Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 824: Lair

He had no time to react at all. Even a large area above his head was filled with soul-eating ants. At this time, these endless soul-eating ants poured down like a waterfall. It was none other than Jiang Zizai, the one from the Blood God Camp. The boss can only run for his life at this time!

The key is that when he rushed out, he was the first to bear the brunt and was swallowed up by the ocean of soul-eating ants that crashed down. Then Jiang Zizai saw that hundreds of soul-eating ants were blasted into pieces every moment. The ancient god He rushed out with an angry roar and was swallowed up again. Perhaps knowing his power, the endless soul-eating ants surrounded him with thousands of layers inside and outside in a short period of time...

The number of soul-eating ants is truly suffocating. The absolute overlord of the Green Demon Realm is proving his authority with his cold will.

"I didn't expect that I would die here..." This way of death is a bit ridiculous. Even the ancient gods were swallowed up at this time. He had no chance of leaving here alive, so Jiang Zizai had actually made plans to die.

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → 𝑡𝑤𝑘𝑎𝑛.𝑐𝑜𝑚]

Just thinking that Lingdang was still waiting for him in the evolutionary world, as an old father, he couldn't help but want to burst into tears...

The next moment, he was swallowed up by the soul-eating ants.

"I don't want to die..."

It’s really hard to reconcile having finally reached the divine realm, and then it’s gone like this.

But the soul-eating ants will show no mercy.

But what Jiang Zizai never expected was that after those soul-eating ants swallowed him up, they didn't attack him?

He looked around blankly. The densely packed soul-eating ants were isolated from the outside of the Demon Lord Cauldron. The area of ​​the Demon Lord Cauldron was not large. The surrounding areas were full of soul-eating ants crawling around. But the key is that they It’s like he’s not looking at himself…

"Could it be that what they sense is the soul aura of their prey, and the soul auras of Qingfeng Longque and I are isolated by the Demon Lord Cauldron?"

This was Jiang Zizai's only guess after escaping from death, because he clearly felt that the soul-eating ants seemed to be unable to see him at all. They were waging war against the people who invaded their nests, and they were frighteningly fanatical. One by one, they came from Jiang Zizai's Demon Lord Cauldron. Climb over.

In order to verify his guess, he held the Qingfeng Dragon Bird in his hand and stretched out the range of the Demon Lord's cauldron. As soon as he stretched out, all the soul-eating ants around him looked over, became excited and manic, and rushed towards them crazily. Jiang With quick eyes and quick hands, Qingfeng Longque was pulled back. Even so, Qingfeng Longque was still trembling with fear.

Fortunately, they continued to be ignored after this.

"The Demon Lord Cauldron really saved my life several times." Jiang Zizai sighed with emotion.

He was surrounded by densely packed soul-eating ants. Now he could only hear the terrifying sounds of fighting not far away. It was probably that the ancient god was trapped at the bottom of the ocean of soul-eating ants and wanted to break out, but he kept killing so many. , new soul-eating ants will soon fill in.

It is said that Soul-eating ants rarely attack the ancient gods for fear of heavy losses, but when the ancient gods invade their nests and kill their compatriots, there is no possibility of the war ending.

"Poor guy." What Jiang Zizai was thinking was that he had to leave quickly while he was being attacked.

Helplessly, he was also swallowed up in this sea of ​​soul-eating ants. He couldn't see the north or south at all. Moreover, the Demon Lord Cauldron was being tossed around by the army of soul-eating ants. He had no idea where it would go. The ocean of ants still looked like a real ocean, giving him the feeling of driving a boat and drifting with the current.

This experience is really dumbfounding.

He was not out of danger yet, and Jiang Zizai didn't dare to relax. He had to go with the flow anyway, and he had a little control. At least he could still judge where the top was, and he was definitely right to go up.

He crawled and crawled, and everywhere there was a boiling ant colony.

"I don't know if the big boss can survive."

"With such a delay, Su Yuexi and the others must have saved the day."

"I am taking advantage of these grandsons. No, I have given them such a great kindness for no reason. I must make some compensation. This Su Yuexi has a prominent family, so I must not let her go."

After all, it was a life-saving grace. She had to make her lose everything to relieve her anger...

He hadn't even climbed out of the sea of ​​soul-eating ants, and he almost gave up. Suddenly he saw a bright light in front of him. He was overjoyed and quickly moved over there. He found that the closer he got to the bright light, the surrounding ants became smaller. There are fewer soul ants.

When he finally broke out of the sea of ​​soul-eating ants, he suddenly discovered that in front of him was just a cave in the mountain wall. He had not exited from here at all. When he looked back, he was still trapped in countless ant armies. When Zheng

Countless soul-eating ants have almost sealed this cave. To be honest, no one may have visited such a place for tens of thousands of years.

"By the way, that bright light just now..."

He quickly walked into the cave and found that the cave was not big. The light in the cave came entirely from a cubic crystal in the corner. This crystal was covered with dirt, and the light came out through the dirt.

"Baby?" Jiang Zizai felt blessed.

This is a place that has not been visited for countless years. It would not be surprising at all if a treasure buried by soul-eating ants appears here.

He quickly took the crystal in his hand. When he used the Purification Talisman to clean the dirt on the surface, the bright light illuminated the entire cave, turning it into daylight. Such daylight was very annoying to the Soul-Eating Ants, so all the nearby Soul-Eating Ants crawled out, leaving Jiang Zizai with some peace.

"This is..." Jiang Zizai took a closer look. There seemed to be a flowing river in the cube crystal. The river formed a circle, like a reincarnation. The water in it flowed in a clockwise direction and never stopped.

If Jiang Zizai guessed correctly, this should be an evolution source!

However, he just didn't know what kind of evolution source this was and what level it was.

But how come it appeared in the God's Domain? It should be a god-level evolution source. It was supposed to die, but suddenly it could still gain something. Jiang Zizai was of course happy.

"This is called surviving a great disaster, and there must be blessings in the future."

The ancients were really wise. They could summarize such meaningful words.

He thought this evolution source was very interesting. It was a divine object born from the earth, and it was always so mysterious.

This evolution source is a cubic crystal. Jiang Zizai took a closer look and found that it was somewhat similar to the "Infinite World" that he had obtained some time ago and refused to let himself evolve.

Infinite World is also a cubic crystal, transparent, and there seems to be layers of space inside, which has the power of space.

And in front of him is also a cubic alert, also transparent and shining, with a circular river inside.

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