After Lu Yun gave the order, the Lowe sea monster started to move over there. Yechuan

Zhang was very scared, just as the other party said.

The firepower of five hundred gunners is still very strong.

If a hole is made in the ship, it is still more than five hours away from the coast!

It is certain that we can't get there and there is a danger of sinking. By then, everyone on the ship will sink into the sea.

The enemy's ship is rushing towards this side quickly.

Suddenly, the ship stopped and the speed dropped a lot in an instant.

Edie Bickerton lost his balance and fell to the ground with some sailors in front of him.

After Edie Bickerton got up, he straightened his hat and said:

"Mate, what are you doing? Did you forget to put away the anchor?"

This kind of sudden stop during the voyage is most likely because the anchor was suddenly dropped and hooked on a rock on the seabed, which can easily cause the ship to stop suddenly.

The car dropping anchor is an analogy based on this characteristic of the anchor.

After all, the car has no anchor, so how can it be dropped?

The mate came to the anchor and found that it was gone!

The anchor was still on the ship and had not been dropped!

"Boss, the anchor is still here! It is not dropped!"

The mate reported.

"Not anchored? What's going on? Did they hit a reef? 27"


Edie Bickerton was very surprised. They must have sailed back and forth thousands of times in the waters near this island, and they had never hit a reef before.

"Quickly try to move forward, backward, left and right to see if you can move!"

""Okay! Boss!"

The first officer immediately came to the cockpit and began to take control.

However, no matter how he manipulated the ship, it seemed as if it was stuck to strong glue and could not move.

The first officer was also very surprised. He had been driving a ship for so many years and had never encountered a situation like this.

Others didn't know, but Lu Yun knew that it was because the Lowe sea monster sucked the big ship on the sea.

And controlled it to prevent it from moving.

On the Yuntian Yise, Lu Yun ordered:"Use RPG-29."

Lu Yun could see that the distance to the opponent's ship was about 800 meters.

The rifles of both sides did not have this range.

The TBG-29V has a flamethrower that can reach a range of one thousand meters.

Therefore, shooting with this thing is the best.

"Yes! Brother Yun!"

Tian Yangsheng obeyed the order and ordered his men to take out the RPG-29.

Ten RPG-29s were aimed at the enemy's ship.


Tian Yangsheng gave an order!

All members pressed the switch!

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish~!

One TBG-29V fuel-air bomb after another spewed out long tail flames and shot towards the enemy's ship.

Edie Bickerton's ship was unable to move at this time, like a target of fire.

The anti-tank rockets of the Wanying security members hit the enemy's ship very accurately.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom~!

Mushroom clouds exploded on the enemy's ship.

The Maple Leaf Mafia in the flames was directly burned into charcoal.

Those who were not in the flames were also blown away by the huge shock wave.

They bled to death.

And the ship was also violently shaken by the huge shock wave.

Edie Bickerton almost fell!

"Damn, you guys have RPGs, don't I have any?"

Edie Bickerton ordered his men to bring out seven RPG-7

""Little guys, shoot back! I want their ship to suffer as heavy a blow as ours!"

After Edie Bickerton finished speaking, the group of little guys went to the equipment room and took out the RPG-7.

They loaded the bullets on their shoulders and fired at the ship where Lu Yun was.

"Night boat Zhang! Be careful, the enemy is firing."

""Okay, boss, watch me!"

Ye Chuanzhang said, manipulating the steering column.

The ship quickly turned to starboard.

All the RPG shells fired by Edie Bickerton's men were dodged and shot into the sea.

This kind of shell exploded in the sea and basically had no power.

""What the hell! What are you doing? When others shoot at our boat, they hit everything, but when we shoot at other boats, we can't hit anything?

You are useless! You are all useless!"

Edie Bickerton was so angry when she saw this situation!

"Boss, it's not our fault! Other people's ships are hiding everywhere, so of course we can't hit them.

And our ship is basically standing here, it's a fixed target for others!"

The younger brothers said helplessly. Just as this younger brother finished speaking, Tian Yangsheng had ordered his men to reload the TBG-29V fuel-air explosive bombs!

Ten more rounds were fired.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom...

Ten fuel-air explosive bombs exploded on Edie Bickerton's ship again.

The younger brother who was talking to Edie Bickerton just now was immediately engulfed in flames!

This bombing once again caused Edie Bickerton to lose more than a hundred younger brothers.

In naval battles, it is very important to keep moving.

Because there are basically no shelters, keeping moving can avoid most of the bullets and shells.

Edie Bickerton's ship stood there unable to move, and was in a very passive position.

After being bombarded by Lu Yun's men, the hull was cracked.

A lot of water poured into it.

In the end, it sank unwillingly!

Edie Bickerton wanted to cry but had no tears.

He originally came out to grab some things and bring them back.

Unexpectedly, not only did he fail to grab anything, but he also died here.

The other side only had 200 gunmen!

Zero damage, and killed his own 500 gunmen!

The ship was also sunk.

The other side was too strong!

If he had known this, he would never attack them no matter what.

In this way, Edie Bickerton was drowned alive!


Lu Yun was very happy. As the saying goes: Kill 10,000 people and lose 8,000 of your own.

When the two sides fight, there will always be a lot of casualties.

But Lu Yun's battle was zero casualties, which can be said to be a great victory!

Fang Zhanbo didn't expect it.

He thought he was following a businessman.

Who knew that Brother Yun said to bring out the RPG, and he brought out the RPG.

This is too strong!

When the opponent rushed over just now, Fang Zhanbo was still very worried. Wouldn't he be killed?

Who knew that the opponent rushed halfway and seemed to be controlled suddenly.

Brother Yun was moving flexibly!

The shells fired by the RPG directly blasted the opponent into slag.

Zero casualties, eliminated 500 people on the other side.

This battle loss ratio is really amazing. 050.


In the battles throughout history, no one has been able to kill 500 enemies with zero casualties!

The journey was very smooth.

Soon, the boat docked at a pier.

Lu Yun left Wu Aiai and a crocodile to watch the boat.

The rest of the people went ashore, rented a car, and went to the city.

Vancouver, Fukili Bar!

It is the headquarters of the Maple Leaf Country Mafia.

The bar is very large, with two floors.

Vito Riso walked out of the office smoking a cigar.

The secretary beside him put on a luxurious ermine coat for him.

Vito Riso is the leader of the Maple Leaf Country Mafia. He was very happy looking at the lively crowd below.

Because although the Maple Leaf Country also prohibits drugs.

However, it is not as strict as Hong Kong Island.

In his place, a large number of people smoke every day, which brings him huge profits.

"Boss, the goods are almost sold out, we need to replenish the supply."

A leader, Kissin Karl, came over and said

"Ask Edie to bring 100 kilograms of goods to sell first."

Vito Rizzo said, took a puff of cigar, and went to play in the field.

Kissin Karl called Edie Bickerton, but found that the call could not be connected, and the prompt was that it was out of service area.

"Damn it! What is Edie doing? Is she playing hide-and-seek with me at this time?"

Kissin Karl called several important leaders of Edie Bickerton in succession, but couldn't get through.

"Bastard? What on earth is he up to?"

Kissin Karl had no choice but to go over and check it out himself to understand what had happened.

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