lily get closer to Moon.

Moon, who wanted to continue to joke, realized that the other party was really scared.

He put his hand on the back of Ms. Lily's hand.

Then he stood in front of her and smiled at the many blood races:

"Please don't look at my courtiers like this, she has never seen so many nobles, please don't scare her!"

After realizing that they were rude, no matter how much they coveted this elf, the blood races still turned their heads away.

Seeing that their eyes were all reluctantly moved away, Ms. Lily finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sensing that she was relaxed, Moon set his eyes on the hall.

It was strange that the marquises were still there, but none of the eight dukes.

After understanding the situation, Moon immediately asked the nobles next to him:

"Excuse me, where is Grand Duke Bathory? My family has not been active for a long time, so I need to thank the owner of this place!"

The other party first looked at Ms. Lily, then swallowed his saliva, and then reluctantly smiled at Moon:

"Tagula of Monte Cristo? It's been a while, I almost forgot the name. Anyway, you came a little late, and the eight grand dukes have just gone up."

"Leaving so many guests here, it seems that it is very important to discuss the eight grand dukes together!"

Moen asked with a smile.

The other party unconsciously looked at the elf who was still hiding behind Moon and said:

"Ah, that's not it, I don't know what it is specifically, but I heard that it seems that a distinguished guest has come?"

A distinguished guest who needs to be visited by the eight dukes together?

Moen probably had a clue in his mind.

"Can I ask where they left from?"

"This is not something a guest should ask, Lord Tagula from Monte Cristo."

Moen turned his head immediately after hearing the voice.

What he saw was a young man with a very refined temperament, and behind him were not the few shabby people like Morn, but more than a dozen court officials and blood nobles.

Although he was wearing a mask, from the obvious broken fingers of the other party, Morn knew who he was at a glance.

The eldest son of Grand Duke Bathory!

"Ah, you must be the eldest son of Grand Duke Bathory, Lord Tos Bathory?"

"It's me, Lord Tagula, I have a question for you."

Come for me?

Is it because it's strange that he hasn't been active for an era?

Or Lester?

"Of course, Lord Toss."

The vampire named Toss looked at Lester and then asked Moon:

"Your family has not appeared for a whole era, so how can I be sure that you are Count Tagula of Monte Cristo?"

Moen smiled and took out his family emblem and handed it over:

"This is my family emblem, witnessed by the respected Duke of Barbatos, and there is also his certificate. Can this prove my identity?"

For the family emblem handed over by Moon, Toss just shook his head and smiled:

"I don't mean to disrespect Grand Duke Barbatos, but in the history of the vampires, there are still a lot of cases of family emblems being counterfeited."

Moen just asked helplessly:

"So what do you want?"

Toss looked at Moon playfully and said:

"Nothing, I just want you to verify it in front of the statue in person."

"Please rest assured, I just want to make sure that there are no outsiders who shouldn't come to our banquet. After all, you always make me feel that you are not a vampire!"

As almost the highest-level gathering of vampires, in addition to the inspection before entering the city and the secret inspection after entering the city,

The final hurdle was not the ceremonial officer, but the statue placed in the hall!

Whether a person is a vampire or a liar, it would be clear in front of the statue.

And Moon was not panicked at all.

Although he did not see where the statue was placed in the hall.

But he thought there were only three types, Blood Moon, Dark Moon, and the original eight dukes.

No matter which one, he had a way to deal with it, and he could also directly judge the current status of the vampires from the statues they moved out.

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