Chapter 21 Shocked Hou Tu, Nuwa Visits

Hou Tu was a little displeased with this pompous fellow.

I was about to get up and leave, but I thought that I came here on my own initiative. It was a bit impolite to go like this, so I didn’t leave directly.

Although he did not leave directly, Hou Tu was somewhat impatient.

Chen Sheng didn’t notice Houtu’s expression, and pushed the cup of tea that had just been poured forward, and said to Houtu: “Taste, this tea tastes okay, but it doesn’t have the fragrance of spring.”

Out of courtesy, Hou Tu took a sip absent-mindedly when he picked up the teacup.

But at the moment when the tea was in, her whole body trembled, and her eyes were shocked!

“This tea!!”

Houtu only feels that his understanding of the law deepens in an instant, and many problems that he didn’t understand before have become easier at this moment!

This is incredible!

A cup of tea can deepen her comprehension of the law!

We must know that the law is very important to the prehistoric, there are three thousand great roads in the prehistoric, countless laws!

Before Daluo, cultivation relied on Spiritual Qi, but after Daluo, cultivation almost relied on the comprehension of the law!

Because of Xiantian’s flaws, the Wu Clan is not strong in understanding the law, but at this time Houtu actually feels a kind of enlightenment!

With this feeling, Houtu drank all the tea instantly.

The power of the law in Houtu’s body reached its peak at this moment, and the law qualifications were rippling in the body.

If someone observes carefully, he can even find that Houtu’s body is surrounded by laws!

And all the problems that Houtu encountered in the past seemed to be solved at this moment!

Chen Sheng saw that Hou Tu liked it, and said with a smile: “How about? Little Tu girl, my cup of tea is not bad, right?”

Houtu nodded in shock. She didn’t expect that a mere cup of tea could deepen her comprehension of the power of the law!

Chen Sheng smiled and shook his fan and continued: “I planted a tea tree in the place where I was cultivation. That tree absorbed the laws that escaped during my cultivation and had the ability to help people enlighten the Tao, but this effect was very small. It only works on some weak creatures.”

Houtu:? ? ?

As one of the twelve ancestral witches, Houtu is a descendant of Pangu!

She is the highest IQ among the twelve races, not to mention that she is already a quasi-sage Cultivation Base!

Is it weak in the predicament?

This tea is only effective for some weak creatures?

Houtu felt insulted!

At this time, Chen Sheng saw the power of the law surrounding Houtu, and thought that the little girl was indeed a little girl, and he couldn’t even understand the power of this law!

Afterwards, Chen Sheng raised his hand to help Houtu, smoothing out the power of those uncontrollable laws.

Although Hou Tu has a better understanding of the power of the law, once there is too much, it will be messy. Because the power of the law is too much, Hou Tu is also tired and sweating.

Chen Sheng made a move to smooth out the power of Houtu’s uncontrollable law, and immediately afterwards, Houtu actually deepened his sentiment!

Moreover, Houtu is light in both the brain and the body.

Houtu was shocked. She was already shocked by drinking tea, but Chen Sheng was able to smooth the law directly!

This method, I am afraid that only Sage can do it, right?

Thinking about it this way, Hou Tu was even more afraid for a while. Fortunately, he didn’t offend this senior just now!

Where is a big Luo?

He is clearly a hidden expert!

Later, Hou Tu remembered that before Chen Sheng mentioned Nuwa.

After some meditation, Hou Tu asked: “Senior has seen Empress Nuwa before?”

Chen Sheng shook his head, flattened his mouth and said, “Nuwa? What kind of person is she, Nuwa, she admits it herself, she is just a maid of the Wa Palace!”

Then, Chen Sheng continued to complain: “If she is Nuwa, why would she not be able to get out after being exiled by me into the long river of time? She was so scared to cry?”

He went inside without knowing it, but still couldn’t help but twitched his mouth.

At the same time.

In the Wa Palace, Nuwa was holding his head, his expression was a bit tired, his eyes were very melancholy, and his state was absent!

Since the last time Fuxi felt that Nuwa was wrong, he has stayed in the Wa Palace to observe Nuwa.

Seeing Nuwa’s absent-minded appearance this time, I feel that Nuwa is thinking of spring!

He wanted to see who it was, who won his Little Sister’s heart!

For him to be caught by Fuxi, he must be killed!

Fuxi frowned and asked, “Sister, what’s the matter with you?”

Nuwa looked at Fuxi. Of course she couldn’t tell Fuxi such a shameful thing, so she said, “Dage, I’m fine, so don’t worry about it.”

Although Nuwa said so, how could Fuxi believe it?

Then, Nuwa stalled Fuxi again and left directly.

Nuwa decided to go to Shouyang Mountain to find Chen Sheng again. She wanted to see how strong this Chen Sheng was!

Shouyang Mountain, on the hill of Chen Sheng.

Hou Tu said with some doubt: “Even Sage can’t go in and out of time at will, right?”

Chen Sheng smiled. This little girl is really a silly child. If Sage can’t even get in and out of the long river of time, then he’s a fart Sage?

Chen Sheng taught me painstakingly: “Little Tu girl, you still have to practice hard, you don’t understand this common sense. As long as you get to Daluo Realm, you can stand in the long river of time, let alone Sage Realm?”

common sense?

Houtu’s face was as ugly as he had eaten shit.

What the hell, Realm can stand in the long river of time! ?

You are a hermit, and you can’t bully me, right?

Hou Tu sighed and said to Chen Sheng, “Senior, you don’t want to make fun of me.”

Chen Sheng:? ? ?

What to make fun of? Is he serious?

Seeing Hou Tu’s unbelief, Chen Sheng sighed and said directly: “I am Realm, I can control the long river of time. If you don’t believe me, look at it!”

Immediately afterwards, Chen Sheng went directly in front of Houtu, pulling out the long river of time.

The monstrous power of time on the river of time directly shocked Houtu, not to mention that Houtu has not entered the river of time, just standing there and watching, he will be overwhelmed by the mighty power of time After that, Tu just stood there for a long time!

Chen Sheng understood that this was because the first time Hou Tu saw the Long River of Time, his mind was not fortified, and suddenly he was affected by the power of the Long River of Time.

Just give Houtu a certain amount of time and it will be fine.

After reacting, Houtu was shocked!

That is really a long river of time, and there are people who can summon a long river of time, which is really incredible!

Houtu was shocked in the same place directly, unable to recover for a long time!

At this moment, a cold female voice suddenly came from outside: “Fellow daoist, fellow daoist, Nuwa is visiting, please see me.”

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