What Lu Wendong is best at is dealing with bankers.

Don’t be fooled by these people who always talk about risk control, as if they are the only ones in the world who care about the safety of money.

In fact, it’s all bullshit!

These guys only care about profit!

Marx once said that if there is a 10% profit, capital will be used everywhere; if there is a 20% profit, capital will be active; if there is a 50% profit, capital will take risks; for 100% profit, capital will dare to trample on all human laws; if there is a profit of more than 300%, capital will dare to commit any crime, even at the risk of being hanged.

What banks do is an intermediary service, borrowing money on the left and lending money on the right.

The most important thing is to be able to lend money.

As long as the money is lent out, you can start to do the bookkeeping, you can attract deposits, and then do some services such as wealth management on behalf of customers.

Lu Wendong easily convinced Teresa Teng.

In order to increase her confidence, he first drove Teresa Teng to see the restaurant venue and imagine the future, and then went to the Diamond Hill Studio to watch the live shooting and let Teresa Teng look at the account book prepared by Lu Wendong.

After this series of combined punches,

Teresa Teng finally made up her mind.

She hadn’t had any performance for a long time.

This person seemed reliable and was doing things. There was no reason not to agree to him.

What’s more, her superiors had been urging her to lend money.

If she failed to complete the task again, her performance would be demoted this month.

“Mr. Lu, I already understand your situation.”

Lisa Teresa said solemnly:”I will submit it to the risk group for evaluation. Please wait for the news at that time.”

Lu Wendong smiled slightly:”I think three days should be enough?”

For people with connections, the 1980s was the best time to borrow money.

The economies of the four little dragons and the four little tigers were booming, and the market was full of hot money.

The most important thing is that the current economic leader of the Asia-Pacific region-Toyota, is lending money everywhere!

Moreover, its interest rate is incredibly low…

0 interest rate for deposits and

0.15% for loans.

For example, many banks in Hong Kong Island borrow money from Toyo Bank…

As long as they lend the money out, they make money!

Lu Wendong is an insider, and he can see at a glance that Teresa Teresa is bluffing him. In the 1980s, with hot money flowing everywhere, banks had no control at all!

So he directly gave three days

“If your bank has no news.”

Lu Wendong shrugged:”It seems that I can only go to other banks.”

“Oh, Mitsubishi Bank is not a bad choice.”

It’s relatively difficult for an individual to ask Toyo Bank for a loan, because the devils want to see if there is any financial transaction.


Lu Wendong would not have come to Wantong.

Teresa Teng was shocked.

This handsome guy seemed to know a lot.

She stammered,”Okay, okay, I will help you urge them.”

Lu Wendong smiled and said,”Okay.”

He drove past a flower shop and bought a bouquet of roses and handed it to Teresa Teng,”Ms. Teng, the most important thing for a woman is to be happy.”

“In this way, it will be as beautiful as flowers.”

“Thank you.”

Teresa Teng looked at the rose in her hand.

It had been such a long time, but it was the first time a man gave her flowers.

She secretly glanced at Lu Wendong who was driving.

This man was really impressive.

And he was so young.

How did he achieve such a big success in his career?

Lu Wendong sent Teresa Teng to the entrance of Wantong Bank:”Ms. Du, I’ll wait for your good news.”

“Of course.”

He smiled and said,”It doesn’t have to be news about loans. You can call me.”

“I hope we can be friends”

“”Okay… OK.”

This handsome guy is handsome, rich, and has a good career. Of course ,

Teresa Teng hopes to be friends with Lu Wendong!

After seeing off Teresa Teng,

Lu Wendong rushed back to the game hall.

At present, this place is his main office.

Lu Wendong will move there after the buffet opens.

He first looked at the store, which was very popular, and then went to the office and started calling the accounting firm.

Lu Wendong’s career has already taken shape.

He needs to register many companies, such as decoration, cleaning, security, catering, and finance.

There are no less than a dozen columns.

There is no way, a man must have a career, so that he can make himself strong and happy!

After the settlement with the accounting firm, it was already evening!

Lu Wendong stood up and stretched.

He was not sleepy at all, but more energetic.

The spirit of 21 points and the defense of 19 points are certainly not covered.

Lu Wendong felt the vitality of his body, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

After traveling through time, this body that returned to its youthful state made him most satisfied.

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