The fundamental reason for the chaos in the Thunder Country is that the Holy Eagle Country is playing a ghost.

The dream country created by Chen Mo was just a fuse.

But no matter what, this large-scale and strange incident must be resolved as soon as possible!

After the Lei state chaos, Qin Haizhou called Zhang Yuanxin.

Let the three of them be sure to solve this strange incident immediately, otherwise they will ask!

After all, it was these few idiots who were secretly photographed without knowing it, and turned things into this step by step.

They are not responsible, who is responsible?

Qin Haizhou’s death order made Zhang Yuanxin cry bitterly!

But there was no way to resist.

This time Qin Haizhou showed that he was really angry!

Even if they were folk spirits, as long as they were still on the territory of the Thunder Kingdom, they had to obey.

In desperation, Zhang Yuanxin, Su Yingchen, and Li Ming could only take a few experts and continue to collect intelligence and information.

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s state was getting worse and worse!

From four o’clock in the afternoon, Zhao Feng’s face was as white as a blank piece of paper, and his breath was like gossamer.

It seems like it could kill you at any moment!

“Strange, this is so strange!”

An old professor looked at Zhao Feng’s situation and frowned.

“According to our sample survey, the majority of sleeping people are not in danger of life.

The people who died or were injured, all were… The Spirits! ”

Hearing this expert’s words, Zhang Yuanxin gritted his teeth and asked:

“You mean that this strange incident is more harmful to the Spirit Guardians?”

The professor shook his head and said:

“Although this is a possibility.

But I’m more inclined to make this big dream weird.

You can manipulate dreams and kill exactly what it wants to kill! ”

“How is this possible?”

Zhang Yuanxin exclaimed in disbelief.

“Nothing is impossible, especially what happens to the weird.

According to the information we have retrieved from Nanchuan Country.

The Scarecrows who appeared before their country are weird and most likely have wisdom!

This scarecrow in Beihai City, most likely the scarecrow of Nanchuan Country is strangely connected.

From this, it can be inferred that this strange dream is most likely controllable! ”

Another expert took over and said their inferences.

I have to say that these experts still have something.

Guessed some correct intelligence.


Zhang Yuanxin was very angry.

This damn Scarecrow and the Twilight Sect actually had their eyes on them!

In anger, Zhang Yuanxin asked the experts.

“Experts, have you thought of any good solutions?

There were thousands of Imperial Spirit Beings trapped in this dream realm, but they were all important talents in the Thunder Kingdom! ”

Zhang Yuanxin said this, but he didn’t care at all about the lives of millions of ordinary people.

To put it bluntly, he only cares about his men.

This directly affected Zhang Yuanxin’s power.


Listening to Zhang Yuanxin’s question, the experts discussed for a while, and then the old professor said:

“To solve this strange incident, we have to understand what is really happening in the dream.

In the Secret Service inventory, there is a prop type called Dream Earrings that is weird.

After use, you can link to other people’s dreams.

We need a powerful spirit reaper who uses this weirdness to enter the dream world and help us investigate the truth. ”

After saying that, the old professor’s gaze wandered back and forth on Zhang Yuanxin, Su Yingchen, and Li Ming.

Only the three of them can do this task.

Hearing this, Su Yingchen, who had always spoken words, became even more silent.

Zhang Yuanxin, who had shouted before to save people, also immediately closed his mouth, not daring to answer the phone at will.

This is a large, eerie event that has dragged millions of people in Beihai City into their dreams!

Who knows if entering it would be life-threatening?

Didn’t you see that Zhao Feng, who was a B-level Imperial Spirit, was almost out of luck?


“Ahem! I got it! ”

Seeing the other two people was a look that did not dare to come forward.

Li Ming snorted disdainfully and took the initiative to take over this task.

Seeing this, the old professor frowned slightly.

This task was originally the most suitable task for Zhang Yuanxin to perform.

He has three weird, balanced abilities and can handle more situations.

And Li Ming only piloted a headless horseman.

Although powerful, this weirdness is physical.

In the face of some special circumstances, the resilience will be poor!

And this dream city incident is obviously a relatively special situation.

However, Zhang Yuanxin made it clear that he did not want to take risks, and this old professor also tried to forcibly order him.

He could only nod, and then he connected the secret service and asked them to hurry up and send the dream earrings over.


Twenty minutes later, a company of helicopters landed near them.

Dream earrings were sent over as fast as they could!

This dream earring is a beautiful earring that is transparent and surrounded by clouds in the middle.

Just staring at it makes people feel sleepy.

Li Ming put it on, and then selected a better situation of the Imperial Spirit Practitioner and linked it into his dream.

“Wait! As long as Lao Tzu encounters that scarecrow is weird, he must unload it into eight pieces! ”

Li Ming said confidently.

Then he closed his eyes and took the initiative to enter the dream world created by Chen Mo.


The next moment, Li Ming saw a flower in front of his eyes and came to another world.

It is a desolate country lane surrounded by weeds that are more than half a person tall.

As the sun sets, a mother and son are walking down this country lane toward home.

Li Ming originally wanted to do something.

But he soon discovered that in this dream he was just a passer-by.

It is a transparent existence like a ghost.

Nothing can be done but watch it all happen.

After discovering this, Li Ming was not in a hurry.

Anyway, the experts let him in to collect the contents of the dream.


Li Ming was not in a hurry, but Qin Haizhou was about to go crazy!

After Li Ming entered the dream world, the live broadcast of the dream world appeared in the sky of various cities in the thunder country!

The picture is exactly the same as what Li Ming saw!

Qin Haizhou ruthlessly cut off the network, and it was difficult to calm down this “City of Dreams” incident.

As a result, there is now a national dream live broadcast!

He was so angry that he almost fainted on the spot!

“Go! Go and get the investigators who escorted the dream earrings back! ”

Qin Haizhou suppressed the feeling of dizziness and commanded his subordinates.

The reason for this situation must be that the dream earrings have been manipulated by people!

So he first suspected the investigators who escorted the dream earrings.

But soon, bad news came from his men.

“Qin Bureau, those investigators, all died tragically!”

The body was broken down into pieces, like broken puppets! ”

Hearing this, Qin Haizhou almost came up without breathing, and the green tendons on his forehead jumped and jumped.

Obviously, these investigators had long been controlled by the people of the Holy Eagle Kingdom.

At this time, when the chess pieces are used up, they become discarded pieces.


The dream world is easy to get in and hard to get out of.

In this situation, the only way to cut off this national dream live broadcast is to kill Li Ming!

This is obviously a very stupid thing to do.

What would Li Ming, Zhang Yuanxin and Su Yingchen think?

What will the people of the whole country think?

Maybe he can solve this supernatural incident?

In short, Li Ming could not kill.

This also means that this national dream live broadcast cannot be cut off!

More than a billion people in the Thunder Country all raised their heads to the sky and watched everything that happened in the dream world!

This nationwide live broadcast of dreams is destined to leave a psychological shadow on countless people!


First, in recent days, it has not been possible to update on time and start again the day after tomorrow

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