The gaze returns to the dream world.

At this time, Li Ming did not know that almost all the people of Lei Guo were watching his first-view live broadcast.

Li Ming thought about it, since he couldn’t interfere with the dream, then just honestly observe it.

After all, this is also one of his main tasks.

After a simple observation, Li Ming found that this dream world was very simple.

In a sea of weeds that is more than half a person tall, a path stretches out.

A mother and son walk on the road, some say and laugh, very warm.

Li Ming noticed that the little boy in the mother and son was very similar to the one who linked his dreams.

And throughout the entire dream world, there are only these two people.

“Strange? Didn’t the entire Beihai City people be dragged in? How about just two people? ”

Li Ming’s mind was stupid and he couldn’t think of a reason.

But not everyone is as stupid as he is.

Several people in Beihai City also saw Li Ming’s live broadcast in the dream from the sky.

After some observation, an old professor said emphatically:

“This is a single dream that belongs to the Spirit One!”

It seems that the complexity of this strange incident is far beyond our imagination! ”

The other professor nodded solemnly and said:

“It’s really complicated! It is very likely that the single dream overlaps multiple people dream, and even has multiple layers of superposition! ”

“So peculiar! The strangeness of creating this dream is by no means simple! ”

Subsequently, these professors speculated on various occasions based on the news transmitted by Li Ming’s live broadcast screen.

Hearing their conversation, Zhang Yuanxin’s head was about to explode!

When he saw the live broadcast in the sky, his first reaction was weak legs.

He was scared!

This strange incident, the more noisy it is! The more noisy it gets!

So big that he couldn’t afford the consequences!

Now Zhang Yuanxin regretted it immensely.

If he had been given another chance and killed him, he would not have taken on this A-level task.

Sure enough, greed kills people!

“Hope everything goes well. Li Ming, you guy has to give some force! ”

Zhang Yuanxin looked at the live screen of the dream in the sky and whispered a word to himself.


In the dream world, nothing can be done.

Li Ming simply hung up the machine and quietly waited for the development of the dream.

The mother and son walked on the trail and seemed to be rushing home.

It was dusk, the sun was setting little by little, and darkness was gradually enveloping the earth.

The little boy was still obediently staying with his mother at first.

But as I walked, I became naughty.

From time to time, jump into the weeds on the side of the road, play a little, and then run out.

These weeds are more than half a person tall.

Enough to have less than a child under the age of ten.

The son often disappears from view, which makes the mother somewhat worried.

In order to make her son obedient, this mother decided to scare and frighten this mischievous son herself!

So she lowered her voice and said slowly:

“Son, have you heard the legend of the Scarecrow?”

“The Legend of the Scarecrow? Is it a story? ”

Hearing this, the little boy curiously poked his head out of the grass and asked his mother.

“Yeah, a very, very scary old story!

Legend has it that when beings are born in this world, fear is born.

Fear is the oldest and strongest emotion of human beings!

And the legendary scarecrow is the embodiment of fear and the master of fear!

You can call Him as… Fear the Demon God!

Whenever night falls, He wanders through countless worlds, looking for fear!

Remember! Don’t be afraid!

Otherwise, you’ll be targeted by Him!

So, now that it’s getting dark, let’s hurry home. ”

“Fear of demons?”

After hearing this story, the little boy came out of the grass and ran to the front of his mother.

His face was filled with an eerie smile, and his face began to twist a little!

This horrible scene was not seen by the mother.

Completely unaware that something had happened to her son, she continued:

“Yeah, have you ever heard of a nursery rhyme?”

The earth fell silent…

Night crows peck at the sunset…

Come on!

Come on!

The Scarecrow is staring at you!

He is in the darkness…

Gaze at you! ”

After saying this, the mother deliberately stopped talking, trying to scare her son.

But she waited for a long time, but the little boy did not react and continued to walk his own path.

This made the mother ask with some curiosity:

“Huh? Aren’t you afraid, aren’t you afraid? ”

In the mother’s mind, the child should be afraid of these terrible legends.

And the son she remembers is not a bold child.

“Fear? I like fear, but I don’t fear…”

The boy’s voice came quietly, with an unspeakable sense of eerieness.

With a blowing night wind, it made the mother feel cold on the back of her neck!

“Son, son, are you, are you all right?”

Mom just said to scare you, there is no scarecrow.

He doesn’t exist, don’t be afraid. ”

The mother said with some concern.

“Does it not exist… Why does anyone think… Am I non-existent? ”

Speaking of this, the little boy turned back suddenly, revealing a vicious and terrifying scarecrow face, and a terrible smile that was torn to the root of his ear on his face!


Such a terrifying scene made the mother scream.

Her son turned into a terrifying scarecrow!

With this terrible scream, several dead night crows flew up from the dense weeds, hissing in the dusk!


When these things happened, Li Ming’s perspective shifted uncontrollably to the mother’s back.

So everything just now almost gave him a feeling of immersion!

The eerie atmosphere, the terrible legend, the son who suddenly turns into a terrifying scarecrow…

All of this kind of synthesis frightened Li Ming, a reckless man!

Even Li Ming, a senior spirit warrior + mangfu, was not lightly frightened, not to mention the ordinary people who were watching the live broadcast in Lei Guo!

When the little boy turned his head and revealed the face of the terrifying Scarecrow, I don’t know how many people were frightened to pass out and collapsed in the street!

Only then did they know how terrible the nightmare that the people of Beihai City were experiencing!


After the crow sounded, Li Ming’s line of sight was pulled farther and lower, and it was blocked by dense weeds.

He couldn’t see the mother, and the “little boy” anymore.

But soon, that horrible nursery rhyme sounded again.

This time, it was the voices of women and little boys, singing together in a quiet voice.

“The earth fell to death…

Night crows peck at the sunset…

Come on!

Come on!

The Scarecrow is staring at you!

He is in the darkness…

Gaze at you! ”

Hearing this terrible nursery rhyme, countless people’s scalps were tingling and crawling with goosebumps.

A chill that penetrated deep into the bone marrow ran through their whole body!

Although did not see what happened at the end.

But after hearing this nursery rhyme, everyone constructed countless horrible images in their minds!

And it is deeply imprinted in the heart and cannot be erased!


However, this is only half the content of this dream.

A few seconds later, Li Ming’s eyes were full of flowers, and he actually returned to the time when his mother told her son not to be naughty a few minutes ago.

Only this time, Li Ming’s perspective was fixed on his son’s body.

“Son, have you heard the legend of the Scarecrow?”

The mother’s voice came from the side.

But what made Li Ming feel creepy was that his mother’s voice actually came from the left side!

He clearly remembered that just now the little boy had run to the left side of the road to play.

That is, the mother’s voice should have come from the right!

But now… But it came from the left!

Talk about this thing, what the hell is it!

At the same time, Li Ming woke up.

From the beginning of that sentence, the dream world has been divided into two.

The mother and child are separated, each in a different space.

What they met… Destined to be only weird!

Thinking of this, Li Ming was terrified in his heart, and a layer of goosebumps appeared on his body.

Not to mention those ordinary people in the Thunder Kingdom, their hearts are all mentioned in the throat eyes!

There were even shouts to tell the little boy to ignore the voice, it wasn’t his mother!

However, the little boy did not know this.

It is even more impossible to hear the voices of people from the outside.

The dislocation of the voice only made him slightly confused, was it because he had misremembered?

But after all, it was a small child, and the little boy quickly let down his guard and responded to the voice of “mother”.

“Here we go!”

He shouted a little, then walked over to the thing that made his mother’s voice.

Seeing this scene, countless Lei people all had a feeling of suffocation!

They knew that it wasn’t the little boy’s mother.

Most likely… It’s that horrible scarecrow!

Thinking of this, these viewers of the live broadcast of Lei Guoren are even more afraid.

They were eager to manipulate the little boy’s body, turn around and flee!

However, the little boy was still walking towards hell step by step!

Soon, after the little boy returned to “Mother”, he asked “Mother”.

“Mom, what is the horror legend you just said?”

“You want to know?” Then I’ll tell you…”

This existence that was exactly the same as the mother on the outside repeated the terrible legend of the scarecrow just now.

But the child is a child in the end, listening to the story, unconsciously running to the front of the woman.

The boy was bouncing around in front of him, sometimes picking some roadside wildflowers, so unhappy.

But countless viewers have keenly noticed that the voice of women telling stories has gradually become distorted and gloomy!

They can even imagine that a monster is slowly tearing off its disguise and drilling out of a woman’s body!

These imaginary pictures made the audience’s legs a little weak!

However, the little boy seemed to be aware of nothing and was still playing happily.

I didn’t even notice that the shadow of “Mom” was getting longer and longer!

Gradually turned into the appearance of a scarecrow!

“Run! Run! That’s not your mom! That’s not your mom! ”

Countless Lei Guo viewers shouted in their hearts, eager to rush into the dream to remind the little boy.

This feeling of knowing that there are ghosts behind you, but you can’t escape, and you can be killed by ghosts at any time.

It’s horrible, it’s too torturous!

It’s as if you have a big axe hanging over your head that could fall and cut off your head at any moment.

But you don’t know when this axe will fall

As long as it does not fall for a moment, then you will be immersed in the fear of death forever!

This kind of torture is not as good as the pain of dying directly!

At this moment, the whole people of Lei Guo fell into panic!

Fear “rubbing” upwards!


Today the body is a little uncomfortable, lying on the bed confused to fall asleep, more than 1 o’clock woke up to get up and write a chapter, but really can’t stand it, tomorrow will be more. I’m sorry……

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