Chapter 22: The Lich Battle, Losing Both?


Chen Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and said to Houtu: “Look, the maid of the Wa imperial palace who claims to be Nuwa is here.”

Hou Tu was a little curious, who dared to impersonate Nuwa.

Chen Sheng said directly: “Come here directly.”

When Nuwa heard Chen Sheng calling her, she hesitated and went up the mountain.

Hou Tu originally thought it was as Chen Sheng said, that she was a maid from the Wa Palace.

So I was just a little curious, where did the little palace lady dare to pretend to be the Nuwa empress.

But the moment she saw the Nuwa models came, she was completely shocked!

Where is the little palace lady, isn’t it the Nuwa lady of the Wa Palace?

Hou Tu bounced directly from the stool and exclaimed: “Nuwa fellow daoist? How could it be you?”

Although the witch race and the monster race have been grudges for a long time, Nuwa has always ignored the affairs between the witch race and the monster race, so Hou Tu is not as disgusted with Nuwa as it is to the monster race.

Nuwa was also taken aback. Who would have thought that he could actually meet Hou Tu here?

It’s embarrassing now!

Nuwa just wanted to find a seam to get in, but when she looked at Chen Sheng, she gritted her teeth and said with a weird expression: “I am not Nuwa, you have admitted the wrong person.”

Houtu: …? ? ?

She is not Nuwa, then who is Nuwa?

What’s going on in this world?

Chen Sheng was very pleased to see Nuwa saying this.

Satisfied, he patted Nuwa on the shoulder, and then said: “Sister, that’s right, don’t pretend to be Sage, it’s going to happen, I’m doing this for your own good!”



Afterwards, Chen Sheng poured a cup of tea for Nuwa, and Nuwa said with a smile: “Come on, my sister can drink tea. Knowing the wrong thing can improve you! We don’t know each other.”

Nuwa was speechless, but she didn’t dare to say anything. Anyway, she was embarrassed and left home today!

Still drinking tea, what’s so good about the tea on the hillside?

She is Sage, she has never had any tea! ?

Although she murmured inwardly, Nuwa still sat down with Tsundere and took a sip in disdain.

Afterwards, Nuwa’s pupils quake directly!

She unexpectedly discovered that her understanding of the law has deepened a lot!

This tea contains the power of law!

As Sage, how can Nuwa know how difficult it is to cultivate the power of law?

But at this moment, she felt that the power of the law in her body had reached unprecedented abundance, and she had even begun to surging!

Nuwa stared at the cup of tea in front of him dumbfounded, and exclaimed: “This tea?!”

Houtu also drank it, this tea naturally knows what Nuwa has experienced!

She drank tea at the time, and the reaction was even greater than Nuwa.

So, she looked at Nuwa and said meaningfully: “This fellow daoist said, this kind of tea is only effective for low Cultivation Base.”

Nuwa:? ? ? ?

My Cultivation Base is low?


She Nuwa is Sage anyway!

In this predicament, the audience is admired, and one person is less than ten thousand!

Actually said she has a low Cultivation Base?

Nuwa is not convinced!

However, Nuwa only dared to protest inwardly.

Chen Sheng drank a sip of tea. He has been in this mountain for a long time. Although Sui people often come to chat with him, they don’t know much about the current situation.

Thinking of losing two little girls today, they asked a little curiously: “Now, where is the battle of the Lich?”

Hou Tu was taken aback for a moment, and after taking a look at Nuwa, he said to Chen Sheng: “The monsters deceived so much. Now the battle of the Lich is getting more intense.”

Nuwa was silent for a moment when she heard this. Although she is the demon emperor, she is also Sage now and will not intervene in the Lich War!

However, Nuwa was still very concerned about the Lich War.

Chen Shengneng exiled her into the long river of time, and was able to take out treasures like Nine Swords Stargrass to support the Human Race, and now he even invited them to drink the tea containing the power of law!

Presumably, he has a unique view of the Lich War.

Thinking of this, Nuwa hesitated for a moment before asking: “I don’t know if I have any opinions on the Lich War. Who can win the Lich War?”

Although Hou Tu felt a little weird, after all, the monster emperor of the monster race and the witch race of the witch race were chatting about the Lich War on a small broken mountain. It was incredible how they thought about it!

However, Hou Tu also wanted to know what Chen Sheng had on the Lich War.

When Nuwa asked, Chen Sheng was silent for a moment.

After the Dragon and the Han weighed the calamity, both the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan became the prehistoric overlords.

Therefore, the two clans began to compete for control of the world.

However, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi of the demon clan formed the Heaven Court, calling themselves the Heavenly Emperor, and wanting to dominate the heavens and the earth.

As a result, the friction between the two sides has become increasingly fierce.

Later, Gonggong and Zhu Rong, the two great ancestor witches, did not know why they both died because they fought in Zhoushan.

However, the ten sons and ten Golden Crows of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi ran out and wandered off together, causing all lives to be destroyed.

Kuafu, the great witch of the Witch clan, was very angry, so he was killed by ten Golden Crows day after day. The great witch Houyi was furious, and the magic arrow shot and killed nine Golden Crows.

This led to a more intense relationship between the two groups of Lich.

The Ten Great Ancestral Witches slayed on the Heaven Court and had a decisive battle with the monster race!

The Yaozu relies on ancient artifacts and the Universe star battle formation to guard, because the ten great ancestor witches are not enough, they cannot use the twelve capital gods to condense into the Pangu body.

In the end, the ancestor witch and the demon clan Da Na died together, and the demon master Kunpeng flees from the river map and Luo Shu!

The ancestor witch Hou Yuan felt that the witch clan was too heavy to kill and torture, and sooner or later Heavenly Dao would not tolerate it, so he turned into six ways to complement Samsara and fight for the witch clan’s first line of life.

After this battle, the strength of the Lich clan was wounded, the Witch clan retreated to the Underworld, and the Demon clan retreated to Luzhou. The two clans no longer have the strength to dominate the world, and the Human clan is in great excitement.

Speaking of this, Chen Sheng withdrew his thoughts, shook his head, and said with some emotion: “Both the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan have retreated. They are not the masters of the next era in the great wilderness.”

Nuwa and Hou Tu were both shocked on the spot, unable to recover for a long time.

Because whether it is the Wu Clan or the Demon Clan, in today’s prehistoric, that is the strongest and top-notch existence!

But Chen Sheng said that the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan had retreated, and that they were not the masters of the next era! ?

How could this be possible Nuwa and Houtu were a little skeptical.

Nuwa frowned, and asked in disbelief: “Witches and monsters are the overlords in the prehistoric, how could they…”

Chen Sheng glanced at Nuwa and Houtu like an idiot, and said to the two of them: “During the Dragon and Han calamity, is the Dragon tribe taking advantage, the Feng tribe taking advantage, or the Qilin tribe taking advantage?”

Nuwa was suddenly speechless, because these three clans were the overlords in the original prehistoric times.

But none of these three tribes took advantage of the Dragon and Han’s Tribulation!

Both Nuwa and Hou Tu were shocked, and at the same time they thought a lot?

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