Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 825 Infinite Space and Time

At this time, there was no way to leave here in a hurry, so he took out the Infinite World directly, and compared the two together. As expected, he found that except for the river and space inside, everything else was exactly the same.

"Same shape, did I get the God-level Evolution Source?"

Jiang Zizai knew that the God-level Evolution Source was relatively common in the God Realm, and the God-level Evolution Source was the real standard. Every God-level Evolution Source was very rare. Last time, he claimed that the evolution failed and wasted the Infinite World, which caused so much regret and contempt.

Even Su Yanyu was disappointed with himself.

Just when he was happy, something incredible happened...

He didn't notice that the two evolution sources that were close together suddenly changed!

They actually formed a suction force between each other, which made them begin to merge together. The two completely overlapped. The crystal was still the same crystal, but the layers of space and the rivers connected from beginning to end actually overlapped completely.

At this time, what appeared in Jiang Zizai's hand was completely an evolution source!

"Two God-level evolution sources merged into one?" Jiang Zizai was dazed. He felt as if he had created some amazing creation.

He had seen the fusion of evolution sources before. The previous source symbol could fuse evolution sources, which was equivalent to fusing various evolution sources together.

But he didn't know whether it was directly fused through the source symbol.

"The infinite world is the power of space, so what power is the river?"

Jiang Zizai thought of the River of Time in the Taixu Universe Soul Refining Technique. Time is time, and the River of Time is the power of time. If the two can be fused together, doesn't it mean that this newly obtained square crystal evolution source is likely to be 'infinite time'?

Time and space are both very profound and terrifying powers. They are both considered supreme among the sources. They will only appear when they reach the ninth level of the source.

It is basically impossible for ordinary people to master the power of time and space. Perhaps the totem-granting power is the only way, but there are almost no evolution sources with the power of time and space in the world.

Among them, the space power of the infinite world is slightly more common.

He couldn't be sure what kind of power the river was, but he was a courageous person. Since he had encountered it, and since this place was a quiet place, and there was the Qingfeng Dragon Bird as the guardian, and the Demon Lord Cauldron as the body guard, since that was the case, he would try again to see if the totem could evolve!

The last time he failed to absorb the infinite world to evolve, he was quite depressed. This time he mustered up his courage and sat cross-legged on the ground. Before he put the new evolution source in contact with his natal totem, he was a little nervous, because he knew that the current evolution source must be very precious. If the evolution failed, he would really cry bitterly.

The failure of totem evolution is torture for ordinary people, especially the more precious evolution source.

When they came out, they knew that their evolution failed, and their disappointed faces, Jiang Zizai could not forget it.

But he couldn't control the success or failure of the totem evolution, and could only leave it to fate.

When the evolution source came into contact with the totem, and when the two began to melt, Jiang Zizai finally breathed a sigh of relief and fell into a coma.

This at least showed that the totem began to evolve, instead of the last time when the infinite world directly refused to let Jiang Zizai evolve.

Jiang Zizai didn't know why this was happening. Maybe it was waiting for a new evolution source to appear in the dark? This involved fate, which was also a profound power that could not be figured out at all.

Jiang Zizai felt like he was dreaming.

In the dream, he traveled through worlds and spaces.

In the dream, he drifted in an endless river, drifting for hundreds of years, thousands of years, endlessly.

The reason why the river had no end was because it was a complete cycle.

"So, time in this world has no beginning and no end at all. This is time!"

"Time is reincarnation. When you reach the so-called end, you are actually back to the beginning. Everything will start over again, just like the water in this river will never reach the end."

"I used to wonder where the earth universe began? Where will it flow to? Now I have the answer."

"If the earth universe begins at a point, an opportunity, will it eventually return to a point?"

"And everything in this earth universe is set in time. Will my birth and end also reincarnate countless times? Then my fate will always be the same, just like I am just a drop of water in this river, a speck of dust."

"In the earth universe, time has no end, no beginning and end. Everything always flows in a crystal and never extinguishes."

"This is indeed the power of time."

Jiang Zizai's dream kept shaking. He walked from space to time, and then from time to space.

The power of the totem was directly given to him. He didn't need to practice at all. He just needed to understand.

He suddenly saw his own natal sea, and he saw his natal totem, the black dragon. Under the new power, the black dragon was still growing. It seemed to have absorbed the sweet rain, and it grew very fast. The new power did not change its appearance, but it changed its temperament invisibly. Around his body, layers of space were flowing, and the breath of time was like a river, entwining around him. It had grown into a new existence.

Before, it was: Taiji Shimo Dragon Totem.

Now, it is: the Infinite Spacetime Holy Dragon Totem.

It is more powerful and more mysterious.

When Jiang Zizai stared at the Infinite Spacetime Holy Dragon, he gradually woke up and his consciousness returned to his body.

Regarding spacetime, countless good fortunes poured into his body, and new abilities merged into his flesh and blood instincts.

Such good fortunes made his source of destruction grow. The evolutionary source of the two fusions is definitely the top evolutionary source. The benefits brought by this are very huge. Jiang Zizai's realm also changed, from the fourth level of the initial god realm to the fifth level of the initial god realm!

The source of destruction grew again, and countless source forces surged. The divine power of the tenth level of the source seemed so extraordinary.

And now, the brand new totem, absolutely the god level, is even more extraordinary.

This totem directly gave Jiang Zizai the power of spacetime, which is his totem divine power.

At this time, an invisible blade appeared on his left and right hands, one was the space tremor, and the other was the flow of time.

He thought, with his talent now, could he be considered a talent in the Palace of the God King?

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