Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 98 Two girlfriends? I don’t believe it.

The movie was coming to an end. Tom Cruise drove a very cool sports car with the female lead Paula Patton in the downtown area. During the period, the female lead changed her clothes in the car. It must be said that her figure was really good.

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu's eyes were attracted by the actress in the movie, Nazha snorted in dissatisfaction, and then began to toss...


Wan Qian found that the two people sitting next to her suddenly didn't make much noise. Curious, she also secretly glanced back...

You two are really awesome! Can you pay attention that this is a public place?

After the movie ended, the aunt in charge of cleaning came to the seat where several people had sat before. When she was about to clean up, she suddenly fell down!

"Who is so wicked and smokes? Spilling drinks on the ground?" The aunt who was hurt by the fall saw a small puddle of water on the ground and thought it was the Coke or something like that that the previous customer drank.

The quality of young people is worrying!


"This movie is pretty good, what do you think?" The movie was over, and the three of them were not in a hurry to go back to the film and television city. They just happened to see a snack stand open when they went out, so they came to get something to eat.

Holding an authentic Shaanxi cured meat bun in his hand, Gu Zhongyu asked the two about their views on the Hollywood blockbuster they had just watched.

"It's too exciting! Especially when Tom Cruise climbed the Dubai Tower, my heart was in my throat!" Nazha, whose face was a little red, spoke in a thin voice. She still needed some time to calm down.

"I think it's just average! There's no substance, just a popcorn cool movie, handsome men and beautiful women, etc. I almost forgot it after watching it, and I don't even know what the plot is about." Wan Qian still prefers drama movies or literary types.

"In fact, being able to make a qualified popcorn movie is already very good. Many of our current directors can't even create brainless and exciting movies!"

"That's true!"

While the three were discussing the movie, the uncle selling Roujiamo looked at Gu Zhongyu in front of him and felt that he looked familiar. He felt as if he had seen him on TV, so he asked: "Young man, has anyone said that you look like a star!"

"Yes! Uncle, you are really good at judging people. There are always people who say that I have a celebrity face, and there are people who ask me for autographs." Seeing that the uncle didn't recognize him, Gu Zhongyu was happy to play dumb and tease him.

"Really! Young man, you are very handsome, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Of course, isn't the one next to me!"

"Then which of these two girls is your girlfriend?" The uncle looked at the two girls. It must be said that they are both pretty good-looking. One of them looks a bit like Xinjiang.

"Both of them."

"What the hell did you say?" The uncle suspected that he had heard wrong. Wan Qian and Nazha also looked at Gu Zhongyu with strange faces.

"I mean, these two are my girlfriends!"

The uncle shook his head after hearing this and said unhappily: "Young man, are you teasing your uncle? These two girls are very pretty, how could they both be your girlfriends? If this is true, I will treat you to dinner tonight."

Seeing the uncle's expression of not believing it, Gu Zhongyu became playful and directly reached out his hand to hug the two girls into his arms, and then leaned his cheek towards Nazha.

Nazha naturally cooperated and kissed him on the face, and then Gu Zhongyu turned his face to the other side.

Wan Qian was a little shocked by his boldness, but thinking that the character Tan Qi she played had many kissing scenes with Zhang Xiaojing, she thought of it as practicing in advance, so she kissed Gu Zhongyu on the face openly!

The uncle was shocked now. Are young people playing so much now?

But seeing that the three people ordered a lot of food on the table, I thought they might be acting for him in order to get a free meal? Anyway, kissing the cheek is not a big deal!

"Hey! What's wrong with kissing the cheek? Don't pretend, young man, I believe one of these two girls is your girlfriend, and the other one should be your sister or something. It's not that easy to deceive your uncle!"

OK! Uncle, you forced me to do this!

Gu Zhongyu directly embraced the confused Nazha into his arms, aimed at a little Zhuhong, and kissed her directly...

About a minute or so, he turned around and aimed at Wan Qian, who had a dull expression, and used the same trick again. This time it took longer, and the kiss lasted until the two of them were out of breath.

"How about it? Do you believe it this time? Come on, feed me another mutton skewer." Nazha obediently fed the mutton skewer into his mouth. Wan Qian was still panting. She originally thought it was a bit cold to eat outside in the winter, but now it was so hot that she wanted to take a cold shower!

At this moment, the uncle was in tears!

MD! They are all born by their parents, why is there such a big difference?

He married a tigress at home, and lived like a dog every day, being ordered around like a grandson! This young man in front of him not only took care of two women, but also made the two women so well-behaved and get along so harmoniously!

Okay, okay! You are capable, uncle has opened his eyes today, and I am willing to give you a free meal!

"Young man, how did you do it? Tell me about it? I will treat you to this meal today, and give you a bottle of good wine, how about it?" He didn't want to learn from Gu Zhongyu's one-to-two, but wanted to know how to make women so obedient so that he could deal with his own tiger aunt.

Gu Zhongyu showed an embarrassed look on his face: "Actually! It's not that difficult. The main thing is that you have to be manly and not be timid in everything! You can't pay less for the public food that you should pay, and you have to pay more than the quota! And... eh Yo!”

Seeing that he was going too far, Wan Qian couldn't help but pinch his waist, "Just give him this and that's it!"

Paying public grain in excess of the quota?

The uncle burst into tears when he heard this. He once peed three feet in the wind, but now he wets his shoes in the wind. Not to mention overpaying the public ration, now whenever his wife winks at him, his legs can't help but tremble. Under this condition, he It will only be possible in the next life.

After eating, Gu Zhongyu insisted on paying, but the uncle refused to accept it despite repeated objections. He had no choice but to secretly turn back and put the money on his table before leaving.

While waiting for the car to pick him up, Gu Zhongyu, who was used to being a gangster, looked helpless and did not mention what had just happened. Nazha secretly rejoiced, wondering if this was the establishment of an agreement between Teacher Gu and herself. Is it related?

Wan Qian had a depressed look on her face, not that she was unhappy about being kissed by Gu Zhongyu, but that she was regretful: she just ate a large bunch of grilled leeks, would he feel a little disgusting?

But when she thought that Gu Zhongyu had kissed her after Naza, Wan Qian became really depressed. Was this considered an indirect kiss with this annoying little goblin?

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