"Naruto, you're here well... Morning..."

Inuzuka saw Naruto here, and wanted to say hello as he entered the door.

Halfway through the conversation, under the reminder of the trembling Akamaru, I found that the atmosphere here was a little too abnormal.

"It's you guys who came late..."

Naruto waved at Inuzuka, and then continued to hold Sasuke's arm with both hands, sticking to him just wouldn't leave.

Anyway, she just wants to keep these people away, and no one wants to worry about his people.

"Imps, you're having a great time, but have you forgotten what this place is!"

a roar interrupted Naruto's words, and the atmosphere tensed instantly.

There was too much communication on their side, and those candidates who were already nervous couldn't bear it.

Everyone came to the middle ninja exam with the feeling of possible death, but now these little ghosts in Konoha can still have such a good time.

"No, you can't, if you fight privately before the exam starts, you will be disqualified!" Yakushidou

walked out from the side with a pile of cards, smiled at Sakura, who was nervously staring at the wall, before walking towards Sasuke and Naruto.

He really doesn't understand, he has explained to those idiots, don't target Sasuke, don't let him bother Sasuke, and he didn't say that he can target Naruto, right?

Don't implicate everyone if he has a hole in his brain, now he doesn't want to reveal his identity!

"Cut, what are you, you can't say it..."

Unfortunately, this time his words were interrupted, and it was the person he couldn't go to the right person for the time being.


After a puff of smoke explodes, a group of Konoha ninjas appear at the door, led by Morino Biki, whose face is covered in scars.

"Give me all the silence, you bunch of shit!" Mori

Noibi has been observing from the sidelines, the original tension is good, but after these little ghosts come over, the tense atmosphere in the entire examination room is quickly distorted.

Sure enough, it's a group of difficult imps.,When I was at Hokage-sama's before.,I also heard that I should pay special attention to these little ghosts.。

However, in his place, these little ghosts, whether they are special or not, have to abide by the rules!

" "I've been waiting for a long time, I'm the chief examiner of the first exam of the final selection, Morino Ibiki!"

The next exam is the written exam.

"Why is it a written exam, it's so miserable, what I hate the most is the written exam..."

Naruto looked sad, although she had learned a lot Xi, she still didn't like this very much.

"It's so miserable, Sasuke, what now?"

Sakura was also full of bitterness, she knew that there was a written test, but she suddenly found that she had forgotten some of those knowledge points and couldn't remember it!

[The host begins to enter the first session of the Konoha Shinobi exam, the written exam, please choose: 1, the normal exam, as the original plot develops, 2, complete this exam in Naruto's way, 3, let the team pass the exam with full marks. There

are three options, although it is 2 that can be chosen, but Sasuke thinks about it for a while and determines that it is not the best option.

Full marks for the whole team, which should be the best, which means that he not only has to write it for Naruto, but also has to answer all the answers correctly for Sakura.

After all, this crossing cherry blossom doesn't really know these knowledge points.

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