Chapter 15 Shouyang Mountain is not as good as a grass on the sword?

Soon, the Heavenly Dao people came to Shouyang Mountain from Kunlun Mountain.

Human races are bullied on weekdays. Where can such a big person come to visit?

This is the famous Daoist of Shangqing, who is quite prestigious and has a good reputation in the prehistoric times!

Therefore, the human race seemed flattered to the Heavenly Dao people being able to come.

Suiren was quite surprised when he saw Heavenly Dao appeared in Terran, and then enthusiastically stepped forward to greet him: “Shangqing Daoist, I didn’t expect you to come to my Terran. Please sit down and I’ll get the best. Here comes the tea.”

People from Heavenly Dao didn’t come here for tea, so they said directly and truthfully: “No, I’m here for that Sword intent. I wonder if I can meet that swordsman master?”

The Sui Ren clan was stunned, and he said that there is nothing wrong with the Heavenly Dao people.

It stands to reason that Heavenly Dao people condescended to come to the human race, and such a small request should also be met.


Master Jiujian Xingwencao said, don’t disturb him if it’s okay.

After hesitating for a moment, Suiren clan said to the Heavenly Dao person: “This…I can only ask for instructions.”

Master Tongtian was taken aback for a moment, and then hesitantly nodded and said: “Alright, you can go and pass it.”

The Lord Tongtian never wanted to come to the Human Race as his own status, but he even went to pass the word.

Sui Ren nodded, and led the Master Tongtian to the Immortal Cave of Nine Swords Stargrass.

“Master Nine Swords Stargrass, Daoist in Shangqing, would you like to see if you are free?”

Suiren arched his hands and asked respectfully.

The corners of Heavenly Dao’s mouth twitched?


ask to see?

Is this a visit at most, okay?

However, based on the fact that he was really curious about that Sword intent, the Heavenly Dao person didn’t talk too much, but there was already a hint of dissatisfaction in his heart. This person is so arrogant because of some kendo Cultivation Base?

The Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass actually felt it when the Heavenly Dao people came to Shouyang Mountain.

It just didn’t act if it saw the leader of Tongtian, there was no hostility.

I just didn’t expect this person to come to visit him! ?

The Nine Swords Star Pattern Herb is unwilling to meet the Heavenly Dao people, but he felt the Sword intent radiated by the Heavenly Dao people, and he thought for a while and said, “Come in.”

When the Heavenly Dao people heard the words of Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass, they were a little surprised.

I never thought of this grass, but I was born with spiritual wisdom!

However, after only a moment of stunner, the Heavenly Dao person returned to normal.

Immediately, the Heavenly Dao person stepped into the Immortal Cave.

In just an instant, he was locked by a fierce Sword Qi!

Sword intent so domineering!

The Heavenly Dao people sighed too late, and immediately released their Sword intent.

Compared with the domineering Sword intent of the Nine Swords Stargrass, the Sword intent of the Heavenly Dao people is faster and more aggressive!

After two different Sword intents collided, they exploded directly!

A scream of swords shattered the entire sky in an instant,

As well as the entire void has been swallowed up!

The whole Shouyang Mountain swayed amid the roar of Sword Qi, and the great creatures of Life on Sword Qi fled all around.

Those tall trees were also cut down by the ubiquitous Sword Qi!

Not only Shouyang Mountain, but even the entire prehistoric land was shocked by the Sword intent of these two people!

Some unidentified prehistoric creatures looked in the direction of Shouyang Mountain, wondering what happened to this human race.

Two Sword Qi, you start chasing me, one after another!

Slowly, the Master Tongtian took on a solemn look. After just a few moves, he has fallen into a disadvantage.

On the other hand, the Nine Swords Stargrass Grass was still very indifferent.

The people watching the drama also seemed to see the powerlessness of the Master Tongtian, and everyone was surprised!

“That grass’s comprehension of Sword intent is even above the super clear?”

“Where did that grass come from?”

“This… when did the human race have such great power?”

The great powers are even more amazing!

We must know that in this predicament, the swordsmanship of Heavenly Dao is recognized as the first, and at this moment, he is no match for a blade of grass. This is really shocking!

Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun can’t calm down either. If it is said that the grass hurt the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to the carelessness, then at this time, the Heavenly Dao is defeated, how to explain it?

Hongjun watched all this in full view, frowning secretly.

Although the Western Two Sages have the mentality of eating melons and watching dramas, they also understand that Human Race is no longer as bullying as it used to be.

Nuwa and Fuxi glanced at each other, their eyes filled with puzzlement.

Nuwa is puzzled, why is that grass so strong?

Fuxi was puzzled, did Nuwa fall in love with that grass?

Heaven Court, the whole monster clan was dumbfounded.

Dong Huang Taiyi felt a little fortunate, but fortunately he followed Di Jun’s suggestion.

Otherwise, he is not even sure if he can survive that fierce Sword intent!

After the two played against each other, the Heavenly Dao people were not only not annoyed, but with respectful cupped hands, they said to the Nine Sword Stargrass: “This Dao brother is so thorough in kendo, I am willing to go downhill.”

Heavenly Dao is very excited to be able to fight against such a master of kendo.

Over the years, he has always been recognized as the number one in kendo, and it is hard to find an opponent.

At this moment, being able to be better than him with someone, this makes Heavenly Dao people unable to help but admire!

The Suiren clan on the side was stunned by this scene!

Brother Dao?

Shangqing Tongtian is one of the Sanqing!

Although he has not yet been sanctified, he has received a ray of purple air. Sanctification is a matter of time!

But Nine Swords Stargrass senior not only won the Shangqing Daoist, but also let the Shangqing Daoist call him Dao brother! ?

This really surprised Sui Renshi!

Suiren secretly gave Jiu Jian Xing Wen Cao a thumbs up!

Grass god cow?

Although Nine Swords Stargrass is usually arrogant, he doesn’t dare to be too conceited when he sees Heavenly Dao.

After all, although Heavenly Dao’s understanding of swordsmanship is not as good as him, Sword intent is not as good as him, but the overall level is above him!

So the Nine Swords Stargrass immediately arched its cupped hands, and said, neither humble nor overbearing: “Fellow daoist is polite.”

When the Heavenly Dao person saw this, he couldn’t hide his excitement and asked for advice: “Brother Dao, this Sword intent really makes me admire, but I don’t know what my brother understands about kendo?”

People who pass Heavenly Dao usually can only research on their own. After finally seeing such an expert at this time, it is natural to ask for some advice!

After the Nine Swords Stargrass pondered for a moment, he replied: “The swordsman is a sharp weapon for killing and cutting. It is the ancestor of the king among the soldiers and the sacred soldier of the ancients. It is the most noble, and the gods and gods!”

The Lord Tongtian nodded, although he had never heard this before, but he was incomparably agree with it.

sword! Killing decisively, extremely fierce, worthy of the king of a hundred soldiers!

But Nine Swords Star Pattern Grass hadn’t finished speaking yet.

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