At the moment of battle, Chen Mo’s wandering mind was only a matter of an instant.

Although besieged by the Scarecrow and the Red Bride, Xiong Yinglong was after all an A-level Imperial Spirit Warrior and was not so easy to deal with.

He struggled desperately and for a moment the battle was deadlocked.

However, Chen Mo had not yet used his full strength!

“Fear erosion!”

Chen Mo carried the Seven Sins Nether Lamp to Xiong Yinglong’s face and looked directly into his eyes.

In an instant, a strong wave of fear poured out from Xiong Yinglong’s heart!

“Fear +30,000!”

“Fear +40,000!”

“Fear +25000!”

The A-level Spirit Keeper is truly extraordinary, providing extremely rich fear points.

This is not Xiong Yinglong’s extreme fear state.

In this irrepressible fear, Xiong Yinglong’s combat effectiveness was once again reduced by 20%.

The red silk thread of the red bride seized the opportunity and burrowed into his eye sockets!


Xiong Yinglong let out a roar of pain, and the power of the ghouls and undead bones exploded wildly, cutting off countless red silk threads.

But soon more red silk threads poured in, clasping his Green Dragon Glass Eye deadly, as if he wanted to gouge out this eye!

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, Xiong Yinglong finally used the hole card!

A long black needle flew out of his body and stabbed into the heart of his head.

This long black needle is prop-shaped weird.

The effect is to pierce the head of the Spirit Guardian, which can trigger double the power!

The side effect is that after the outbreak period, the weirdness in the body may regurgitate or even get out of control!

So using long black needles is very dangerous.

Ordinary Spirit Guardians did not dare to try at all.

Xiong Yinglong had already fallen into a desperate situation at this time, and he couldn’t care about any side effects!

Soon, the long black needle was completely submerged in the top of his head!


Xiong Yinglong’s body erupted with a thick gray-white corpse qi, bouncing off Chen Mo’s nightmare ghost claw and the red silk thread of the red bride.

But before he could show his might, three vicious scarecrows actually grew on his back!

Chen Mo left more than one dead seed on Xiong Yinglong’s body!

The three scarecrows stretched out their claws, bypassing the immortal bones and piercing deep into his flesh!


Xiong Yinglong screamed in agony in frenzy.

At the same time, he was also startled by the scarecrow growing on his back.

He didn’t know where so many strange things came from his body.

But this scene is really shocking!

Frightened and in pain, Xiong Yinglong once again dug up a large piece of flesh and blood on his back and got rid of these terrifying scarecrows.

Who knew he had just dug out three and grown two more!

It was still that hideous and terrifying face.

Still on his back, he looked at him with a strange smile!

At this moment, Xiong Yinglong really had a feeling of being driven crazy!

He regretted it now, that he shouldn’t have gone to the Scarecrow Valley to provoke this weirdness.

He never imagined that this B-grade scarecrow would be so weird and so difficult!

But now it’s too late to say anything.

Xiong Yinglong could only endure the severe pain and once again dig out a large piece of flesh and blood!

In this way, we completely got rid of these scarecrows who could grow on their own bodies.

But Xiong Yinglong also lost a lot of strength because of this!

Ghouls have strong self-healing abilities.

But we can’t let him build it like this!

Continuously digging down two large pieces of flesh and blood in the back, Xiong Yinglong was seriously injured.

The power that just erupted was half gone in an instant!

“Fear… Death…”

“Fear… Death…”

Chen Mo repeated an incomparably terrifying voice in his mouth, and he heard Xiong Yinglong and the three people who were still alive among the four King Kongs creepy and terrifying!

Immediately afterward, a space spread out with Chen Mo as the center, enveloping Xiong Yinglong and the others and the Red Bride inside.

It was Chen Mo’s Scarecrow Ghost Domain!

As soon as Xiong Yinglong saw the flowers, he came to a desolate rice field, surrounded by all kinds of terrifying scarecrows.

He was stunned for a moment, and then said with a look of disbelief:

“Ghost Domain? Is this a ghost domain?

This scarecrow actually controls a ghost domain! ”

Xiong Yinglong was shocked!

Only the ghost domain has ever controlled the weird, where is the weird that controls the ghost domain in turn?!

How did this scarecrow do it?

Xiong Yinglong assured that if domestic experts saw this scarecrow, they would already be excited and crazy and desperately study him.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have a chance to catch this scarecrow in front of those experts.


After Chen Mo opened his own ghost domain, Xiong Yinglong and his party were already wrapped up in the triple ghost domain!

Of course, if you really want to investigate carefully, the Styx reincarnation ghost domain and the red and white double ghost domain are not superimposed relationships.

Just one on the upper level, one on the lower level.

But no matter what, their group of people had all experienced three ghost realms in a short period of time.

Such an experience, I dare not say that there is no one after it, but at least there is no ancient!

Xiong Yinglong had never heard anyone do such a thing.

The thought flashed through his mind.

The next moment, Xiong Yinglong and his party once again ushered in a crisis of life and death!

The three people who were still alive among the four King Kongs were attacked by the hundred tricks in the ghost realm!

Green Hair Zombie, Five Sons Spirit Boy, Paper Man General, Decaying Coffin, Blood-stained Hanging Rope and so on are all at the same time!

Most of these weirdness are C-class and E-class, and none of them are B-class.

But the number is enough!

Moreover, the current strength of the four King Kongs is less than 30% of the peak period.

Seeing so many strange crowds of people, their faces turned miserable, and they smelled the breath of death!

Let’s talk about Xiong Yinglong’s side.

He once again ushered in the double attack of Chen Mo and the Red Lady.

In his own ghost domain, Chen Mo’s strength increased by 30%, and he could also teleport everywhere.

Become more elusive and haunted!

The Seven Sins Nether Lamp had become the sun of this ghost realm, attacking Xiong Yinglong’s soul all the time.

At the same time, the terrifying voice constantly reverberated in this ghost realm, and it was Chen Mo’s death whisper!

In addition, countless Death Night Crows emerged and slaughtered Xiong Yinglong like a black cloud!

Finally, Chen Mo was still haunted around Xiong Yinglong, constantly swinging the Death God’s Scythe to attack Xiong Yinglong from all angles!

The Death Scythe also has the effect of attacking souls.

In the face of a target that is weaker than Chen Mo, you can even directly kill it in a second, instantly annihilating the target’s soul!

When dealing with Xiong Yinglong, he was not so powerful, but he also brought great trouble!

The soul was originally Xiong Yinglong’s weakness, and at this moment, he was attacked by the Death God’s Scythe and the Seven Sins Nether Lamp at the same time, causing him to be in pain and let out a scream!

However, he was powerless to fight back against Chen Mo.

Because the red silk thread of the red bride wrapped him layer by layer, let Xiong Yinglong frantically struggle, and he could not get rid of the shackles!



Under the “husband and wife mixed doubles” of Chen Mo and the red bride, Xiong Yinglong’s state is getting worse and worse, and he can only emit a pain, powerless, and unwilling roar.

He smelled death!

This time entering the A-level ghost domain, Xiong Yinglong thought that he might die.

But I never imagined that I would actually die at the hands of two B-class weird people.

One of them, or he provoked it outside!

This made him extremely unwilling!

How could he, an A-level Spirit Bearer, die so stubbornly?

At the same time, three of the four King Kongs died.

Only the strongest old man remained, still struggling to support!

Seeing this scene, Xiong Yinglong slammed a fierce spirit.

Of the more than thirty people he had brought into the A-level ghost domain, only 2 of them had died at this time!

If you continue like this, you will really be destroyed!

“No way! Even if you want to die! Lao Tzu can’t make you feel better either! ”

Xiong Yinglong went crazy.

If he died like this, Lei Guo would most likely think that the A-level ghost domain had killed him, and revenge would not be the right person.

He had to get that information out!!!

Thinking of this, Xiong Yinglong roared angrily:

“Dude, I’ll send you out!”

With that, Xiong Yinglong took out the strange psychic pen.

Immediately afterward, only a “bang” was heard, and Xiong Yinglong was covered in blood!

Like a squeezed watermelon!

Immediately afterward, all the blood was swallowed up by the psychic pen in his hand!

Under normal circumstances, this psychic pen takes a month to charge up before it can be used.

But if there is a Class A Spirit Rider who is willing to give his life and sacrifice all his blood and power to it, he can be instantly charged!

Xiong Yinglong’s eyes were about to be killed by these two B-level weirdnesses, and he simply charged the psychic pen with violent blood and sent the second of the four King Kongs out to pass on intelligence.

In this way, Lei Guo can at least help him avenge!


With the power generated by the violent blood, Xiong Yinglong temporarily got rid of the shackles of Chen Mo and the Red Fire Bride.

He clenched his teeth, and blood kept spilling from the seven tricks.

But he still waved the psychic pen and quickly outlined a space door.

Then Xiong Yinglong waved several tails behind him, repelled the strangeness around the second elder, and threw him towards the space gate.

After doing all this, Xiong Yinglong, who sacrificed all his strength, could no longer hold on, and his head was crooked.

Angry to death!


Thanks to “Daochen” for the 588 tip! Thanks for the 1000 points tip of “15105xxx776”! Thanks for the support!

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