[Host chooses 3, let the team pass the exam with full scores

, and get a reward visual sharing] [Visual sharing: control the other party, let them see the picture in front of them, and you can also control the other party's line of sight]

Sasuke felt a little familiar with this reward, and thought about it carefully, isn't this the ability of the slug?

It's just that he's just sharing it with someone.

But it's a really good ability, like making Naruto see what he's seeing at some point....

No, no, no, I can't think about it, he's not an LSP....

However, I still find it exciting...

"Sasuke, what's wrong with you?"

Naruto curiously came over and poked Sasuke in the arm as he finished receiving the number plate.

She seemed to feel a chill in her back just now, but Sasuke wouldn't hurt her, so why did she feel this way, it's so strange.

"No... I'll take the exam later, and so will Sakura..."

Sasuke raised his hand and rubbed Naruto's head twice, he couldn't say that he almost turned into an LSP just now, right?

Now that the number plate has been obtained, it is time for them to go to their place.


Naruto looked at again, a little confused, and went to the place in front of him and sat down.

It always felt strange about Sasuke, but she definitely listened to Sasuke.

As for Sakura, she had already attributed everything about Sasuke's anomaly to Naruto's reason.

When I sat down, the atmosphere in the entire examination room began to become tense.

The assistant examiners around him were all in place, and Morino Ibiki walked to the front of the podium, his eyes sweeping over the candidates in the room.


"It's the first time in the Shinobi exam, the written exam, and then I'll tell you the rules of the written exam..."

Turning his gaze around, Mori Noi Biki still talked about the things to pay attention to in this exam with a cold face.

It's very simple, each question is ten points, and one point will be deducted for one wrong question....

If the examiner finds out, the points will be deducted, and if the deduction is lost, the whole team will fail.

"Question 10 will start in 45 minutes..."

, the time was set, and Mori Naibi announced the start of the competition, while the two assistant examiners he had arranged for him were already answering these questions.

Because of the previous explanations, those whose brain circuits can turn a little bit know that this is a test of their ability to gather intelligence.

White-eyed trachoma, writing wheel eyes, insect puppy shadow imitation....

In short, all kinds of abilities came out for a while, and the blood inheritance and secret techniques of Konoha's new generation of shinobi made the examiners a little dazzled.

'Heart-to-heart technique!'

Ino stared at Sakura carefully for a while after locking onto Sakura, and then raised his hand to use the secret technique of the Yamanaka clan that turned his heart.

But this secret technique, which was supposed to be foolproof, failed directly after using it, and Ino lay on the table with a pale face, very suspicious of what was going on with Sakura's side.

At this time, Sakura was putting down the pen with a smile on her face, and she was excited that Sasuke helped her cheat, and by the way, she blocked Ino's heart.

Although she doesn't know why Sasuke's writing wheel eye has so many abilities, she has basically Xi it and will not make a fuss about it again.

What she cares about the most is Ino's heart-to-heart technique, she is not sure if her identity as a traverser will be discovered if she is controlled.

The secret technique of the mountain clan seems to have to be restrained, otherwise this will be the existence that poses the greatest threat to her.

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