Wu Aiai is a yellow eel spirit, and her favorite thing is to take a bath.

Now that she is by the sea, how could she miss this opportunity? She soaked in the water directly.

Of course, she was still wearing clothes on her upper body, after all, she was a neutral girl.

In addition, the crocodile was also in the sea near her, with only its head exposed on the sea surface.

From a distance, it was just a reef protruding from the sea surface.

Kissin Karl drove here with a few men.

They started their modified speedboat and drove towards the island where the flour was hidden.

As soon as he left the dock, he found that there was an extra cruise ship here.

Moreover, there was a girl swimming on the sea next to the cruise ship. It is really strange to have such a fetish. For some reason, Kissin Karl actually had the urge to possess her in his heart.

However, now is not the time, he still has business to do.

He secretly swore that when the flour was transported back, he must find a way to get this girl.

His speedboat hurriedly drove towards the deserted island.

A few hours later, he arrived in front of the deserted island.

The deserted island is indeed a deserted island. This time, Kissin Karl felt that it seemed even more desolate than before.

In the past, at least a few people could be seen from a distance.

But now, there were basically no people.

Kissin Karl came to the warehouse.

Someone inside the warehouse door stretched his neck and looked outside carefully.

"What are you looking at? Don't you know me? Why don't you open the door?"

Kisin Karl said with some displeasure

"No, Mr. Karl, please come in!"

The doorman opened the door and made a gesture to invite him in.

"I am here to deliver the goods, where is your boss?"

Kissin Karl said

"Our boss went out at breakfast and hasn't come back yet!"

The gatekeeper answered truthfully.

"Why the hell is he going out when he is asked to guard the warehouse here?"

Kissin Karl asked.

"A cruise ship passed by and he wanted to rob it, but he hasn't come back yet. There were heavy bombings in that direction, and no one knew who won!"

The gatekeeper replied

"Damn, he only knows how to use working time to make extra money. He hasn't come back yet so late, and he has forgotten his main job! What? The two sides fought fiercely? What kind of cruise ship is equipped with weapons?"

Kisin Karl was a little confused.

It seems that Edie Bickerton has robbed a tough guy this time! He hasn't come back yet, it is estimated that he is in danger.

"What kind of cruise ship is it? Did you see it?〃~ 〃~ ?"

"We were very far away at the time, and even with a telescope, I couldn't see the specific model, but the ferry was very large and should have just been manufactured last year. The whole thing was white and very impressive."

The gatekeeper said

"What? So that's the case. Hurry up and load the cargo for me. I have to go back soon!"

Kisin Karl recalled that when he came here, he saw a huge cruise ship on the seashore. It seemed to be produced last year. It was very atmospheric and also white.

And behind it, there was a beautiful girl swimming on the sea.

This ship was very special. He really wanted to go back and check it out.

"Of course, Boss Karl, we are very efficient."

The gatekeeper said.

Several younger brothers brought boxes of flour and put them in the speedboat.

Kissin Karl registered the quantity and got on the speedboat.

He drove back quickly.

A few hours later, it was already evening.

Kissin Karl arrived at the dock.

He saw the girl still swimming on the sea.

After Kissin Karl got ashore, he tiptoed to Lu Yun's cruise ship with his men, put the step at the entrance, and jumped on.

"Take out your guns and be ready to shoot at any time."

For some reason, when Kissin Karl stepped onto the ship, he felt a chill.

"Got it, boss."

Several of Kissin Karl's men quickly took out their guns.

Sound travels five times faster in water than in air, and is less likely to attenuate.

So, when Kissin Karl and others put the pedal on the Yuntian Yisese, Wu Aiai heard it.

She is very good at swimming. She turned around and swam quickly to the entrance.

Not long after, she came to the entrance and pushed the pedal back.

Since the other party has already boarded the boat, no one can leave.

Wu Aiai knew that this has always been Brother Yun's principle of doing things.

So, by taking the pedal away, she cut off the other party's retreat.

Kissin Karl and others still wanted to explore inside!

As a result, they found that there was a bang at the entrance behind, which was the sound of the pedal being retracted.

They all turned around in a hurry.

Looking back, it turned out to be the beautiful woman.

Kissin Karl smiled. According to his previous discovery, there seemed to be no one else on the ship, only this woman.

The other party has accidentally retracted the pedal again.

Now she has nowhere to retreat. Isn't this meat delivered to her mouth?

She wants her now

"Girl, whose ship is this? Why is it parked here?"

Kissin Karl walked towards Wu Aiai with a sinister smile.

"Why should I tell you?"

Wu Aiai said coldly

"Hey, little girl, you have a fierce temper! If you don't tell me, do you know what will happen to you?"

Kisin Karl looked at Wu Aiai with a lewd look on his face.

"Humph, you ignorant boy, I only know what will happen to you soon!"

Wu Aiai smiled disdainfully.

"Hey, girl, don't pretend here. I've just seen that you are the only one on this ship. You are my toy now. I can do whatever I want to you!" After

Kissin Karl finished speaking, he ordered his men to rush over.

"Humph, you are only half right. I am the only one on this ship now. But, I am enough to deal with you bastards!"

Wu Aiai got ready.

When those rushed over to grab Wu Aiai, she twisted her hand, and her Tai Chi fist slipped through the opponent's hand like an eel.

The opponent couldn't catch her at all.

After she pushed away the opponent's hand, she slapped the opponent's forehead again.

Wu Aiai is a monster after all, and she has a demonic power in the process of slapping.

The power is so great that the man's forehead bone is shattered, and the brain and blood inside are shaken evenly.

He collapsed to the ground powerlessly.

Another person next to him grabbed.

Wu Aiai dodged, and the opponent missed.

She returned a knife with her hand and slapped directly on the two major arteries in the man's neck.

The force was so great that the blood in the aorta came out of the opponent's mouth directly.

The opponent fell down powerlessly.

A large amount of blood blocked the opponent's trachea, and he just watched being The blood blocked the trachea and suffocated him to death.

Kissin Karl was stunned when he saw it!

The other person looked like a Dragon!

It is said that Dragons know Kung Fu, and it looks like it is true!

Kissin Karl was no longer careless, he pulled out his pistol and was about to shoot Wu Aiai.

Wu Aiai took advantage of this time to kill two of Kissin Karl's men.

At this time, he grabbed the third person next to him and threw him directly at Kissin Karl.

Kissin Karl was stunned.

Even a man with muscular body couldn't lift his subordinate easily!

And this skinny Dragon woman actually lifted her subordinate easily and threw her over?

Is this the legendary"four ounces to move a great weight"?

The women of Dragon are really not to be messed with.

Kissin Karl got up and wanted to escape. (Qian Li's)

(Qian Li's)

It's a pity that Wu Ai'ai would not give him a chance.

While the opponent was falling, she had already run over, jumped up and hit him with an elbow.

It directly broke the bone in front of Kissin Karl's lung. He sank downwards.

Kissin Karl spit out large mouthfuls of blood.

Moreover, the trachea in his lungs was compressed, and he couldn't breathe air.

He kept gasping for air, and finally died with a purple face!

In the end, the younger brother who was thrown over knew that he was no match for the opponent. After getting up, he stumbled, rushed to the railing, and jumped down directly.

He knew that if he stayed there, he would definitely be beaten to death by Wu Ai'ai.

And now falling into the sea, there might be a way to survive.

However, he suddenly discovered that about three meters in front of him"¨「 ¨「 The"reef" moved slightly and moved towards him.

Oh my god! Is this a crocodile? You are not kidding me!

I have lived in Vancouver for 30 years and have been running around on the sea all year round! I have never seen a crocodile.

At this time, it was too late for him to be surprised.

Because the crocodile came over and bit his neck.

Then he rolled in the sea.

Soon, his neck was broken and a lot of blood flowed out.

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