Tseung Kwan O villa area.

Although the villas here are not as good as those in Repulse Bay, Victoria Peak and other super villas, they are still OK.

Chen Mei's villa has a swimming pool.

Close to the mountain, it is a three-room building.

"My wife is here. Fang Ting has a new movie. I heard it is very exciting. I bought one and we can watch it. It will be much more interesting.".

The prince put the disc into the DVD player.

Fang Ting's snow-white peak was revealed.

It kept shaking like a balloon filled with water.

The prince's wife was nearly 40 years old, well-maintained, a little fat, with a solid complexion, and looked like a domineering person.

However, she still listened to the prince.

The two of them watched together.

The two people in their 40s began to do dry exercises.

At this time, the messenger came to the door of the villa:"Open the door! Open the door!"

Chen Mei was reading a newspaper at the Huanghuali wood table in the hall.

At this time, the housekeeper came to report:"Master, Master, it's not good! People from O Ji and the Poison Investigation Department are here!"

Chen Mei heard that this was terrible.

Two departments came at the same time, is this going to be a big deal?

However, Chen Mei considered himself the leader of a society, and he felt that he had some strength.

So, he straightened his chest and walked to the door of the mansion.

Seeing that the people from the two departments had pushed the security guards aside and walked over here.

Chen Mei said angrily:"Why did you break into my house? Do you know that trespassing is a serious crime? I can sue you!"

"Sorry, we have a search warrant!"

Long Jiu took out an arrest warrant and said

"What? What did I do wrong? You want to arrest me?"

Chen 310mei asked in shock.

"It's not you, it's your son!"

Long Jiu pointed to the name on the arrest warrant and put it away. With a gesture, Long Jiu led his men to the second floor.

Chen Mei saw that the other party had an arrest warrant, so there was nothing she could do. She could only let the other party arrest people.

Otherwise, if she made any unusual movements, the other party might think that she was hindering the arrest and arrest her as well.

By then, there wouldn't be anyone outside trying to save people.

Long Jiu led his men to the second floor.

He heard the constant humming and ahhh sounds coming from Chen Zhichao's bedroom.

Long Jiu despised him in his heart. What time is it, and he is still in the mood to play this?

Long Jiu knocked on the door and said carelessly:"Hey, Chen Zhichao, we have reason to believe that you are trafficking drugs in a pirated DVD factory! You have the right to remain silent! But what you say may become evidence in court! Put on your clothes now! Come out!"

Long Jiu knocked carelessly.

Who knew that the door of Chen Zhichao and his partner was not locked.

With this knock, the door opened.

The scene of the battle between the two people inside was horrible.

The inexperienced girl blushed. She turned around and said,"Damn it, do you two still have any shame? Hurry up and put on your clothes and come out."

Chen Zhichao was also helpless.

Who knew that someone would break in when he was doing things?

He planned to finish the business quickly and then go out.

Who knew that the other party knocked on the door, and the door opened!

I am the victim, okay?

Chen Zhichao was so scared that he had a big shadow in his mind.

Chen Zhichao's wife was so scared that she screamed and hid behind the quilt.

Chen Zhichao had no choice but to put on his clothes, stretched out his hand, and was taken into the car.

"Don't be afraid, son. I'll get you out."

"Chen Mei, stop imagining things! Chen Zhichao has committed a serious crime this time, and he won't be able to get out for decades."

Long Jiu said solemnly

"Humph! I naturally have a way."

Chen Mei said angrily.

Chen Zhichao was not afraid either. After all, he knew that he had signed a contract with Wei Jixiang.

This place belonged to Wei Jixiang. He could just push all the things onto Wei Jixiang.

This time, he would lose tens of millions of goods at most.

After Chen Zhichao left, Chen Mei immediately sent someone to the factory to find the DVD company's share transfer contract.

To prove that this matter had nothing to do with Chen Zhichao.

Unfortunately, the lawyer couldn't find the document no matter how hard he looked.

In other words, it couldn't prove that the company belonged to Wei Jixiang.

It still belonged to the original factory owner, Chen Zhichao.

This made Chen Mei very anxious.

In the police detention center, Chen Zhichao waited for forty-eight hours, but didn't get any news from Chen Mei. He was sent to court on the third day.

The police had sufficient evidence.

The cause was that Lin Yixiang bought a disc and went home, and found white powder.

As a policeman, he sniffed it, It turned out to be white flour.

He immediately went to the CD store to inquire.

It turned out that the source of the goods came from Chen Zhichao's factory.

Therefore, Lin Yixiang installed cameras everywhere in Chen Zhichao's factory.

A lot of evidence was captured.

Now Chen Zhichao can't escape.

His only hope is to transfer the ownership of the DVD factory to Wei Jixiang.

He asked his father in court where the document was.

Chen Mei said he couldn't find it. He searched the safe thoroughly, but couldn't find the transfer document.

Chen Zhichao had no choice.

The amount of flour sold was too much. Fortunately, there is no death penalty in Hong Kong.

Otherwise, he would definitely be sentenced to death.

However, he was sentenced to sixty years. Let's see if he can live to see the day he is released from prison. Even if he makes it to prison, he will be an old guy who can't walk.

Chen Mei can't do anything about it.

However, he hates this policeman named Lin Yixiang.

"Humph! Damn it, it turns out that this guy named Lin Yixiang was behind all this! Just because someone bought a CD, he suspected that my factory was selling powder? He even installed surveillance cameras! Not only did he make me lose tens of millions of goods, but he also put my son in jail! This guy is too abominable!"

"Ah Bao, find a few people to make this Lin SIR die accidentally!"

After returning home, Chen Mei said angrily

"Brother Mei, isn't this too exaggerated? After all, he is a policeman, and a high-ranking governor!"

A Bao was shocked when he heard Chen Mei ordering him to kill Lin Yixiang.

"Senior governor? Isn't he just an ordinary policeman?"

Chen Mei asked doubtfully.

"He was originally an ordinary policeman, but now he has made great contributions and has been promoted to a senior governor. Killing a senior governor will cause a big stir among the police."

A Bao replied.

The crime of attacking the police is very serious in Hong Kong Island.

Killing a senior governor may cause a big action in the police station, and then, perhaps the whole Hongtai will be purged.

"Then just be secretive and don't let anyone catch you, isn't that enough?"

Chen Mei couldn't swallow this.

"Brother Mei, if that happens, it will cost a lot of money to find such high-end talents."

Abao reminded

"Okay, I don't care how much it costs, just help me find someone and I'll talk to him!"

Chen Mei ordered

"All right then! Brother Mei, I will notify you when I find the person."

After Ah Bao finished speaking, he went to find someone.

However, he had to find a top killer, otherwise if something happened, it would be difficult for him to get away from it.

All of this was heard by Lu Yun's crow.

Knowing that Chen Mei did not suspect him, Lu Yun was also very happy.

However, they actually wanted to kill Lin Yixiang, which was simply crazy.

Lin Yixiang had a certain role, and Lu Yun naturally did not want him to get into trouble.

So, he called Lin Yixiang.

"I understand, Brother Yun, thank you very much!"

Lin Yixiang said sincerely.

Chen Mei seemed determined to kill him.

If Brother Yun did not remind him in time, Chen Mei's assassin would probably succeed.

Now that he knew, Lin Yixiang would naturally think of a countermeasure.

Tseung Kwan O Golden Coast Nightclub is Chen Mei's nightclub.

"Brother Mei!"

"Brother Mei!"


Chen Mei walked in the nightclub, and the staff along the way greeted him when they saw him.

Chen Mei came to a booth and just sat down.

Immediately, a mama-san came over.

"Brother Mei, do you want the girls to drink with you?"

"All right! Call a few people over."

Chen Mei was in a very depressed mood and was just trying to relieve it.

These days, Ke Bao also helped Chen Mei contact some big circle boys.

In the 1970s, the Hong Kong Eagle Government implemented a resistance policy.

That is to say, as long as people successfully arrived in Hong Kong Island, they could obtain Hong Kong Island household registration.

All of a sudden, many people began to smuggle in.

And most people who smuggled in used tire rims.

Therefore, people in Hong Kong generally call them big circle boys.

Today, the resistance policy has long been cancelled.

Those who smuggled in rarely use big rims.

However, people in Hong Kong Island are still used to calling these smuggled people big circle boys.

The hometown of the big circle boys is not here, and most of them want to make a lot of money and then leave.

Therefore, they are very courageous,���Some people do things like robbing banks and fighting with policemen in the street.

However, more people do kidnapping, which is safer.

Ah Bao introduced some big circle boys to Chen Mei.

Chen Mei promised them that she would give them 10 million if they could deal with Lin Yixiang.

Faced with so much money temptation, those big circle boys were willing to accept it.

However, when they went to stake out, they found that Lin Yixiang was a policeman.

And there was always a group of bodyguards around him.

This made it difficult to deal with.

First of all, if the policeman got into trouble, other policemen would definitely conduct a large-scale pursuit throughout the city, and it would be difficult for them to escape.

Secondly, the other party had four bodyguards around him, so it was not difficult to succeed.

This was natural. Since Lin Yixiang knew that Chen Mei wanted to find someone to kill him, he deliberately always wore a military uniform on his body.

To show others that he was a policeman, so that others would not know if he was wearing plain clothes.

If he really took action, it would not be worth it.

Secondly, he found some bodyguards to follow him.

The success rate of the other party's actions was not high.

Finally, he did not go to those dark and remote corners.

The gangsters had no chance to take action.

This is also the reason why many gangsters gave up after scouting the area.

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