Soon, it was the day for the official start of filming of "The Longest Day in Chang'an". Gu Zhongyu wanted to continue to use electronic incense to worship gods like he did in "Ball Lightning" last time in order to save energy and reduce carbon emissions, but director Cao Dun and others firmly stopped him!

"This is not a science fiction film! And Chang'an is known as the Eastern Valley of Kings. Are you fooling around with this? Be careful that our ancestors will come back to trouble us!"

Well, he himself doesn't care much about this sense of ceremony anyway, and it's not a big deal.

After the start-up ceremony, the crew officially started filming.

The first scene was the scene of Zhang Xiaojing played by Gu Zhongyu.

Cao Dun was very serious when it came to filming. He would not dawdle. He would go straight on when he was ready. There were no fancy things. He quickly urged the makeup artist to make Gu Zhongyu's beard ready for the stage.

"Teacher Gu, are you sure?" Cao Dun wanted to confirm again.

"It's okay, just pour it!"

Gu Zhongyu, who had already changed into a prison uniform, still insisted. The first scene to be filmed today was that Zhang Xiaojing, a death row prisoner, was caught from prison, and then Tan Qi, who played Li Mi's maid, disliked that he was too smelly, so she asked someone to pour water on him first.

The original work was poured with hot water, but it was very laborious to boil hot water in ancient times, not to mention that Zhang Xiaojing was a death row prisoner, and no one would take care of him for no reason. In addition, in order to highlight the tragic fate of the male protagonist, the crew planned to use cold water here.

This is what Cao Dun admired Gu Zhongyu the most. He was obviously the boss of the company, but he insisted on filming by himself. He was willing to make sacrifices for authenticity and accepted being poured with cold water in the middle of winter.


Buckets and buckets of cold water were poured on Gu Zhongyu's head. Although the crew had heated up the water in advance, it was very uncomfortable to be poured on in such cold weather.

Moreover, Gu Zhongyu could not show any discomfort, because Zhang Xiaojing was actually dead at this time, and these external pains could not move him at all.

Gu Zhongyu gritted his teeth to finish this scene. He was treated with such courtesy on the first day of the shooting, which was also a retribution for his fickleness.

After splashing water, the guards around him gave him a robe to put on, and then Tan Qi, played by Wan Qian, led him to see Li Mi and began to explain today's task to Zhang Xiaojing.

"My last name is Li, but my Li is not Tang Li, but Liaodong Li, the sixth-generation grandson of Li Bi, the Grand Tutor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. I became friends with Zhang Jiuling at the age of seven and became friends with the prince at the age of nine. He Jian was my teacher, and the late General Wang Zhongsi was my friend. I also followed Master Ye Fashan to practice Taoism for nearly ten years. The saints often called me to debate the true meaning of Taoism."

It must be said that the previous life of "Twelve Markets in Chang'an" had a huge problem with the names of people. I don't know whether it was the request of the review department or the idea of ​​the crew, but almost all the names of the original historical figures were changed.

Yang Yuhuan is called Yan Yuhuan, Secretary General He Zhizhang becomes He Zhizheng, Four Towns Jiedushi Wang Zhongsi becomes Wang Zongsi, Prime Minister Li Linfu becomes Lin Jiulang... Many viewers who don't know much about history are confused. Which dynasty are these?

If it is to distinguish from real history, some historical figures have not changed their names, such as Zuo Xiang Li Shizhi, treacherous prime minister Yuan Zai, etc., and they are still real names in the play.

It looks very messy when real and fake historical names are mixed together, so this version of "The Longest Day in Chang'an" uses all real names, which makes it more immersive.

Even if the big boss of the review department has opinions, Gu Zhongyu has a reason to say that was Yongzheng in history angry to death by a woman? How can "The Legend of Zhen Huan" be released without changing the name?

It can be fictionalized in the Qing Dynasty palace drama, but my Tang Dynasty can't?


At this time, Zhu Yilong, who plays Li Mi, recites his lines calmly: In addition, all the military marquises carry crossbows on their arms, which can hit any target within 230 steps. I know where you are in Chang'an today at any time. It is impossible to escape.

Gu Zhongyu: Didn't you say that I would be exempted from the death penalty if I did a good job? Why do you want to escape?

Zhu Yilong: I am always picky. If you don't do things well, I will ask you to go back to the death row at any time!

It must be said that Zhu Yilong's version of Li Mi is much better than Yi Yang Taizi. In history, Li Mi was born in a famous family, was gifted, and had the reputation of a child prodigy since childhood. After the Anshi Rebellion, he became the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty who turned the tide.

So no matter the image or temperament, Li Mi should be a young nobleman who is vigorous and calm, instead of the sickly look of Yi Yang Taizi who is basically expressionless, speaks in a controlled tone, and looks weak and fragile.

As a professional actor, Zhu Yilong has several years of acting experience and has played various roles. In addition, his ancient costume looks very noble, so he amazed everyone as soon as he appeared.

Watching his junior brother's performance, Gu Zhongyu knew that he had chosen the right person this time. Zhu Yilong should be able to become a little famous with this drama.

After Li Mi explained the task to Zhang Xiaojing, he chose to let his maid Tan Qi help him solve the case. In the original work, Yao Runeng was asked to come, but Gu Zhongyu reduced the role of this role and greatly strengthened the heroine.

When Gu Zhongyu watched "The Longest Day in Chang'an" in his previous life, he always felt that Tan Qi should be a person with great martial arts skills, just waiting to see when she would kill everyone, but the reality was very embarrassing. She was actually just a maid who served tea and water! What makes people wonder is that in such a big anti-terrorism drama, if she doesn't know kung fu, why does she have to be there?

So Wan Qian's version of Tan Qi was trained as a death warrior since childhood. She is good at both literature and martial arts, and her skills are even not inferior to the male lead Zhang Xiaojing. In the play, this pair of men and women often solve cases together.

This combination of handsome men and beautiful women is more in line with the public's taste, and is not as dry as the original.

After the filming, everyone looked back at the content just filmed and found that the first scene was really good. One scene has established the image of several people.

"Brother, did I perform well?" Zhu Yilong asked after the filming, fearing that he had not performed well just now.

Gu Zhongyu waved his hand: "Don't worry, future movie star, you have to get used to this kind of small scene."

Wan Qian was dressed in a heroic man's suit at this time, looking at herself in the camera: "Well! Not bad, I was photographed very beautifully, I didn't expect that I was also quite suitable for ancient costumes!"

"Then you should take more ancient costumes in the future! You are so conceited!" After saying that, Gu Zhongyu put his hand on Wan Qian's face and pinched it. After that midnight snack, the relationship between the two became much closer, and it was very natural to do such a move.

Cao Dun looked very satisfied. Not bad, the male and female protagonists seemed to be very familiar with each other, which was conducive to the filming below.

But on second thought, could these two people have hooked up outside the play?

Thinking of the nature of his boss, well, it is very likely!

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