Xia Chengyu is an international journalist who specializes in reporting on the secrets and scandals of some big countries.

Some time ago, the Lei Kingdom and the Beichuan State joined forces and destroyed the Nanchuan State within a few days, causing some waves in the world.

But soon there was no sound.

After all, Nanchuan is only a small country and has no allies.

Who would offend the Thunder Kingdom because of it?

But Xia Chengyu keenly smelled a special breath from it.

The Nanchuan Kingdom has little value for the Lei Kingdom.

Why did Lei Guo do anything to it?

Moreover, he also sent a lieutenant general with great military achievements, Xiong Yinglong!


Xia Chengyu felt that there must be a problem here!

So he quietly infiltrated the former capital of Nanchuan and conducted a secret investigation.

Xia Chengyu was an ordinary person who didn’t know the existence of the Imperial Spirit Person.

But he did have some skill, and actually investigated the playground that connected to the A-class ghost domain.

Only to see him hiding in a corner, holding up a mobile phone, conducting a live broadcast.

Because the title and content are attractive enough, plus there is a certain popularity in itself.

The number of people in Xia Chengyu’s live broadcast room has soared!

But he knew that the live broadcast wouldn’t last long.

Once Lei Guo found out what he had done, it would definitely stop him.

So Xia Chengyu must seize the time to disclose his findings to the audience!

Xia Chengyu hid in the shadows, pointed to the heavily guarded amusement park, and said to the camera:

“See? The amusement park was inexplicably emptied by the Lei Guo, and heavy troops were also guarded!

In addition, I got the news that Xiong Yinglong, the lieutenant general of the Thunder Country Eagle Sect, had brought people here, but now he is gone.

I suspect that Lei Guo is conducting secret experiments here and is studying some kind of secret secret!

Their purpose of invading Nanchuan Kingdom was definitely not so simple! ”

“Good location and nice staff”

Just as Xia Chengyu was about to accuse Lei Guo of his crimes, a piercing sound suddenly came from the amusement park.

Xia Chengyu turned his head to look at it and was instantly stunned!

Only to see the center of the amusement park, suddenly opened a crack in time and space!

Through the crack in space-time, you can see that on the other side is a rice field covered with the desolation of the Scarecrow.

You can still faintly hear the eerie and terrifying crow chirping!


Just when Xia Chengyu was surprised, a bloody hand stretched out.

Then a man covered in wounds and looking terrified crawled out of this gap in time and space.

After seeing this person’s appearance, Xia Chengyu was shocked.

“It’s Wang Gang! One of Xiong Yinglong’s right-hand men!

What’s wrong with him? How could it hurt so badly? ”

At this moment, Xia Chengyu had countless doubts in his heart.

What’s going on with this rift in space-time?

What is the place of the desolate rice field in the cracks?

How could Wang Gang be injured like this?


One question after another lingered in Xia Chengyu’s mind.

He had a hunch that if he could uncover these secrets, he would dig up big news!

But soon, something even more terrible happened!

In this space gap, many vicious claws composed of straw suddenly drilled out, and wrapped around Wang Gang!

“Aaaah! Save me, save me! ”

After these straw claws wrapped around Wang Gang, they dragged him into the crack in the space little by little.

No matter how he struggles, it doesn’t work!

After hearing Wang Gang’s cry for help, the soldiers stationed at the amusement park rushed over to help him.

But the next moment, a lot of horror and weirdness suddenly ran out of the gap in space!

There are zombies, there are grudges, there are paper men!

There were also many terrifying beings that Xia Chengyu had never heard of or seen before!

These terrible creeps began to attack these soldiers, killing them and dragging them into the gaps of space!

And Wang Gang, who escaped from the inside at the beginning, was not spared, and was also dragged into it little by little!

“No! No! Scarecrow! Is it the Scarecrow!!! ”

After being completely dragged into this gap of time and space, Wang Gang let out a terrible scream, as if he wanted to convey some information to the outside world.

Xia Chengyu, who was hiding in the distance, saw this scene and was frightened and cold, and his limbs were paralyzed!

He dared to sneak in and inquire into the secrets of such a great power, and his courage naturally did not need to be said.

Every time Xia Chengyu shoots and broadcasts, he is carrying out with the determination to die.

But looking at this scene, the frightened undead are still scared and can’t help themselves!

Even he was scared like this, not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room.

The timid one has been scared to smash the phone!

What’s more, he passed out in fright!


Suddenly, a female ghost floating in the air looked back at Xia Chengyu and seemed to have spotted him.

Facing those blood-red eyes, Xia Chengyu froze, only to feel a cold breath rushing straight to the door of his head!

The subconscious mind told him that he had to run, and that if he didn’t run, he would die!

But in great fear, Xia Chengyu had lost control of his body, and his limbs were weak and he collapsed to the ground!

Fortunately, at this time, the space gap is closed a little bit.

The terrible female ghost seemed to have been summoned by some kind of summons, did not dare to stay long, and floated into the crack of space with a “whimper”.

At the moment when this space crack closed, Xia Chengyu vaguely saw a vicious and strange scarecrow and glanced at him.

This glance completely destroyed Xia Chengyu’s psychological defense line!

“Aaaah! Hell, it’s hell! The gates of hell are open! The world is finished! ”

Xia Chengyu roared in horror and crawled as far away as possible.

Yes, he’s climbing!

Fear made his limbs soft like noodles, and he couldn’t use his strength at all.

But Xia Chengyu tried everything to stay away from there!

He crawled with his elbows, knees, and so on, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Even the live broadcast mobile phone was left in place and did not care.

At this point, the signal in the live broadcast room has been cut off.

At the moment, the weird and spirit-wielding thing is not suitable for public relations.

Therefore, when he detected that Xia Chengyu’s live broadcast was at risk of leakage, he immediately cut off his live broadcast, and banned all news with this live broadcast!

But no matter what, those people who were in the live broadcast room just now have already seen that horrible scene!

The gates of hell are open, and countless powerful ghosts have come out!

This picture has been deeply reflected in their minds and has become an eternal psychological shadow!


In the ghost domain, Chen Mo suddenly received a large number of fear points.

Although they were all a few tenths of a penny, the amount was very large, and he received hundreds of thousands of fear points in an instant.

This serendipity made Chen Mo a little confused.

However, it is still very good to get fear points.

After dragging Wang Gang back, Chen Mo killed him in an instant!

As for those Thunder Kingdom Imperial Spirit Spirits who were affected, Chen Mo did not hesitate, squeezing out the fear value and killing them all!

As for the strangeness of these people, it was temporarily stored by Chen Mo in the ghost domain.

Now Chen Mo had raised his Wasteland Ghost Domain to the C+ level, which was enough to accommodate so many weirdnesses.

Of course, the most precious thing is the three weirdness on Xiong Yinglong’s body!

These three monsters are all B+ level, and when fused together, they can create an A-level spirit person.

The Red Bride seemed to have had an idea long ago.

As soon as Xiong Yinglong died, she threw the red silk thread and took Xiong Yinglong’s green dragon glass eyes out and snatched them away.

The speed of the red bride was too fast, and Chen Mo couldn’t stop it too late.

After getting the Green Dragon Glass Eyes, the Red Lady “giggled” a few times, and seemed to be in a very good mood.

She turned her head and said to Chen Mo through the red cap:

“Xiang Gong, the remaining two weird will be sent to you.” The slave family left first, and there was a reason to see you again. ”

With that, the red bride sat on the big red flower car without any remorse and flew out.

She first flew out of Chen Mo’s Wasteland Ghost Domain, and then flew outside the Red and White Double Fire Ghost Domain!

As if sensing the departure of the Red Bride, the transparent silk thread of the Red and White Ghost Domain extended to prevent her from leaving.

But the Red Bride has been preparing for today!

Nothing can stop her!

The red bride went all the way forward, and the transparent silk thread of the Dao Dao was completely broken by her!

“Nourishing !!!”

The entire Red and White Double Fire Demon Domain was shaking violently, but it couldn’t stop all this from happening.

Under the impact of the big red flower palanquin, a crack appeared in this B-level ghost domain!

The red bride thus steered the big red flower bridge, flew out of the crack, and went to an unknown place.



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