Hong Kong Island in the 1980s was a high-speed train, with a booming economy and hot money everywhere.

As long as you have the will, it is not difficult to find money.

The premise is that you have to find the right person.

Lu Wendong is an insider in the industry.

He knows where to find colleagues and persuade them.

Lu Wendong found his target in an ice cream parlor not far from the Hang Seng Bank in Wan Chai,

Teresa Teng!

A loan specialist at Wantong Bank in Causeway Bay!

It looks like a high title, but in fact, she is just a loan officer.


Lu Wendong saw that her suit was only one thousand dollars at most.

In Wan Chai, and she was still a loan officer, this configuration can be described in two words-failure!

The main businesses of Hong Kong Island are real estate and finance, among which banks are the top priority!

Generally speaking, although people who work in banks have great work pressure, their salaries are very high, and their profession is considered middle-class in Hong Kong Island, which is already very good! And Lu Wendong saw that Teresa Teng was dressed simply, with light makeup, and liked to eat sweets… All of this shows that this woman’s business is very important.

���Generally, she must need a long-term partner.

At the same time,

Lu Wendong believes that this woman has not really entered the financial field. There are three words to describe people who work in finance: shameless, immoral, and conscienceless! He believes that with this woman’s mental state, she may not be able to maintain her performance this month! He is her savior!


The well-dressed Lu Wendong sat down opposite Teresa Teng, which frightened Teresa Teng.

She looked up at Lu Wendong’s extraordinary demeanor and the bright light in his eyes, so she swallowed the swear words that were about to come out of her mouth:”Sir, there are a lot of empty seats.”

Hong Kong people still have a very clear sense of boundaries.

“Miss Teresa Teng, I came to see you on purpose.”

Lu Wendong smiled, sunny and heroic, which was fatal to a woman who was about to fall into the water. Teresa Teng murmured:”You came to see me on purpose?

“That’s right.”

Lu Wendong handed over his business card from his pocket:”I am Lu Wendong from Donghuang Company. The group is currently involved in catering, film and television production.”

“Currently, a movie has been filmed at Diamond Hill Studios, with a total investment of 12 million.”

12 million, a big production!”

Teresa Teng was immediately in awe.

She quickly took a napkin to wipe the oil stains from the corners of her mouth and her hands, and then took the business card:”It turns out to be Mr. Lu.”

“Do you have any advice for me?”

Lu Wendong saw that she seemed a little nervous, and thought that this person might have just been transferred to the loan specialist position not long ago.

“Miss Du is a loan shark, so I came to you to discuss the loan.”

Du Lisha said weakly,”Then you should go to the bank to find me”

“I think that when doing things, it is the same everywhere. The most important thing is that everyone gets along well.”

Lu Wendong said:”Borrowing money is a big deal. People are very important.”

“Just like when you put money in, you should not only look at the company, but also the person.”

His voice was full of magnetism, and

Teresa Du was stunned.

Teresa Du stammered:”Mr. Lu, are you going to take out a loan for the movie?”

“The bank has not yet opened this service.”

Lu Wendong basically knew what was going on.

He was still a rookie, so he smiled and said,”No, our company has just rented a store between Causeway Bay and Victoria Park and is planning to open a catering business.”

“Oh, the restaurant is good.

Teresa Du’s eyes turned and she said,”The bank does have a renovation loan.”

“However, Mr. Lu, the place you mentioned doesn’t seem to be very suitable for catering.”

“If a place is generally recognized as suitable for catering, I believe its profit ratio must be very low.”

Lu Wendong said:”The positioning of our company is different.”

“I have signed a contract with the landlord. The monthly rent is 500,000 yuan, payable every three months.”

“I am now preparing to apply for a loan of 5 million from your bank.”

“5 million?”

Teresa Du was confused.

How could this be a renovation loan?

It should be a loan for rent, right?

“Director Lu.”

Teresa Du said tactfully:”This doesn’t seem to be very reasonable.”

“No, no.”

Lu Wendong smiled slightly, and he took out his plan from his pocket and handed it over:”Our company has a complete plan, and also a detailed repayment plan.”

“Ms. Du.”

Lu Wendong said:”You are a professional financial person, you should know that the charm of finance lies in letting money circulate and money makes money.”

“Now, our company needs money, your bank needs to lend money out to earn interest, and you also need performance.”

“Coincidentally, our company’s repayment plan is also very complete.”

“Everyone can win together through cooperation.”

Teresa Teng looked carefully and found out that the man was going to open a buffet restaurant.

She had been to this type of restaurant before and it was very popular, but the cost was also very high.

Seeing that Lu Wendong was going to open an affordable buffet,

Teresa Teng was stunned:”Mr. Lu, affordable? Can it make money?”

Lu Wendong smiled slightly:”I heard that some lunch box companies have been open for more than ten years, and their price has always been 15 yuan per box. Why can it still operate?”

“Ms. Du, sometimes, business does not necessarily require huge profits, but relies on capital turnover.”

“I wonder if you agree with this?”

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