Chapter 16 Visit Chen Sheng, breakthrough!

Nine Swords Stargrass Grass began to become unpredictable, and said profoundly: “But the real sword is not in my hand.”

Through Heavenly Dao: Huh?

I feel you are teasing me!

Where else can the sword be in your hands?

“There is no sword in the hand, and no sword in the heart, but the sword is everywhere. This is the highest Realm of kendo.”

“Sword! It seems intangible and tangible, but “being” is an obstacle and a kind of restraint. “Nothing” is the highest Realm of kendo. Only by surpassing “being” can you enter the Realm of no sword and no self.”

“That’s omnipotence and indestructiveness!”

Originally, the Heavenly Dao people still questioned the claim that there was no sword in their hands. After listening to the story of the Nine Swords Star Pattern Grass, they really froze on the spot and fell into an epiphany.

He has always been narrow-minded!

He thought that the ultimate of kendo was the omnipotent Sword intent. The real sword is that there is no sword, but swords are everywhere!

After reacting, the person from Heavenly Dao arched the cupped hands and said with shame: “Thank you, brother Dao for your guidance. I never thought that brother Dao’s kendo has reached this level. It really makes me ashamed.”

Nine Swords Stargrass did not take pride, but truthfully said: “The fellow daoist has been awarded. In fact, my kendo is not worth mentioning in front of my master. I have only been nurtured by my master for a few days, and I have learned some furs.”


And the owner?

Deva is stupid!

There is a master of this kind of kendo master?

That’s it?

This kind of comprehension of kendo, or is it furry?

The Heavenly Dao person reacted for a while, and said with some suspicion: “Master Dao, really so powerful?”

Nine Swords Stargrass glanced at Heavenly Dao like two fools, and then said of course: “The master has mastered the three thousand avenues and is proficient in all of them. Kendo is just one of them. With the master’s kendo, a single blow is enough. Destroy the prehistoric!”

Jiujian Xingwencao’s expression was very indifferent, as if he was talking about what to eat at night.

Hearing Jiujian Xingwencao said this, Heavenly Dao was shocked!

Does this world really have the power to master the Three Thousand Great Dao?

Wouldn’t it be superior to Sage?

Looking at the expression of Nine Swords Stargrass Grass, it didn’t seem to be a big talk, and the Heavenly Dao people were even more shocked!

If there is such a great power in the world, if you can ask for some advice, you will surely make rapid progress on the way of kendo!

Thinking of this, Tong Heavenly Dao hesitated for a moment, and said, “I don’t know where the senior is, can I visit one or two?”

Nine Swords Stargrass nodded, stretched out a leaf vein, pointed in the direction of Chen Shengshi, and said to Tongtian: “Immortal Cave of the Master Closed Door Training is in that direction, but if the Master sees you, it is not me. It can be controlled.”

The Heavenly Dao people got the position of Chen Sheng and looked happy, and quickly said goodbye to the Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass, “Then I won’t bother you, and I will come back later.”

Nine swords star pattern grass did not retain it either.

After the Heavenly Dao people bid farewell to the nine sword star pattern grass, they set off to the hill where Chen Sheng lived.

Almost in an instant, the Heavenly Dao person arrived.

Just looking at the beautiful hill in front of you, Heavenly Dao was blinded.

He really couldn’t see anything special about this hill, and even Spiritual Qi didn’t have the abundance of Human Territory, which made him really unable to see where it looked like a place where it could live.

Whether it is Hongjun’s Zixiao Palace or Nuwa’s Wa Palace, it is a magnificent existence!

Even Kunlun Mountain, where Sanqing lives, is also the top Feng Shui treasure in the prehistoric!

But this little broken mountain…

Is it too shabby?

At the same time, Chen Sheng was holding a piece of rag, and while wiping the broken sword in Immortal Cave, he muttered to himself: “In this predicament, the power of swordsmanship is Tongtian. Jie Tongtian almost used the Zhuxian Sword to reenact the Earth Fire Feng Shui!”

“Oh, it’s a pity that I have learned too much, I am not proficient in kendo, and I don’t know when I will reach that level.”

However, Chen Sheng didn’t know that the Heavenly Dao person was outside his Immortal Cave gate at this time, ready to visit him!

After hesitating many times, the Heavenly Dao people decided to visit Chen Sheng, after all, they came.

Just as he was about to visit Chen Sheng, a subtle Sword intent suddenly appeared, directly shaking the hearts of Heavenly Dao people!

The Heavenly Dao person was in a mess at the moment, he actually had a trace of instinctive fear!

Is this the master that Brother Jiujian Xingwen Cao Dao said?

Before coming, the Heavenly Dao people were still a little worried, but at this time they had already confirmed that Brother Jiu Jian Xing Wen Cao Dao did not say anything!

Although this sudden Sword intent is subtle, the sword rhyme contained in it is broad and profound, and extremely pure!

Not only did it disturb Heavenly Dao’s mood, but it also made his mind loose a little!

Even this Sword intent makes Heavenly Dao people feel like, as long as the Heavenly Dao people make any wrong actions, this Sword intent can kill him immediately!

Fortunately, the Heavenly Dao people didn’t feel any hostility from this Sword intent. It seemed that the senior was not hostile to him, which made him relieved.

The Lord Tongtian was shocked, and even his breathing was not smooth.

This is the peerless powerhouse!

The Heavenly Dao people were out of control, and their whole body was shaking with excitement!

However, senior’s Sword intent appeared, but senior did not say anything. It must be at Closed Door Training.

People in Heavenly Dao thought that since this was the case, they couldn’t bother seniors even more, so they decided to visit again next time.

Immediately afterwards, the Heavenly Dao person knelt on the ground and respectfully kowtowed three heads before saying to the air: “Senior Junior has been very disturbing this time, come visit again next time.”

Then Tongtian turned and left.

If this scene falls in the eyes of others, I don’t know how surprised it is. As one of the three Qing Daoist, he actually paid such a big gift to a small broken mountain, it is incredible!

After returning to Kunlun Mountain, because of the sense of that Sword intent on Chen Sheng’s hill, the people who passed Heavenly Dao directly Closed Door Training!

I don’t know how long it took.

The Sword intent where the Heavenly Dao people Closed Door Training is so monstrous, even the entire Kunlun Mountain began to shake!

The sky full of Sword intent directly shocked the entire prehistoric!

It was just two huge Sword intents competing in Shouyang Mountain, and now it is Kunlun Mountain Sword intent, which is really incredible!

Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun were quite surprised to feel the breakthrough of Tongtian.

The kendo of Heavenly Dao people has improved! ?

This monstrous Sword intent made them feel shocked!

Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy both knew that the Heavenly Dao people had studied kendo for many years, but they had been stuck in a dead end for a long time.

Therefore, seeing the Heavenly Dao people advancing in kendo, they were all quite surprised.

“Third brother, have you improved on Cultivation Base? Congratulations!” Yuanshi Tianzun stepped forward to congratulate him.

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