Chen Mei was very depressed because no one took the job.

How could he give up so easily when his son had such a big grudge?

So he was very depressed.

Not long after, a few beautiful ladies came over. They played rock-paper-scissors with Chen Mei while drinking.

His mood improved a little.

"Police! Check cards! Everyone, take out your ID cards!".

At the entrance of the nightclub, Zhang Tinghua walked in with a group of policemen.

His police ID was hanging around his neck.


Chen Mei's good mood was completely lost in an instant.

Checking cards is something that every bartender hates to see the most.

Back then, Han Chen became famous because his bar was checked 1.6 times a day on average, and he directly sent a group of men to the police station as undercover.

It is enough to see that checking cards brings troubles to the bartender.

The guests are having a great time! You suddenly say you want to check the cards. Are the guests happy? The good mood will be swept away quickly, right?

They may not come next time.

Moreover, in such a big place, no one can guarantee that the brothers have hidden all the things. If they are discovered by the police, another brother will definitely be arrested.

Sure enough, the customers were disappointed.

One of them, a Hongtai man, didn't have time to hide his things.

The thing was still on him, and when the police came to search, it was found. He was taken away on the spot.

"Chen Mei, we found pills in your place. We will take them back for interrogation. If we find that they are related to you, you just wait!"

Zhang Tinghua led his men away.

The customers were still uninterested and complained.

Many people started to pay at the bar and left.

There are many nightclubs on the street, and it is not just this one.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to make you unhappy today, drinks are half price!"

Chen Mei shouted immediately.

Otherwise, if all the customers left, he would be very embarrassed.

The nightclub business is very important, otherwise it will lose more money.

Hearing what Chen Mei said, those people's brows were slightly relaxed. The number of people leaving was obviously reduced.

At this time, it was Chen Mei's turn to be unhappy.

Drinks are half price.

He will make a lot less money.

Chen Mei went into the office depressed and smoked.

At the same time, all of Chen Mei's other stores were in the same situation.

The police checked the cards and took the lawbreakers away.

The customers complained.

Chen Mei's economic losses were also very large.

Every two days, it was the same.

On the third day, it was the same.

At this point, Chen Mei also knew that he was being targeted by the people above!

Chen Mei guessed that the upper level must have suspected that he might find someone to kill Lin Yixiang, so they made such a fuss.

In this way, Chen Mei did not dare to kill Lin Yixiang again.

Before he killed him, he was retaliated by the police.

If he really killed him, he would really be desperate.

A meaningless war was extinguished.

"Haitang, I really like your petite figure!"

Lu Yun said as he attacked fiercely.

"Brother Yun, ah! Your twelve abdominal muscles are like King Kong, ah! I like them very much too! Ah! Ah!"

Haitang said while panting.

Wei Jixiang came to Yezhilan Nightclub

"What? Wei Jixiang, aren't you from Hongtai? What are you doing here in our Hongxing place? Are you here to mess things up?"

Luo Tianhong joked when he saw Wei Jixiang coming over.

What he was least afraid of was messing things up.

The eight-sided Han sword in his hand was already thirsty.

"No, I have something to discuss with your brother Yun."

Wei Jixiang said sincerely

"OK, come with me!"

Luo Tianhong took Wei Jixiang inside.

When he arrived at Lu Yun's office, he heard a sound like the sound of waves crashing.

He knew that the battle inside was fierce.

So he said to Wei Jixiang:"Just sit in the booth over there and have a drink for a while!"

So Luo Tianhong and Wei Jixiang went to the booth to drink.

The two did not say much, but just drank. After drinking for a while and smoking for a while.

Two hours later.

The door of the office slowly opened.

Haitang walked out with trembling legs.

"Brother Yun should be free, come with me!"

At this time, Luo Tianhong brought Wei Jixiang to the door of the office, knocked on the door, and asked,"Brother Yun, are you free? Wei Jixiang wants to see you."

Haitang had already tidied Lu Yun's clothes before going out.

He was smoking a cigarette at this time!

"Sure, let him in!

Luo Tianhong walked in with Wei Jixiang.

"Brother Yun, I remember that Chen Zhichao did trick me into signing a transfer contract last time. But why can't I find it?"

Wei Jixiang felt that Lu Yun was very mysterious.

Since he knew that there was a problem with the DVD pirated disc factory and notified me in advance, it meant that he was very capable.

The contract might have been taken away by Lu Yun.

At this time, Lu Yun took out the contract and said,"My enemy is Chen Zhichao. I just want to send him to jail, not you."

"Brother Yun, thank you for helping me avoid jail. I am willing to help you."

Wei Jixiang still has a son to take care of.

If he was locked up, his son would have to be sent to an orphanage, which would be very miserable.

But now, Lu Yun helped him avoid this miserable situation.

He also sent the person who framed him to prison.

Wei Jixiang was very grateful.

""Okay, Tianhong, give me fifty people and let Wei Jixiang lead them."

Lu Yun exhaled a puff of smoke and said

"Yes! Brother Yun."

Luo Tianhong said, and went out with Wei Jixiang.

"Ah Xiang, we are your brothers from now on! I will leave the fifty people to you, go to the bar over there and watch the scene."

Luo Tianhong said

"Thank you, Brother Yun, thank you, Brother Tianhong."

Wei Jixiang was very happy.���

He has never been reused in Hongtai.

After all, the people in Hongtai are short-sighted and nepotistic.

So he only has a few younger brothers.

Who knew that when he came to Brother Yun, he could directly command fifty people.

Brother Yun is really his mentor!

Wei Jixiang vowed to contribute all his strength.

Under Lu Yun's instruction, a portable game console was developed by Jiang Wanmeng.

The portable game console is only the size of a palm.

There is a screen on the top and some game control buttons on the bottom.

The screen is made of STN LCD screen.

The screen of this portable game console is definitely not comparable to that of a home game console.

However, it is portable and can be taken out and played everywhere.

Moreover, the accompanying game is"Pokemon".

The plot of Pokemon is relatively simple. The protagonist who is determined to become the head of the elves sets out from home and travels around the world to collect elves.

On the way, he will meet one wild elf after another, or elf trainers, and fight with them.

The highlight of the game is that there are a large number of elves, and each one has different tricks.

The game can not only be played stand-alone.

Moreover, it can be connected via a data cable.

You can connect to other game consoles, fight with other trainers and give pets to other trainers.

This way of playing is very rich.

People can fight and communicate with each other in real life.

It will be more fun to defeat others with your own powerful pets.

However, there has never been a game that can fight with others online in this era.

Therefore, most of the peers in the gaming industry are not optimistic about this game.

· ··Request flowers 0 0

Sakura Country Shijia Game Company.

Chairman Zhongshan Xiong is immersed in research.

At this time, the assistant walked in:"Mr. Zhongshan, I heard that the Hong Kong Wanying Electronic Information Company is going to release new works again. It really makes people very afraid!"

Zhongshan Xiong did not expect that the game industry used to be dominated by Sakura Country and the United States.

Who knew that a game company suddenly appeared in Hong Kong Island not long ago.

At a very fast speed, it occupied more than 70% of the market in the game industry.

Now the outside world is saying that the holy land of the game industry is Hong Kong Island.

Let these old game manufacturers feel ashamed.

However, Zhongshan Xiong always feels that the other party is too young, and a few hit works are purely luck.

The consequence of being young is that it comes quickly and goes quickly.

I believe that it will not be long before they will be overwhelmed and the capital chain will be broken.

No, judging from the recent marketing of Wanying Company.

This new work"Pokemon" is not very competitive.

Portable game consoles, the picture quality is naturally not as good as home streaming machines.

The games inside are also very simple.

It's just some elves fighting each other.

The only gimmick is that it can be connected to other portable game consoles via a data cable, and the two sides can fight each other.

.... 0

Is it really interesting to use this pixel-level monster to attack in a round-by-round manner?

Zhongshan Xiong disagrees with this point.

He just thinks that Wanying Company’s attempt is a wrong one.

"The previous products of Wanying Company were indeed good. However, the young people took too big a step and came up with such a new thing. For the sake of data connection, the image quality and plot were all abandoned. I think there is no fun in it. I believe that its sales may not be as good as ordinary third-rate works. It would be good if it could sell 200,000 copies."

"Oh, so that's the case, then we at Sega don't have to be so anxious, but continue to study the products we want."

The assistant was relieved.

At the same time, some other game manufacturers were not very optimistic about this game.

On this day, Pokémon was officially released.

In Wanying Computer Store, there are promotional pictures of Pokémon everywhere.

On the posters, there are also exquisite pictures of representative elves in Pokémon: such as Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Psyduck, etc.

Each pet is cute and adorable.

I really want to take them home and raise them.

In the store, many young people and students also came to buy.

Originally, they thought that this game was no big deal.

However, when they obeyed and the game could be connected, they were completely shocked.

What the hell, what kind of operation is this?

In this era, you either go to the arcade to play games or play at home with the PS machine.

Everyone plays their own games, and there has never been any connection. The concept of a machine.

Now, someone tells them that the pets you have trained can be used to fight other players.

This makes it fun all of a sudden!

Unlike ordinary stand-alone games, which are gone after you complete the game

, the process of the Pokémon game itself is quite standard.

What is even more amazing is that the pets you have worked hard to catch and train are still useful after you complete the game!

It can be said that finishing this game is just the beginning.

Then you can upgrade these pets and use them to fight others.

Each time, you can have six pets in your hand to fight.

You can arrange the order, who goes first and who goes second.

There is control and output.

If the first pet dies, you can choose the next pet and put it on the field in a targeted manner.

This greatly increases the playability of the game.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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